Save the Last Dance 2
Save the Last Dance 2
PG-13 | 10 October 2006 (USA)
Save the Last Dance 2 Trailers

Sara joins Julliard in New York to fulfill her and her mother's dream of becoming the Prima ballerina of the school. She befriends her roommates, Zoe and Miles, who teach hip-hop classes. She has ballet classes with the rigid and famous Monique Delacroix that she idolizes - Monique requires full commitment, discipline and hard work from her students. When Miles, who is a composer, invites Sara to help him compose the music for the dance choreography Sara's passion for hip-hop is sparked and she also falls in love with Miles. When she is assigned to perform Giselle in an important event, she feels divided between the technique of the ballet and the creative work offered by Miles.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
speedolstar I did not enjoy this movie at all. It is one of the worst sequels ever made. All they did was alter the first movie slightly, take out some of the conflict, throw in some different actors...The fact that they found another actress to play the same character was already a huge disappointment. And this was before I even started the movie. Facts pop out randomly and characters that started out in the story just disappeared because of lame reasons.I did not find the 'big finale' very interesting, meaning I had to sit through an hour and a half of drama that I'd already seen in the first movie, just so I could see the poorly done finish.
Victoria Keenan Hi haven't yet seen Save the last dance two as i live in the UK and was wondering if anyone had an rough idea of when its going to be released over here in the cinemas? If anyone could comment me back then that would be great as i love save the last dance the first one.also if anyone had seen the film and have comments on it or opinions i would love to know what people think of it without giving it away about what actually happens!I'm still in shock they didn't get the original cast back,as i think it would be much easier to follow if it was but hey i'm sure it will be just as good but if anyone does have any comments on it please let me know
Heather Heistand I liked this movie just about as much as the first, if not more. I know it's odd to say that about a sequel, and a sequel going straight to DVD without it's original cast no less, but I really liked it. I thought it was a good movie about following your heart and finding your place and passion. Some people are saying that it has the same storyline as the original, but I didn't see that. I thought it was completely different. There are different people, different surroundings. Sara is already at Julliard in this one and she's in love with rap and hip-hop music at this point. How can you be more different than that? This movie talks about the love of dance whichever way your dreams take you.
Adam Williams for those of you who have seen it anyone notice how the film didn't actually go anywhere? it just sort of ......stopped. so there was a lot of lardy dardy dancing, which is to be expected. but thats it. The plot line sort of fizzles out. Runs very similar to the first one.So ballet isn't for her. whoop de do. Nothing comes of that woman she meets outside smoking a cigarette. "come see me if you want to talk about anything" does she... no! a better ending would be that woman sets Sarah up for some choreographing interviews for big hip hop dancers. or something anything but the ending that was on there. I say again Worst ending ever