R | 14 November 2014 (USA)
Wolves Trailers

The coming-of-age story of Cayden Richards. Forced to hit the road after the murder of his parents, Cayden wanders lost without purpose... Until he meets a certifiable lunatic named Wild Joe who sets him on a path to the ominous town of Lupine Ridge to hunt down the truths of his history. But in the end| who's really hunting whom?

GazerRise Fantastic!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
zoran_kamen I am quite amazed and pleased how many positive reviews this movie got, cause it was quite poorly received by critics in general. But often what critics write and what audience write do not match at all. I will not judge neither, but I am 100% movies and life in general could be enjoyed much more by not living in the head too much. So I can enjoy and have tremendous fun by many movies that are simply destroyed by top critics and this is one of them. Actin is simple, even horrible at some instances, but still..fun ! Critics said movie took itself too seriously..nope, critics took movie too seriously, I did not, so it was huge fun for me most of the time ! Wild Joe character was soo cool, he should had much more acting time and do more fighting, he looked so badass ! But best role was for sure alfa wolf male, Connor - leader of savage pack, powerful and charismatic werewolf everybody feared (with reason). Connor really is above all with his acting, still they made him little bit stupid looking, he have so much more potential which wasn't used by movie director at all ! I just knew Jason Momoa who played Connor Slaughter have so much more talent than it was used for movie, I just saw and felt huge power in him, for example I thought that his eyes were made so shinny for the movie, but he really do have so powerful eyes ! Today Momoa is known for playing Aquaman in DC EXtended Universe and he is currently on 4th place of popularity on popular movie site IMDb, yup he is top deal now and I just knew he have that potential, he is amazing !! Another thing, reviewers all the time mention this movie have low budget (18M), which is not low at all, you would me amazed how many Hollywood most popular and successful movies have lower budget than 10M, and movies with such budgets (if they succeed) bring most profit, cause they are made with couple milions and they bring profit of many milions, plus we are so spoiled nowadays, do you know first Alien was made for I think for no more than 2-3M, it was in 1980, but still, point is that if movie is well made, it can be amazing for less than 10m budget and it can suck totally for budgets beyond 50M$, yup that's the way it is ! One more thing, werewolfs in this movie looks just amazing, they are awesome !! Out
SnoopyStyle Cayden Richards (Lucas Till) is the high school star quarterback but he is struggling with some strange changes. After a couple of incidents including transformation, he decides to runaway. He finds out that he is adopted. He befriends Wild Joe who sends him to others at Lupine Ridge. Gail Timmins (Melanie Scrofano) is the drunken bartender. He is immediately attracted to her sister Angelina Timmins (Merritt Patterson). John Tollerman (Stephen McHattie) gives him a job at his farm. Connor (Jason Momoa) is the mysterious local gang leader.The first thing one notice is that the transformation is revealed early on and the movie doesn't enjoy showing it. It doesn't have fun with the usual werewolf transformation sequence. It's possible that they don't have the expertise or the budget to do it properly. There is a lot of werewolf makeup. Most of it is fair. This is a lower budget Canadian production and strictly a cable TV movie. Still, there are possible ways to make it work better. There is no imagination in the filmmaking and the story moves too slowly. There is nothing surprising and there isn't any tension. Instead of rushing through his origins story, they should have started Cayden on the road. His past can be shown in quick flashbacks. None of it is that compelling anyways. This is not any good.
kosmasp It's a pretty decent effort with maybe a bit of a surprising turn at some point during the story. Only if you watch it, without thinking too much and are open to the B-movie vibe this has. The acting is OK, if you consider what this is (comparisons with Twilight are not far off, of course, though I have no idea if the original idea was there before or if they just came up with it because of the YA thing that is exploding right now).Not literally exploding of course, but people wanting to watch fantasy stuff like that. And trying to include both genders interest can be tricky at times, but it walks that line nicely too. Don't expect too much (though it does contain a bit of violence that is above Twilight level and also McHattie, an actor who adds a lot of gravitas) and you'll be entertained enough, if you're into Lycans
gavin6942 A boy (Lucas Till) is trying to find out about his family history and stumbles upon a town of lycanthropes.Phil Brown, writing for Rue Morgue, calls this "an absolutely abysmal movie" and "a complete mess". He says this is "all stuff you've seen before and you've definitely seen it done better." Brown's only real positive comment is on the casting of Stephen McHattie, who he sees as something of a Canadian treasure.Brown is too harsh. There is plenty to dislike, true enough, including a very forced plot that seems like paint by numbers (and seems to rip off ideas from werewolf novel "Bitten" without credit). But it still has some great effects and some strong wolf action. And Jason Momoa, who is quickly becoming a rising star in genre films and television.