PG-13 | 09 April 2013 (USA)
Crush Trailers

A secret admirer's crush on a high school athlete takes a fatal turn.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
raphael_cristian Incredibly stupid movie. Terrible acting. Horrendous dialogue. This Lucas Till is in X-Men? How did this imbecile get a part in X-Men? Half of his time in this poor excuse of a movie he's topless. Unfortunately none of the girls are. Now that I'm looking at the poster of the movie, I realize that it is in itself a huge spoiler. These people are incredible idiots. If you are masochistic enough to want to watch this garbage don't look at the poster. It gives away the twist at the end. Which is a bit surprising, but it doesn't save this shite. The worst part is that teenagers nowadays do behave like these crap-for-brains. That's really frightening.
phd_travel From the subject matter and title you'd expect it to be formula and clichéd but it turned out to have quite an unexpected and interesting story. Plus the cast is good. Crystal Reed of Teen Wolf who I thought was too pretty to be the crusher is quite good at acting plain. Lucas Till of X Men First Class is well cast as the object of her affection.For this type of teen thriller the characters are not one dimensional. Good lesson about appearances and stereotypes, and not rushing to conclusions. Also that there are there are different degrees of crushes from harmless to not so. There is a twist that is actually a feel good twist about who is the that makes sense. There aren't any red herrings that are left unanswered and bug one after the movie. Liked the conclusion - things work out in a satisfying which is rare in this kind of thriller which usually is good only until the predictable twist. The directing is good to no silly shock tactics.Worth a watch it's better than some more widely released thrillers of this type.
WatchedAllMovies It's a who done it type of movie.Progress is slow in the first half of the movie. This is because the plot is thin and they have to fill up the movie with fluff.During the climax of the movie, I found myself yelling out instructions to the victim: "grab a weapon", "hit her again", etc.Why does all thriller or scary movie always have to have some stupid victims? I also don't like seeing "high school kids" played by actors that's ten years older.It is a low budget movie and is just as bad as some big budget Hollywood scary movies. It is easier to sit through the movie if you find something else to do at the same time, like playing simple computer game.
Pretty-Wycked-Designs I normally do not watch movies with this type of plot-line because I find the same old tired tropes used again and again. However, the director here made, in my opinion, a refreshing, touching, and realistic movie that gave fresh depth and character to the story.I was left guessing who the protagonist and antagonist were until the very end, and the ending was well acted, with realistic characters who acted the way I thought someone in their positions would, not the way an audience would be screaming at them not to.I highly recommend this movie to anyone looking for a suspense/thriller/romance/horror.