The Task
The Task
R | 28 January 2011 (USA)
The Task Trailers

Something diabolical is taking place on the set of "The Task" a new reality show in which players complete terrifying missions within the confines of an abandoned prison hoping to win a hefty cash prize. As six young students explore their new environment, malicious spirits make their presence known in the most gruesome ways imaginable, Unable to escape the labyrinthine prison, the contestants become unwitting pawns caught at the centre of a blood-soaked night of terror.

Wordiezett So much average
Lawbolisted Powerful
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Melissa Oaks Anybody feel like getting demon possessed today and damning their eternal soul to torment in the fire of hell? this is the movie for you. Have at it.
Claudio Carvalho Seven youngsters are abducted on the streets and brought to an abandoned prison in a van. They learn that they have been selected to participate in a reality show promoted by the ambitious TV producer Connie Salomon (Alexandra Staden). One of them gives up, but the gay Randall (Marc Pickering); the nerd Toni (Amara Karan); the blonde Shoe (Ashley Mulheron); the strong Dixon (Texas Battle); and the siblings Stanton (Tom Payne) and Angel (Antonia Campbell-Hughes) accept the invitation expecting to receive US$ 20,000.00 each.The six contestants also learn that the former warden had killed eighty-five inmates many years ago, and they are assigned to accomplish with tasks that explore the fear of each one of them that they had confessed in the interview. However, the warden attacks them along the night. Connie is following the contestants through the cameras and feels that something is wrong; but her team believes that the warden is a joke from the senior management of the show. Is it?"The Task" is a horror film with a good acting but a silly screenplay, with an unbelievable plot point. The idea of the warden attacking the contestants is OK, but the first twist with Connie lured is not convincing. After this scene, the conclusion is totally predictable. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): "Reality da Morte" ("Reality of the Death")
dead_dewd The kind of film that makes you reel in horror after watching it because you could have been doing something better with your inane life, like punching yourself in the balls.I can't believe that this film actually got through my eyeballs to my brain without my body throwing up.Bad cast, bad script, bad plot, bad dog.Should be advertised with the warning of 'slightly less mildly perilous than "Finding Nemo"'Don't watch this unless you're on Mescaline. And there is a goat writing alternative subtitles for you.I'd probably only watch it again if you paid me, five English pounds.I'm a cheap date.
bstewart80 LOVED THE IDEA! Yes I know its been done before, but as a horror fan I live in hope a movie will deliver the jumps and scares like they used to when I was growing up in the 80's! This movie is without a doubt the worst 'attempted' horror I have seen in a long time. The acting is wooden, and thats being polite, the 'jump' factor is nil, and the general gore and story line? NON EXISTENT. Horror fans will love the idea of it, but believe me u will be disappointed. I am amazed that someone made this, looked back on it and though "Wow what a great horror film." Like many horror fans it takes a lot nowadays to scare people, this film wouldn't scare my 7 year old nephew.