R | 05 October 2013 (USA)
Scarecrow Trailers

For generations, it was an urban legend that lived in the nightmares of children. Now, the season to rejuvenate the tale will revive a town's darkest fears. With the Scarecrow Festival on the horizon, school teacher Aaron Harris is doling out punishment for six students serving detention. Their task: help Aaron's girlfriend Amanda fix her family farm before it's sold. But the cornfields circling the farm come with a legend and Tyler takes macabre delight in recounting the tale: It never sleeps, it never dies, it can't be stopped, hear their cries.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
FlashCallahan With the Scarecrow Festival on the horizon, teacher Aaron Harris is giving out punishment for six students serving detention.Their task is to help Aaron's ex-girlfriend Kristen fix her family farm before it's sold. But the cornfields circling the farm come with a legend that never sleeps, never dies, can't be stopped, and hear their cries. When the students play a terrifying game of cat and mouse in the cornfield with what they think is a wild animal, Kristen tries to convince them that the Scarecrow is very real, and rejuvenated by the blood of its prey.......Apart from the not too bad CG of the titular creature, this is nothing more than a cheap knock off of Jeepers Creepers one and two.We have the obligatory biggish name actress in the form of 'megastar' Lacey Chabert, and the bloke who was in the straight to DVD sequels to Cruel Intentions, and The Skulls. We are talking high profile here...Add you stereotypical bunch of high school students, and you have a recipe for a film that sounds good on paper, but the finished product is just a waste of time for everyone involved.All of the cast try to do their best with the poor script, and the reasoning behind the shape shifting of the Scarecrow is never fully explained. So we get nothing more than silly kids running around into dark places, thinking they can kill something supernatural by stabbing and shooting it. Have they never seen a low budget horror film before?Of course they haven't, They are in a horror film, which is meta.And meta rhymes with better, which the writers must do next time...
Theo Robertson Two horny teenagers go in to a barn for some you know what . The horny female falls from a ladder which causes a deep cut and this causes a scarecrow to come to life and embark on a purge against horny teenagersStop laughing because that premise is exactly as I described it . As you might expect it's yet another teenagers in peril from a violent blood thirsty monster where sex equates with being killed by the said blood thirsty monster " Hey Theo I think I might have seen this type of movie before . Tell me what's different about it " Not much except it's got a killer scarecrow in it . I did think perhaps it was going to totally rip off JEEPERS CREEPERS 2 but lets face it plagiarising a film by Victor Salva isn't a good marketing ploy so the film does go its own way slightly even though it remains painfully generic . The eponymous Scarecrow itself is very scary looking and the director tries to make use of sound effects but it fails to gain an extra mark due to being too obviously CGI created In summary SCARECROW only appeals to horror junkies
Wuchak Released to Syfy during Halloween, 2013, "Scarecrow" chronicles events at a supposedly haunted farm where a school detention group goes to do some work. A scary-looking creature appears and starts picking them off one-by-one.There are some similarities to the hallowed "Night of the Living Dead" (1968) in that the group takes refuge in a farm house but, unlike that film, they don't spend the entire story there. The creature pursues them to other environments.Why do I rate "Scarecrow" as high as I do? For one, the filmmakers and actors take the material seriously and so the film never devolves into parody or camp. As such, the viewer is able to take it seriously. Secondly, the CGI monster is excellent. It's scary-looking and changes shape constantly while remaining the same basic appearance.Thirdly, the film features a quality cast of women. There are no less than FIVE, all stunning or near-stunning in their own unique way, starting with the blond (Lanie McAuley) in the teaser. From there we get four petite brunettes, beginning with the curvaceous delinquent played by Julia Maxwell, whose role is way too brief, followed by Nicole Muñoz, Lacey Chabert and Brittney Wilson. Lacey emerges as the film's protagonist while Brittney becomes the quasi-antagonist. Lastly, the Vancouver-area locations are effective for this type of film, particularly the superlative "ship graveyard" in the final act.The film runs 86 minutes.GRADE: B+/A- CRITICS' QUESTIONS ANSWERED (***SPOILER ALERT***) If the farm is abandoned who planted all the corn? Kristen obviously rented out the land to the neighboring farmer in order to pay the property taxes. Why is the nerd in detention to start with? Because nerdy misfits sometimes get detention too. Why does the creature show five claws/fingers? Because it has five claws/fingers. Why does the scarecrow monster look more like a burnt-to-crisp spider than a scarecrow? Because it's not a scarecrow, but rather some kind of demonic creature; the locals simply dubbed it the "Scarecrow" a hundred years earlier and the name stuck.Why are the bales of hay conveniently placed like steps? Obviously to make it convenient to climb to the second story door of the barn. Why does the cop car start and not the truck? Because there was nothing wrong with it; the owner of the old truck, however, said that it had a problem overheating. Why did the driver of the cop car swerve when the thing appeared on the road and not run it over? It was a split second decision and the sudden appearance of the creature shocked him; besides, it's clear that running the monster over wouldn't have harmed it.Why does the ex-boyfriend bravely roll under the vehicle and set it on fire with the creature there with him? He was already mortally wounded and, since he was going to die anyway, he wanted to (try to) take the monster out with his brave final act. Why is the girl ground-up by the farm machine and not the scarecrow? It was repeatedly stated throughout the movie that the creature couldn't die; or, at least, people didn't THINK it could die. Besides, the creature obviously doesn't have a concrete physical form and is probably more spiritual than physical in nature; thus the machine couldn't harm it.What are the limitations of the creature, as far as time of day when it appears or how far it can travel from the farm? It's obviously some kind of territorial demon attached to the farm & the town and seeks out the Miller family as prey, plus anyone that gets in the way; it's never disclosed how far it can travel from the farm or town, but the ship graveyard didn't seem too distant, maybe 5-7 miles. How did the ship explode without a spark? She broke the line by the tank and then made sparks with the ax, which caught the gasoline (or whatever) on the floor on fire, which spread to the tank within a minute or so and thus the ship blew.
skyme THE GOOD: This is a great-looking film. The cool creepy farm house, vast fields of corn, the huge strange barn, & the unexpected ending. Great lighting & moody, alluring photography - most of the shots look great.You might think that the kids will be stuck in the farm house for the whole film, but they aren't, which helps keep the film moving and unpredictable in a sense.The acting isn't too bad, although Sheldon Wilson's direction of the acting can fail (like Aaron oddly laying in the bathroom after an attack, when he would have gotten up more quickly). Robin Dunne "Aaron" is good here & a solid actor, too, but the writing for his character was always way serious and one-note. Britteny Wilson ("Beth")'s character takes an unexpected turn, and the boiling Wilson is by far the most interesting, intense performer who BLOWS AWAY the more seasoned Lacey Chabert.A few gory shots can be intense, like the discovery of the first girl's death - little kids should not watch this. Some of the creepy scenes between victims and the scarecrow are scary. And it should be noted that if you get to hear this through a home theater in surround sound, the swirling audio sounds pretty awesome.THE BAD: The guy from the first young couple said that his friends come to the property's barn lots of times -and he knew right where to go...and the scarecrow never killed his buddies? The terrorized kids could have departed in Kristin's car (unless I missed something). Why didn't the scarecrow kill others during the prior Halloween party events held on the property? The scarecrow's CGI is...well, it's inventive, supernatural and creepy to a degree, but its movements are so smooth, that it often looks computer generated. For the record, parts of the scarecrow interaction looked real. One wonders that instead, if the scarecrow had been played by a human in costume, if it would have felt more threatening and nightmarish with more realistic interaction.Participants exclaim that to kill the scarecrow, it must be buried. Two problems: 1) the scarecrow repeatedly attacks coming up from under the ground, defeating that theory. 2) by the end it doesn't get buried. Some of the reviews said the film was a little like "Jeepers Creepers" and that is kind of true. "Scarecrow" could have been better, but isn't a total loss. It's obvious this film was a lot of work and they try to keep the action fairly constant. Clarification to reviewer "SanteeFats" Why does the cop car work and not the truck? The guy ("Eddie" I think) arrived with the truck barely running, and said that the truck constantly overheats.The film generally looks terrific with a strong production, but don't expect an air-tight plot, & it could have used more levity in places. As some of the other user reviews note, some people might like the film, and some might not.