Albino Farm
Albino Farm
R | 09 September 2009 (USA)
Albino Farm Trailers

College students exploring the Ozark Mountains for a school assignment, stumble upon a group of scary, redneck cave-dwellers.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Michael Ledo We have all seen horror movies of similar plots from Texas Chainsaw to 2001 Maniacs. This one was done better than most. First I would like to give kudos to Scott Rockenfield who provided us with an exceptionally great and original soundtrack of both rock and blues.I would also say that the supporting cast outside of the 4 main characters did an excellent job, especially the guy with the twitch. Now as for the plot...Could we leave out the "we didn't pack a spare tire for the beer cooler" routine? It doesn't work. Instead make the spare tire flat. It accomplishes the same thing without making everyone look stupid.So how is it the gas station run by a blind guy had the exact same tire and rim, already inflated and balanced sitting out behind country service station? The slasher part needed to be better. A little Rob Zombie type action would have fit in at this point
michaelasiclari I saw Albino Farm on cable late last night, and was pleasantly surprised. Four college kids in search of a local legend, which turns out to be the Albino Farm. Also known as Wrong Turn 4, this film featured the usual cannibalistic killings, and something else that is not the usual; some very fine acting performances. Most notably, an impressive turn by wrestling star Chris Jericho. While not his usual handsome self, his performance added a chilling component to the films otherwise predictable plot line. The film did have some interesting murder sequences, as well as the clever use of a particular Bible passage that helped the four main characters solve the mystery of the Albino Farm. Tammin Sursock also gives a credible performance as the main heroine of this shocker. Not bad for a straight to video feature!
chaosbaron Picking this film up you most likely were seeking out a B-horror film such as myself. After reading the back of the case I quickly realized that this film was in the "torture" genre which I do not favor but moved into the movie with optimism. The movie takes a slow approach, building atmosphere with bizarre images, run-ins with the locals, and even takes a stab at a little bit of character development. The gore does not actually begin until a good 40 minutes into the film, which some may consider bad and some good based on their opinion. Even after the gore began I still enjoyed the movie as it did not entirely abandon its atmosphere for blood and guts gross out scenes as many do. This isn't to say there are not some nasty scenes. I was also surprised to not see a single rape or sex scene which is another overly used piece in gore films today, although their are three brief moments of nudity.The acting and script was impressively tolerable, even believable at times.The characters are as you would expect, extremely typical horror cast of teens, the macho douche, the smart girl, the dumb girl, and the innocent guy. These character arche types can all feel a bit forced. The scenery and towns folk were well set up to fit the eerie desolate atmosphere.Overall I was pretty impressed with the films quality and kept me entertained the whole way through. You can still expect the usual tripping when the chase scenes begin and the seemingly suicidal stupid decisions as with any B-horror or horror film in general but otherwise this was pretty decent, entertaining, kinda fun. 6/10 overall for Albino Farm from me. Hopefully from this you can make your own decision if it is worth a watch.
dbborroughs Okay boys and girls I want you to fill in the blanks: Group of college students go out to Albino Farm where terrible things are said to have happened to see what the real deal is. What they get there "blank" happens. If you said terrible things you get a point. If you said terrible things to the audience you get five points and a lollipop. You've been there, you've done that and this is yet another film about crazies on the loose in the wilds somewhere. Its a not bad as such but its so incredibly by the numbers you'll be wondering why you're watching it when there are so many better variations out there. If I were you I'd skip it and find something else to watch.