I Know Who Killed Me
I Know Who Killed Me
R | 27 July 2007 (USA)
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An idyllic small town is rocked when Aubrey Fleming, a bright and promising young woman, is abducted and tortured by a sadistic serial killer. When she manages to escape, the traumatized girl who regains consciousness in the hospital insists that she is not who they think she is and that the real Aubrey Fleming is still in mortal danger.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
sarahdekoning861 I know a lot of people hated this. But I, maybe unfortunately, enjoyed it.. Let me explain. Even though Lindsey Lohan was not a good choice to be the main protagonist in this film, she did do a job at portraying the 'sexy' parts as a stripper. I think someone like Saoirse Ronan would've done a better job (it did remind me a bit of the Lovely Bones), it still portrayed what the producer wanted to potray. The problem is, in my opinion, that the writer meant to say something different. The metaphors and symbolism are more simplistic than one might think. I liked the 'red vs blue' theme and I think this film would've, (or could've) been fantastic. That is why I am giving it an 8. I should give it a 6, because other than the 'thought of it being a good plot' it sucked, but I like having an open mind.
cmovies-99674 PROS: There are shreds of moments when the acting is good, but those moments are far and in between. Overall, there is simply just no pros.CONS: No fear, no purpose. There was no tension built up in the film at all. The opening scene and the end scene are the only times when the director even bothered to add some fear. That's it. For about an hour you are kept sitting in front of a screen absolutely clueless to what is happening. The plot is so magnificently pointless as well. I'll try explain, but it's going to be hard. A girl who is supposedly supposed to have a twin gets tortured until the twin gets hurt??? The connections made between characters in this film are quite simply non existent. All depth that characters are supposed to have has vanished, because each and every person in the story added no relevance to the film, and no detail or substance to the plot. Which yet again is a reason the movie failed. The final thing is the ending. Like what! How could anyone think this film was good with an ending like that. The resolution is so worthless to the story that it might as well not even be there.www.chorror.com
senechs Someone handed me the DVD for "I know Who Killed Me" and told me to watch it. He told me it isn't really that bad.So I did. There are some standout performances. Julia Ormond is fantastic. I actually didn't find Lindsay Lohan too bad. It wasn't her best performance, but you can see that she has researched her role. She just wasn't given very much to work with. The script is very weak. It appears to be trying to mimic the success of The Omen, with babies being purchased to fool mothers whose newborns have died. There are random shots of owls and the full moon. The attitude seems to be, "I saw this in a different horror movie once, so I guess it's okay." Many shots also linger far too long on their subject, making the film very awkward to watch. It's also repetitive. I remember thinking, why are we back here? Didn't we see this exact same violent scene five minutes ago? It seemed as though the audience was supposed to receive some sort of satisfaction for watching Lindsay Lohan suffer. Elements of foreshadowing are so highlighted that it becomes obvious that they will be of significance later. This film has no concept of subtle. Also, I won't give away who the killer is, but I emitted an audible groan when Lindsay figured who it was. Scooby and the gang may have been excited to catch this criminal, but it wasn't worth of a Hollywood movie plot.All in all, I feel like Lindsay shouldn't have received the brunt of the bad press for this. She gave a competent performance. She just did so in a stinker.
Abii120 ****Will contain spoilers****My friend told me to watch this as I love LeLo a lot. Everyone over reacts about this film there were good points about it like the plot twist and how they set it up also the death of her father. It was just slightly disappointing and had you thinking why for example the colour blue used all the time I had to Google why also the ending was very bad. watch the film give it a go just don't go in thinking that it is the best LeLo film you will ever see. Well known actors in this film and couldn't stop thinking about them like Dave from desperate housewives.