Child's Play 3
Child's Play 3
R | 30 August 1991 (USA)
Child's Play 3 Trailers

Eight years after seemingly destroying the killer doll, teen Andy Barclay is placed in a military school, and the spirit of Chucky returns to renew his quest and seek vengeance after being recreated from a mass of melted plastic.

Supelice Dreadfully Boring
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
swilliky The Child's Play trilogy tops out with a new setting and an old er protagonist. After the events of the first two films, the toy company that produces the Good Guy doll is trying to make a financial recovery and they can't do that without their best selling product, despite the terrible press. The same plastic that consisted of Chucky was melted down and used to make the new dolls. Chucky (Brad Dourif) wakes up in the highrise apartment of the toy company executive Sullivan (Peter Haskell) and uses the surrounding toys including marble and a yo-yo to trip and strangle the old man. Chucky looks up the whereabouts of his one ticket out of being a doll, Andy Barclay (Justin Whalin). Andy has been shipped out to military school where he is roommates with a nerd Whitehurst (Dean Jacobson) and is bullied by the drill leader Shelton (Travis Fine).Chucky sends himself in a package to the school where he is intercepted from delivery by a young boy Tyler (Jeremy Sylvers). Chucky tries to take the boys soul but the ceremony is interrupted by Colonel Cochrane (Dakin Matthews) who throws the doll away. Chucky smashes the garbage man in the dumpster and sneaks into Andy's room. Andy tries to smash Chucky but Shelton walks in and takes the doll back to his room. Andy sneaks into Shelton's room that night to find Chucky but the doll is missing along with a knife. Shelton exacts punishment on all the cadets making Andy a pariah. Tyler plays hide-and-seek with the knife-wielding Chucky but they are discovered by De Silva (Perrey Reeves) and her friend. They put lipstick on Chucky which enrages the demented children's toy. Check out more of this review and others at
D Rahul Raj Jsd It's the 2nd of October 2017, and tonight's feature is the third installment of The Child's Play series, where Chucky (voiced by the one and only legendary Brad Dourif) is brought back to life after eight long years. Chucky finds out that Andy Barclay (played by Justin Whalin) is now a 16-year-old and has been sent to a military school. Also starring Perrey Reeves, Jeremy Sylvers, Andrew Robinson and Travis Fine. An excellent and dark chapter in the franchise, with Chucky slashing his way, from a military school, to a haunted house at a Carnival in the middle of nowhere, and it's filled with frights and fun. This was my very first chapter in the series at the age of 10 or 11. And I was terrified to sleep with the lights out. Hahaha... great memories.
MaximumMadness Whelp! At least they tried... I guess.Yeah, unfortunately after a pretty stellar original and an uncommonly strong first follow-up, the "Child's Play" series started it's third go-around with not so much as a skip-and-a-hop... but more of a stumble and splat. Suffering a wildly rushed production period and an admittedly strained and stressed series creator forced to lop together a script in record-time, "Child's Play 3" is one of those sequels that just never quite comes together and never really seems to know where it's going. It tries to be a decent sequel... I will give it credit there. But it's trying despite the fact there's just no energy or motivation to support its attempts at delivering a satisfying follow-up.We begin a handful of years after the climactic and apocalyptic finale of "Child's Play 2", as the Good Guys doll factory is re- opened and Chucky (voiced by Brad Dourif) is inadvertently brought back to life. Once again seeking to swap his soul into nemesis Andy Barklay (now played by Justin Whalin), Chucky follows him to his new home in a Military Academy. However, realizing that his new body will allow him to bend the rules of his voodoo curse and find a new human subject to take hold of, Chucky sets his sights on Tyler (Jeremy Sylvers), who has befriended Andy. And so, Andy must try and protect his young friend with the help of the beautiful Kristin (Perrey Reeves) and his other new friend Harold Whitehurst. (Dean Jacobson)Series creator Don Mancini once again writes the script, and he has been pretty candid on the failings of the film. Universal, knowing the cash-cow that the franchise had the potential to be, pushed Mancini and the other creative minds behind the series to turn around and creature a third film in a pretty unheard-of amount of time- just nine months after the last outing. And of course this studio-logic backfired on a grand scale, as the film seems far more scattershot and unfocused as a result of such a rushed production. It introduces new ideas and a few fun high-concept set-pieces... but fails to utilize or even properly establish them much of the time. It throws in some really fascinating scenes of humor and horror that function well enough on their own... but never quite come together as a cohesive story on the whole. And it brings up a lot of fun, archetypal characters... but never quite allows you to connect with them beyond a few short scenes here and there. While I do think that Mancini did an admirable job with the amount of time he had, you just can't help but notice how much it doesn't work.Though to be fair, I must give credit where it is due. And a big part of what does work is thanks to the cast. Whalin makes for a compelling replacement as Barklay, now older and suffering the tragic effects of his childhood traumas. Whalin actually feels quite organic in the role, even if he isn't the world's greatest actor, and you could definitely see the child from the first two growing up into him. Dourif as always is a joy to behold in what has now become perhaps his most iconic role. I really appreciated that they give him a bit more range here to stretch his chops thanks to a handful of genuinely comedic moments. Sylvers makes for a very fun and fairly compelling child-actor, and he's probably the best in the entire series, making Tyler endlessly likable even when he can occasionally come across as a bit bratty like most kids. Perrey Reeves is absolutely adorable as Andy's new love-interest and also comes across as more than just a damsel in distress- something the series has been quite good at avoiding through most of it's thus-far six chapters. And even for his limited time, Dean Jacobson is a lot of fun as Andy's sort-of new best friend who gets dragged along for the ride.I also must give credit for director Jack Bender's solid visual choices. Now known mostly for his work on popular TV-franchises such as "Lost" and "Game of Thrones", Bender has a keen visual eye and really lends his talents to making the few strong and stand-out scenes work. Particularly admirable is the wickedly entertaining climax taking place in a nearby carnival. While it never quite reaches the depraved brilliance of part two's doll-factory finale, this film nonetheless crafts a fiendish and wicked setting for the final showdown.Still, it all comes back to that rushed production and rushed script. Strong performances and solid sequences are key... but when they just don't come together, it doesn't matter. Say what you will about other entries in the franchise, to me, this is probably the "Child's Play" series at its weakest. For all the fan complaints about it, even "Seed of Chucky" was at least a far more ambitious and cohesive experience. "Child's Play 3"? It's just a dull repetition of what came before.Perhaps appropriate in some perverse way, I give "Child's Play 3" a sub-par 3 out of 10. At least the previous sequel and it's self- aware follow-up in "Bride of Chucky" more than make up for its failings.
Realrockerhalloween Child's play 3 wasn't the best way to go by setting it at a military school which felt stuffy and limited the scenery they could shoot.The soundtrack was generic and not see inspiring like the play house film part 2 had. The opening I must say really set the mood with execution cut to precision. The factory has been abandon for years and all left right where it was last touched. So they saw dead bodies and called it a day?Chucky is once again mixed into the machine to retrieve a new body, deju vu all over again, but this time he is free to go after anyone who he tells his secret to almost like a revelation from heaven or in this case hell.Andy now a teenager has been taken to a new school to live since he couldn't fit in any other replacement home. Being the new kid he had to fit in, learn the routines and stay alive.Joining the caste is Solane, Hershmiller and Tyler who serve more of a purpose this time around. Hershmiller as the best friend who does a hero to save a platoon of soldiers from a landmine like private Benjamin. Solanr the savvy cool girl who has a heart of gold and courage of fifty men. Tyler who becomes the dolls new target for soul transfer.Chucky has seemed to list his flair this go around and a lot of the anger that made him scary. He seems relaxed and more of a stand up comedian.Besides the credit the film doesn't really pick up till the carnival grounds near the end , but by then the audience has turned out the lights and gone home.This is one for the five dollar bin at Wal-Mart.