Dolly Dearest
Dolly Dearest
R | 18 October 1991 (USA)
Dolly Dearest Trailers

An American family moves to Mexico to fabricate dolls, but their toy factory happens to be next to a Sanzian grave and the toys come into possession of an old, malicious spirit.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Leofwine_draca As you may have already guessed, CHILD'S PLAY is the influence for this lamentable C-grade horror movie which doesn't even have the decency of including any of the genre staples (eg. sex or violence) which would have made it more of an exploitation piece. Instead, we're treated to long sequences where little occurs (eg. the first half an hour), terribly wooden acting and a clichéd script which also draws in influences (or to put it plainly, rips off) from POLTERGEIST and THE EVIL DEAD. The best thing about this boring, cheaply-made effort is that I didn't have to pay to see it! At least it keeps a straight face throughout, which means that it's better than abysmal fare like the LEPRECHAUN series or that abomination, RUMPLESTILTSKIN. Sadly, though, the deadly serious tone only provides a couple of unintentional chuckles throughout the film.Things open with some of those poor computer effects standing in for an ancient Mexican evil force that immediately possesses a factory of dolls. The box makes this sound impressive, until you realise that there are only about four dolls in the "factory" (more like a run-down shed). After this we are introduced to an all-American family. These are a mixed bunch. Firstly we have the terrible actress Denise Crosby. For Denise, this was another step down in her career, which had previously gone from STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION(a popular, mainstream cult television series) to PET SEMATARY(a just about passable Stephen King adaptation). After this, things could only get worse, and the last I know of her, she was shedding her clothes for some erotic cable series.Her husband is an irritating, mindless idiot who must be blind not to notice the "odd" things going on in his household (daughter speaking in strange tongues, child's strange attachment to doll, son's obsession with archaeological site). He is played by Sam Bottoms, a wooden nobody. The daughter is an irritating, whining little girl, but the son is a likable geek. Another desperate actor appearing in the cast is Rip Torn, who plays a John Rhys-Davies type role of an intrepid archaeologist - at least HIS career could only go up from here.There is only one gore scene of note in the film, a painful moment where a man gets his hand caught in a sewing machine. There are three deaths in total. One occurs at the beginning, with a man getting crushed under a stone door. The second man has a heart attack (?), and then a woman gets electrocuted. Big deal. The film doesn't even offer up much in the way of doll rampage, with the limited special effects of an animated doll only appearing briefly throughout the film - what a rip off.Seriously, the best thing I can say about this movie is that it's short, and also at least the dolls don't keep coming back to life - once they're dead, they stay dead, which doesn't prolong the agony. A few of the scenes in the Mexican tomb are all right as well, particularly the discover of a desiccated, goat-headed corpse. And check out some of that hilarious dialogue, like "My daughter is possessed by a 900 year old goat-head, damn it!". All in all, though, this is a colourless affair, and one to be avoided like so many others, unless you're REALLY stuck for something to see.
darksyde-63508 I'm terrified of two things. Clowns, and dolls. This movie, along with the "Child's Play" series and the "Dolls" movie are part of the reason why. The movie begins with an archaeologist, by himself, trying to enter an old (I believe) aztek Burial ground and of course, something goes wrong. With typically bad 80's special effects, evil spirits crush the archaeologist to death with a stone door that they burst out of. Cut to a family moving into a new house. The dad has moved the family there (I forgot to.mention the new location is Mexico) to open a doll factory, which just happens to be next to the aztek burial ground The rest of the movie is pretty predictable. The evil spirits take over one of the dolls in the factory, which is he father promptly gives to his daughter, and the doll spends the rest of the movie trying to take over the little girl's body, killing whoever gets in its way Sound familiar? It should. While this movie is a direct rip off of Chucky and "Child's Play", its still a fun little movie. And some of the animatronic doll's facial expressions are truly frightening.
rwsrws I agree with the earlier review by Richard Wheeler: if you see this as a rerun of Child's Play you are not getting the gist of the film. The story centers on a classic horror device (one that I never get tired of) of pitting different realities against one another: the extinct Sanzia reality (the devil child spirit), the Mexican Catholic reality (nuns and candles), and the modern American reality (explosions). This occurs in relation to another classic device, the possessed doll -- although in this case the dolls derive more from Curse of the Doll People than from Child's Play. The story follows fairly predictable lines (the biggest twist: no sudden twist at the end -- thankfully!) but kept me entertained throughout. I also like Rip Torn in the older roles, and Denise Crosby was good. The child actors were also not annoying (and the little girl was on occasion pretty scary). The production designer also deserves kudos for the simple but effective crypt.My only complaint is that I could do without the animatronic doll faces, which were well enough done but not very original. Possessed dolls whose faces remain placid and serene are much scarier, plus they don't talk as much.
richard-wheeler Dolly Dearest has been my favorite horror movie since I was 11 going on 12 and that is not all, it was the first killer doll film I have ever seen in my entire life. This is a late 80s early 90s sophisticated movie with style! The story begins when an archaeologist unearths this interesting tomb and suddenly, the stone door crushes him and the spirit of the "Sanzia Devil Child" was set free and head towards a run down, Mexican doll factory called "Dolly Dearest". I find the horror music and especially, the music which represents the film very addictive. I love that melody, it so beautiful. And the noises which the Sanzia Devil Child makes are addictive as well. THAT IS EVIL!!!! Any ways, back to the story, an American family called the Wades relocate to Mexico because Mr. Wade (Sam Bottoms) was reopening the Dolly Dearest Manufacturing Company. When Mr.Wade arrived at the factory, he was shocked to find it in the condition it was in. It was VERY dilapidated. I can understand why the doll factory was in terrible condition because Mexico is the third most poorest country in the world, and they do not have enough money to keep things up.Soon, Mr.Wade's daughter, Jessica ( Candy Hutson) discovers a neat live of dolls in a hidden place in the factory and Mr.Wade allowed her to keep one as a toy. OOH! When I heard the blow sound as the camera went around the dolls, it make me think I could hear the Sanzsia in them. And back home, when Dolly was in the darkness of Jessica's bedroom and turned to the camera making a strange noise, I could sense the creature that lived was evil. And more, you can hear the noise outside or wherever it goes! The four things that freaked me out about this movie were when Dolly walked into Mrs.Wade's room (Denise Crosby) as she unpacked her stuff and I saw her reflecting in the mirror standing at the bed. As for the other, Jessica crept me out when she said to her mother : "Dolly says we are going to like it here". And when I heard the priest's voice getting louder and softer ( this was what Jessica heard). OH MY GOD! THE SANZIA HAS MADE HER BECOME CHRISTAPHOBIC! And lastly, later on in the movie when Marilyn returns home, searches for Jimmy and Jessica, she passes the closet, out comes Jimmy's hand and she screams.Later on in the film, the Mexican housekeeper Camilla ( Lupe Onterveros) was aware that evil was lurking in the home. And not so soon, she died and on the same night when Marilyn Wade and Jimmy Wade ( Chris Demetral) were looking for Jessica, the wind blew so hard that the windows shattered and they found Jessica in the lounge in the pouring rain! THAT"S THE POWER OF THE SANZIA!!! And worse, when Dolly was scheming in the doll house, the blew stronger by the minute and when Marilyn opened the door of the doll house, the wind stopped blowing! A day later, Marilyn notices from Day 1 that Jessica has had an extraordinary attachment to her new toy and doesn't know what to do about it. Meanwhile, at the burial which Jimmy keeps poking at, he gets a shock to find the archaeologist Karl Resnick (Rip Torn) from the university has arrived and from there, Jimmy became Resnick's assistant. Later on in the evening, a night watchman named Luis ( Will Gotay) accidentally insulted a doll and he had his mangled in a sowing machine and it gave him a massive heat attack. That sure was gory with all that blood. And soon, Jimmy snuck out of the house, ended up in the doll factory, the dolls screwed with his head, tripped him with a crow bar, Jimmy saw the body, he screamed and ran away!After the incident, back home Marilyn tried to take Dolly away from Jessica and Jessica fought back aggressively saying in a demonic voice: "I WILL KILL YOU SHE'S MINE!" When Eliot came in, he thought it was Jessica putting on an act! Don't worry, these characters are just stereotyped.The next day after when Marilyn saw Resnick in connection with the Sanzia Devil Child, she visited the Convent because, she wanted to speak to Sister Alva ( Alma Martinez). Fortunately, Alva believed it was too late for Marilyn to save her daughter but Marilyn wouldn't give up. When Marilyn returned home to face Dolly. I loved it when the suspense built as the camera moved towards Dolly. It makes you wonder. And then Dolly tells Marilyn that Jessica belongs to her and she laughs! IT WAS SO FREAKY! She sounded like a demonic witch. As we all know, Dolly is very fast moving especially when it came to that kiff scene when Dolly wanted to play rough with her mother. Another kiff scene when the coffin lid of the ancient coffin blows off and the remains of the Sanzia Devil Chils are revealed. IT LOKKED FRIGHTFUL! And lastly, it was suspenseful when Eliot was being dragged into a tub of hot plastic and then he was saved by Resnick! PHEW! that made my heart pound! And the final laugh of my review, was when one of the dolls pick up dynamite and says: " Uhh?" and then BOOM!!!! And the movie ends with the dolls being blown to kingdom come.This movie had a beautiful set and a cool doll house in the backyard. It was a very interesting film from start to finish, the house was beautiful I LOVED THAT HOUSE!!! The dolls had striking dresses: Red is for beauty and back is for deadly, the characters developed as they went along and the acting was stunning. This film MUST go on! It needs a sequel.