Child's Play 2
Child's Play 2
R | 09 November 1990 (USA)
Child's Play 2 Trailers

Chucky is reconstructed by a toy factory to dispel the negative publicity surrounding the doll, and tracks young Andy Barclay to a foster home where the chase begins again.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Eric Stevenson This sequel is mostly a retread of the original, although nowhere near as good. The main problem is that it's just mostly Chucky trying to transfer his soul into Andy. There are just so many dumb things in this movie. There's a scene where the police stop a woman driving Chucky somewhere and it's completely pointless. This is followed by a scene where Chucky is thrown out of the car. It's pointless too.In one scene, Chucky kills a teacher and it's literally never referenced again for the rest of the entire film. Apparently, no one's suspicious of a dead teacher. I guess the kid playing Andy isn't that bad and it does get pretty creative toward the end. In one scene, the girl Kyle is on a swing and accidentally digs up the other Good Guy doll Chucky buried. Why did he bury the doll under the swing where it could be dug up? It actually does progress the story a little bit, but it's mostly forgettable. **
OllieSuave-007 The not-so-innocent movie about a child's doll continues with Andy Barkley (Alex Vincent) being sent to live in a foster care home while his mom is recovering from a mental hospital. Nobody believes Andy's story about Chucky the killer doll, but that soon changes when the doll returns, possessed once again by serial killer Charles Lee Ray. It goes on another rampage, this time trying to free his evil soul from the doll and transfer into Andy's body.The plot's pacing, script, and music score work fine in this movie, with a some good humor and suspense, and some creepy moments. The acting was pretty good for the most part - especially enjoyed the characters of Andy and Kyle. Vincent portrayed Andy with innocence but determination and Christine Elise gave a rebellious yet tender-hearted and strong portrayal of foster teenager Kyle. Brad Dourif gave another sinister, dark, and sarcastically funny portrayal of Chucky.The overall horror elements may seem tame by more recent standards, but it's still a rather entertaining horror sequel.Grade B
punishmentpark This follow-up to the somewhat legendary cult film 'Child's play' still works pretty good as well. The story moves on where the last one ended, but unfortunately Catherine Hicks is no longer in the picture. Instead, there is a foster family with the best of intentions, but also a lot of doubts, who take poor Andy in. But Chucky is coming...soon!Christine Elise may be a sort of substitute for Hicks' part, being another (teen) child being taken in by the family. Chucky chases the children up and down the city again, and some horror scenes are pretty cool, with a fun finale in the toy factory.Good fun was had by all, once again. 7 out of 10.
GL84 Recreated into a new doll-form, Chucky resumes his quest to steal Andy's soul who's now living with a foster family and has to convince them to believe him in order to stop his rampage to get to Andy.This one was quite the enjoyable and highly entertaining sequel. What really works here is pretty much a lot of what worked in the original in being reliant on whether the doll is alive or not, managing to some pretty fun times here in keeping the truth hidden quite a long time here. Not only does this one have the trauma inflicted from the original, but there's a lot of retread here in the first half of copying tactics where he does something that ends up framing the kid for what happened, making for some rather decent times with the broken statue, his teacher at school and finally the incident in his bedroom where he's found tied-up with Chucky and no possible way he did it to himself which makes the eventual stumbling across it quite nicely done here. While none of these have the power of the original, they give this a solid- enough start here that when this one turns into a slasher there's some great parts already on display with this one. Starting with the teacher in her classroom and the father in the basement, there's some great stalking scene that make this one quite fun as the kidnapping from the orphanage and resulting car chase to rescue him leads into the grand final half. The utterly freaky stalking in the factory upon hundreds of boxes of dolls, the various stalking around the conveyor belts s they barely manage to escape him each time, the fine kills and lastly the triple-stacked measures needed to finally put him down give this one plenty of action, some nice suspense when necessary and a bit of cheese to make this one interesting enough that it's not all that stale throughout. These here are good enough even with a few minor problems. The main one is that it tends to feel very much like the original as it plays with the same overall set-up, just not quite as powerful at doing so. The other factor against this one is the rather noticeable lack of kills here in the first half as it keeps the truth hidden away during this time so it keeps the body count a little undervalued in this section. Beyond these small facets, there's a lot to like here.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, children-in-jeopardy and underage drug use.