The Dead Pool
The Dead Pool
R | 13 July 1988 (USA)
The Dead Pool Trailers

Dirty Harry Callahan returns for his final film adventure. Together with his partner Al Quan, he must investigate the systematic murder of actors and musicians. By the time Harry learns that the murders are a part of a sick game to predict the deaths of celebrities before they happen, it may be too late...

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
kvnmsmth This movie is disappointing in so many ways - cheesy 80s synth music; over-the-top acting by Neeson and Carrey; disjointed plotting (what does the Mob angle got to do with anything?), ridiculous radio control car chase gimmick, etc. But the real problem is the lack of a strong villain. Actually, there is no actual villain for most of this film. And certainly not a villain worthy of Dirty Harry - think instead of Scorpio from Dirty Harry. While most aspects of The Dead Pool are sub-par, all that mess remains moot given the lack of a strong foil to the force that is Dirty Harry Callahan.
FlashCallahan A rock singer is found dead of an overdose, but there are signs that it was not accidental, so Harry is assigned to investigate. Initially Harry is suspicious of Peter Swan, the man who directs the singer's videos. He also crosses paths with a television reporter, Samantha Walker and after being threatened with a law suit, the two of them form a bond. Harry discovers that Swan and several other people are playing a game called the dead pool, where they make a list of individuals, who are high risk, and turns out that Squares was on Swan's list, and Harry's also on the list. And someone is following him.......Well if you are sleeping just before the film starts, it's opening music will wake you up. But for all the wrong reasons. Even though I listen to this soundtrack quite a lot, the opening track by Schifrin is hilariously inappropriate, and sets up the mood for this film.If you watch it as a standalone movie, and try to forget that its a Dirty Harry movie, there is lots of fun to be had. Otherwise, it's just a script that was going round Hollywood for a while, and they decided to whack the Dirty Harry moniker on there to put bums on seats.And it worked to an extent.It's a good enough idea, high risk celebrities on a list and they just happen to die is quite a high concept, but at the same time, it's very early eighties slasher fodder, in fact, there are scenes that are very reminiscent of Stallone's Cobra.Eastwood is wonderful as usual, and for a police officer, shooting people in the back is no problem.We also have Liam Neeson spending the film acting sinister and having a rat hang off the back of his head as the main suspect, but it's all too perfect to have him as the killer, so come the end, it's just a random no one who is responsible for all the shenanigans.Oh and Jim Carrey is in it as James Carrey.It's throwaway stuff, poor for a Dirty Harry movie, but for a Clint Eastwood action vehicle, it's a pretty enjoyable 90 minutes.
capone666 The Dead PoolTo successfully predict celebrity deaths, you must first know which stars are addicted to Percocet. Thankfully, the detective in this action movie has a cheat sheet of likely victims.Renowned police inspector Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) and his new partner (Evan C. Kim) investigate a singer's (Jim Carrey) death on the set of a music video.When the producer is also killed, a list of names surfaces that reveals a morbid game in which participants bet on the life expectancy of famous people, including Callahan.On a tip from the director (Liam Neeson), Callahan's turned on to a schizophrenic super-fan (David Hunt).The final Dirty Harry movie, this iffy fifth installment in the franchise doesn't do much in the way of delivering a memorable departure, save for its title, which Marvel later used for a comic- book character.Nowadays, when a singer inadvertently dies on-set they just activate their hologram.Yellow
OllieSuave-007 This is the fourth and last sequel to Dirty Harry, where Inspector Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) finds himself on a list of a betting game thought up by filmmaker Peter Swan (Liam Neeson). The game's object is to see which local celebrity would be the first to die.Eastwood continues his justice-seeking and sarcastically witty portrayal of Callahan and delivered some great gun-totting action, never-say-die attitude and humorous one-liners that kept me laughing and engaged at the same time. The random crimes foiled by Callahan continue to pop up within the main plot and kept the movie interesting and fast-paced. Jack N. Green gave us a nice cinematographic view of San Francisco and Buddy Van Horn directed a movie with a solid cast. I especially liked the chemistry between Eastwood and Patricia Clarkson and liked seeing the appearances of Liam Neesom and Jim Carrey in one of their earlier film roles.In addition, Callahan pairs up with new partner Al Quan (Evan C. Kim), which I thought is one of the better pairings as Quan had good rapport with Callahan and seemed to be more engaged on his mission and ***spoiler ahead*** ultimately having a better fate toward the end of the movie than previous counterparts. ***spoiler ends*** I also liked Quan's martial arts sequence during the restaurant scene.While the plot has lesser surprises, it is still a fun movie with some occasional unique scenes (the toy race car scene) popping up throughout the story. A fitting end to the Dirty Harry trilogy.Grade B+