By Dawn's Early Light
By Dawn's Early Light
PG | 19 May 1990 (USA)
By Dawn's Early Light Trailers

A nuclear warhead launched by Soviet insurgents protesting the waning Cold War destroys the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. The destruction sets off a race between American and Soviet politicians to prevent a nuclear holocaust. While the U.S. president feverishly works to keep the military and political machine from going into overdrive, various subordinates panic. When the president is believed to be killed in a helicopter crash, zealous advisers take over.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Maury Markowitz There are actually a lot of things to like of this movie, but unfortunately the writers didn't know where to stop. The result is a mash of sub-plots that do nothing to advance the core plot of the movie. Whether or not that core is enough to keep the movie afloat is hard to say, but there's some fine moments from both Martin Landau and James Earl Jones, offset only to a degree by Darren McGavin's hammy performance.To be honest, I think the entire bomber subplot could be removed without effecting the outcome much. Especially at the end, it seems the writers just kept adding new events to that plot line without any obvious need or plan. Reduced to its core there's maybe 1 hour of movie here, and that might have worked on its own. But as a two hour movie I think it fails.
notca8 This film was recommended to me by a friend or (ex-friend as he has become to be known after this movie,)and I had high hopes for it, with stars such as rip torn and James Earl Jones.But this was truly awful, with truly awful acting and scriptwriting. The story could and should of been so much better, but it was soo bad, i actually signed up to IMDb, just to comment on it.Dropping nuclear bombs just to kill fighter jets? come on..... and classic lines like...."bogey's my are, them's bandits"......all the guy needed was the cowboy act and well it would be fantastic......I got 45mins & 36 seconds into this movie and then decided i really didn't care, fast forwarded to the last 5 mins, and pleased for the credit to come.However this was released onto DVD, ill never know......All i can summarise is, a truly awful movie, and one which makes you wish that a nuclear bomb had been dropped, just to save everyone from this movie.
karl_consiglio Quite a good movie considering the fact that it appears to me to be a low budget film. I like films that hit upon this theme of Nuclear Warfare. This is a serious Dr Strangelove. For those of you that like this kind of movie though I would recommend "Threads" which I definitely prefer, it brings us the situation from the people's experience whereas this gets the political situation and military situation. Someone, we are not entirely sure who, drops a nuclear bomb and The Soviet Union who immediately blame the states by hitting back and then so on and so forth, how are we going to end it type of thing. there are some parts though which are utterly non convincing like the way the president survives and his poor acting, and also the pilot on a mission to blow a civilization with his loving girlfriend as co pilot.
rodney_h Hey, can't I give this stinker a zero. I really hated to give it a one. Typical hollyweird ultra-left, lunatic fringe liberal crap. Production values seem good, cinematography's the story that's awful. My gosh, I hope and pray that our military is better trained and will carry out their orders better than depicted in this bilge. I've never been so disappointed in a movie in all my life. James Earl Jones, Rip Torn, Powers Boothe, Rebecca DeMornay, and the late Darren McGavin, the cast reads like a who's who of actors/actresses I've always liked and admired. I just downgraded them to my "B" list from now on. For me, the most ironic scene in the movie was when Rebecca De Mornay asked Powers Boothe "Did we do anything right?" My answer is NO!