Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
PG-13 | 25 December 2009 (USA)
Sherlock Holmes Trailers

Eccentric consulting detective Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson battle to bring down a new nemesis and unravel a deadly plot that could destroy England.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
areatw I'll admit that I'm no Sherlock buff but I thought this was a fairly good film adaptation of the classic character. Despite a few naysayers, I thought Robert Downey Jr. delivered a convincing and entertaining performance as Sherlock - no actor could have pleased everyone playing such a popular character. The plot is decent, if a little shallow, and is aided by a smart and witty script.The best part of this film for me though is the first class cinematography and production value. Everything looks so classy and expensive and I've never seen London look as good as it does in this film. Honestly, this film is worth watching for the visuals alone. This adaptation of 'Sherlock Holmes' gets a lot more right than it does wrong and for the most part I enjoyed it.
Nikolaj337 I like Sherlock Holmes. I like the books. I like the old Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce movies. I was not particularly keen on Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law or the gor-blimey direction of Guy Ritchie. So it was with trepidation that I approached this new movie version of the Baker St sleuth. Ready to find fault I found myself warmly engaged from the start. The good chemistry between Downey and Law is a joy throughout. There is something tragi-comically Withnail and I about them so, if Withnail floats your boat, this may be the Holmes for you. The use of CGI is not overbearing and creates a very credible Holmesian London. The supporting actors are, without exception, excellent; special credit to Mark Strong, Rachel McAdams, Eddie Marsan, Geraldine James and Kelly Reilly. It has now become one of the films I can watch over and over; as comforting as the crackle from the hearth on a winter day. If you, like me, are a fan of Sherlock Holmes and you have not yet watched this film then I hope it will prove as much of a pleasant surprise to you as it did to me. Highly recommended. Well done, Mr Richie.
EBJ 'Sherlock Holmes' was directed by Guy Ritchie and stars Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law and Mark Strong. It is the story of world famous British icon, Sherlock Holmes(Robert Downey Jr) and his equally famous sidekick, Dr Jon Watson(Jude Law) who go on the hunt of the mysterious dark wizard, Lord Blackwood(Mark Strong). It is up to Holmes and co to solve this dark villain's plan before it's too late, and he has the entire of London under his spell.This movie is weird. I can't explain specifically why I like this movie, I just do. It's fun, it's weird and it's full of ye olde Guy Ritchie-isms so what's not to love? The story was engaging, the characters are classical but done justice and it's a Guy Ritchie movie. The action is, of course, Guy Ritchie. The dialogue is, of course, Guy Ritchie. This movie contains more Guy Ritchie than his birth certificate. It's a well though out movie and I do recommend you see if because you'll probably get a kick or two out of it.The story, for starters, is very engaging and contains a classical Sherlock Holmes-esc mystery. Of course you only watch a good 'ol mystery for the grand reveal(and this is no exception) but it provides you with a fun, interesting and unique example of Holmes' classic array of stories. I will say that some parts of the movie(for example 'Teleportation' were explained about as well as a gorilla trying to teach someone how not to get shot(too soon?). This movie is also made to setup a sequel(which I'm fine with) but I feel they took too much time focusing on setting up that sequel than they did focusing on the movie. Robert 'The Drug Addiction'(Still love ya Robert) Downey Jr was pretty good as the titular character but he did come of as a tad too comical at points which I suppose fit the character but came off as a little forced and weird. Jude Law was fine as Watson and I can tell he relished in this role. Mark Strong was fine as Lord Blackwood but I think that his character only showed up at random intervals in the plot and merely served as a way to progress the plot along. Rachel McAdams was fine as Irene Adler. Technically speaking, this is a Guy Ritchie movie and is primarily style over substance. That is completely fine in this movie and it is stylistically beautiful. The costume design was great(as was the set design) and looked realistic considering the time period this movie was set in. The cinematography in this movie was very good as per Guy Ritchie fashion and everything part of it screams Ritchie. The action in this movie was pretty good but it did become a tad bit repetitive, especially considering it was the same hand-to-hand combat consistently. Not to say that the slo-mo sections of it were very well done and looked just awesome. The humour worked well but I think that is just down to Downey's charisma and less down to the 'Oscar Worthy' writing. The actual 'Sherlock Holmes' theme of this movie was excellent and very enjoyable. The other uses of music paled in comparison and didn't work too well.In conclusion, if you can handle enough Guy Ritchie to paralyse an elephant then you'll probably enjoy this movie. It's got fun(sometimes bland) action, witty humour and is all around a good time. It is definitely more stylistic than substance which is fine and shouldn't bother many people but I do understand if it does. I do recommend this movie and I think it's a good re-imagining of this character.7/10
Dominic LeRose "Sherlock Holmes" fails in every way imaginable. There isn't one aspect of this film that feels fresh and original, which is vital for remaking a story and putting it to life. Robert Downy Jr. and Jude Law play Holmes and Watson, giving forced and fake performances while lacking any chemistry between the detective partnership. Let's just say this film moves slower than a tortoise, taking forever to become interesting or engaging. What would have helped is if it was made with more of a dark undertone, gripping the audience in to a more complex portrayal of crime and law. Instead we're forced to sit through two hours of ridiculous one-liners and dull action that never helps move the story forward.