Robin Hood
Robin Hood
PG-13 | 14 May 2010 (USA)
Robin Hood Trailers

When soldier Robin happens upon the dying Robert of Loxley, he promises to return the man's sword to his family in Nottingham. There, he assumes Robert's identity; romances his widow, Marion; and draws the ire of the town's sheriff and King John's henchman, Godfrey.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Russ Hog Robin Hood is fat? Old? WTF? Horrible movie that tries to make Robin Hood feel historical but it's just terrible. They try to turn it into a wannabe Braveheart at the end and it's an atrocity. No Sherwood forrest? No Little John? Will Scarlet? Friar Tuck? Just rubbish.
SirDuke After I saw this movie, I was so terrible disappointed... It was just so......average......but after a few minutes I thought; what's my big problem with this movie here? Simple answer; there is no problem! I had too high expectations! If you just forget: 1.) who directed it, 2.) who acted in it, 3.) and what's the story about;then it's still an average action movie about some guy in medieval England and still quite entertaining for 2 hours 30 minutes.
Richie-67-485852 Who doesn't like Russell Crowe? For that reason alone, this is a must see movie if for nothing else to keep up with Russell and his work. Of course the topic of Robin Hood is always interesting as stories go. If that is not enough, who doesn't love Ridley Scott? Another good reason to visit this flick. I was disappointed that after such a good set-up that they didn't do a sequel. What a shame because they established Robin Hood, King John, The Sheriff, Robins merry men and Sherwood Forrest. After all that, the sequel was ready to go but alas the box office made the final decision. I enjoy Cate Blanchett but in this movie, she tended to ham it up a bit and to people who follow her that is acceptable. For me it was overdone. Everything else is realistic and well presented passing the believe ability test no problem. I recommend a sandwich with this movie and a tasty drink with a snack to follow for maximum enjoyment.
Michael Raes Only recently saw this. This movie is as if it was directed by 2 persons. It starts OK , has a different view as to previous outcomes and wants to be a Braveheart 2 . However despite the good acting ( with exception of Crowe who does not fit here ) the movie falls flat as from the scene where Crowe dances with Blanchet. It becomes cheesy, mellow and in short Hollywood style. Now maybe , just maybe this is not at fault of Scott but rather the producers, but still , the last half destroys the movie completely. I found Oscar Isaac's performance very good and of course Von Sydow and Hurt. The battle scene at the end at the beach made it even worse . No-one can figure out who it fighting who ( something Kurosawa fortunate can due to clans who use different colors ). And the shot where Crow shoots his last arrow is good for the waste bag. One more thing : why do producers think that we need music all over the place ? Credit to the Coens who did an entire movie without any music.