The Adventures of Robin Hood
The Adventures of Robin Hood
PG | 13 May 1938 (USA)
The Adventures of Robin Hood Trailers

Robin Hood fights nobly for justice against the evil Sir Guy of Gisbourne while striving to win the hand of the beautiful Maid Marian.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
HomeyTao For having a relatively low budget, the film's style and overall art direction are immensely impressive.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
TheBigSick The film "The Adventures of Robin Hood", a box office hit in 1938, is in fact entertaining and technologically advanced, particularly in the use of Technicolor. Nonetheless, the plot is just easily predictable and formulaic. When you watched the first ten minutes, you could tell the result of the film. In other words, the film is not that successful in dramatic or narrative aspect.
Antonius Block Wow, for star power, it's hard to beat Errol Flynn as Robin Hood and Olivia de Havilland as Maid Marion. Flynn had the perfect devil may care attitude for the part of Robin, and his impudence towards the pretender to the English throne is fantastic. de Havilland is absolutely stunning and plays her part well as the noble who is offended by Robin at first, but is then slowly won over to his humanity and righteousness. The movie features all of the standard sorts of things we've come to expect in productions of Robin Hood - camaraderie, swordplay, honor, and daring escapes, among other things. I loved the stunts, including Flynn cutting the rope to a gate, and then being pulled upwards by its pulley in order to get over it while leaving his pursuers trapped on the other side. The cast is strong throughout, from the main villains (Basil Rathbone and Claude Rains) to charming characters like Marion's old nurse, played by Una O'Connor, who has a little romance of her own.The film is in color and quite a production for 1938, really showing how far movies came over the course of the 1930's. I loved the costumes from Milo Anderson, particularly those for the 22-year-old de Havilland, who directors Curtiz and Keighley wisely took every opportunity to shoot close up, allowing her beauty to shine, and her eyes to display fear, annoyance, anger, and love. Her scenes with Flynn are magical. The only thing I fault the film for is the soundtrack, which I found too jaunty and intrusive, even for scenes which had a lot of action in them, but that's a bit of a quibble. The only reason I don't rate it higher is because the story itself has been done so often that it's lost its shine for me personally, but if classic adventure stories with romance in them are your thing, I think you'll love this film.
JelenaG890 I have seen this film so many times over the years, having been introduced to it when I was about 10 by my grandfather, who was a true classic movie fan and grew up watching Errol Flynn on screen.I have also seen the Kevin Costner version, which although entertaining in its own way mostly thanks to the amazing Alan Rickman, pales in comparison to this version. Heck, the Fox in the Disney version of "Robin Hood" and Cary Elwes as "Robin Hood Men in Tights" were better Robin Hoods than Costner! No, Flynn was meant to play this role.The supporting cast is also incredible. Claude Rains as Prince John was priceless, and charming in his own malevolent way. Basil Rathbone, Alan Hale, Patric Knowles, and Eugene Palette were also memorable for me in the film.And, of course, you can't write a review of this film without mentioning the chemistry of Flynn and Olivia de Havilland. Past or present, very few on-screen couples possess the natural chemistry those two had. They just looked at each other and you could tell there were unresolved feelings there (and there were, both admitted later on). They were just magic on screen together.There is really something for everyone in this film, and I recommend seeing it.
Hitchcoc As others have said, Errol Flynn dominates this film. He is the consummate Robin Hood. His very presence establishes the film. But there is much more than this. The scenes of the forest are wonderful. His supporting cast works hard but they play as well. There is humor' there is charm; there are swashbuckling events. Basil Rathbone is a worthy foe and Marian is the conduit to the powerful. Robin Hood and his men are honorable and have the good of the country in mind. While some would see them as a bit violent, they look at the greater benefits of their goals. I'm not a big fan of the Robin Hood story. But this is a fun movie and deserves to be recognized.