Body of Lies
Body of Lies
R | 10 October 2008 (USA)
Body of Lies Trailers

The CIA’s hunt is on for the mastermind of a wave of terrorist attacks. Roger Ferris is the agency’s man on the ground, moving from place to place, scrambling to stay ahead of ever-shifting events. An eye in the sky – a satellite link – watches Ferris. At the other end of that real-time link is the CIA’s Ed Hoffman, strategizing events from thousands of miles away. And as Ferris nears the target, he discovers trust can be just as dangerous as it is necessary for survival.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
markinsac I generally love Leo DiCaprio movies. Seems like he never takes a bad script. Add in Russell Crowe and you think it would be a slam dunk. Well, just ok. Watchable. But that's about it. It lost me when Leo falls for the Persian woman and then the plot goes where she gets taken hostage and he has to rescue her. THATS WHERE YOURE TAKING THIS? Ugh. Trust me. You'll wish you had watched a different Leo movie. Thumbs down on NFLX. Five stars on IMBD.
gugan94 Body of lies the title itself tells you the movie is more about lies and it will be dealing around with the lies. How the lies will affect the person and his surrounding. The people in the higher position should tell lots of lies to convince everyone. This movie has remarkable performances from the lead actors. Leonarda as usual he has delivered a great performance. The movie has a lot of facts and they have researched more about the terrorist groups and fabricated properly. Ridley Scott has done a great job in coming with this script and delivering. The screenplay is a bit slow and in the end you will forget about the negatives. If you like dark genre or terrorist related movies this is a must watch movie for those audiences.
generationofswine Crowe got second billing and they gave the limelight to DiCaprio instead...that's a great idea. that means that, as usual, DiCaprio is going to shine doing his "this is how you become a different person" thing and Crowe is going to actually act and not just try to hog the limelight.The result is a tense and very well acted film.It should have been a Masterpiece was released in 2008 and America wanted pure escapism then, not tense spy thrillers that reflect the reality of two long endless wars...and it was released a little too close to The Good Shepard.In fact, it felt a lot like the Good Shepard set in the modern era.It was the Good Shepard with more action.It was The Good Shepard with better acting, but only just.So, if it waited another 2 years, we would have had a great film in a time when we were slowly starting to relax a little again.If it waited 4 years, The Good Shepard would have been a distant memory and the shady CIA boss character would have seemed fresher.Don't misunderstand, Crowe actually acts again and DiCaprio shines as usual, you will totally enjoy this movie.The flaws are not its own, but rather a result of bad timing, pure and simple.It should have been more, but the zietgiest wasn't there yet.
sammy This movie is so underrated across the board that even I am penning a down a review for it 7 years after I actually watched it. Back then , the decision to buy the tickets was more due to the cast and production credentials than anything else. Also (fortunately ) unlike these days my dependence upon the internet was rather limited preventing me to form opinions about movies which hadn't hit the screens. How I miss those days!Anyhow, moving on from nostalgia to this movie. With super sharp direction, a splendidly candid story, a smart screenplay , Body of Lies was undoubtedly one of the better geo-political espionage movies to have hit the screens in a long time. Cutting loose from the browbeaten tales of the Cold War, the movie offers a chillingly fresh view of the troubled Gulf politics. The scenes and sequences are extremely well shot , and build up a very attentive volume of cinematic tension on screen-an absolute fundamental for any movie in the genre. There is a dominant yet subtle aroma of suspense and anticipation something that was deliberately effaced by the 007 franchise of the 70's and 90's with License to Kill(1989) being a pleasant exception.The plot is believable and the editor avoids narcissistic over indulgence . The entire cast has done a commendable job. Leonardo , accordingly to me, carries on his good work from The Departed (2006) as a wily, calculative yet conscience stricken agent looking to do the job for the flag. Russell Crowe plays out a character well suited to his on screen persona . But it is Mark Strong who injects the extra zing into the movie. His casting is perfect in the role of a local intelligence baron. The movie is a great suspense thriller with good action scenes and credible storytelling . It is thoroughly underrated and I cannot assign any reason for this . Unfortunately this means that it will not be telecast often on television unlike The World is Not Enough. My advice would be to watch it at least once .