R | 10 April 1992 (USA)
Sleepwalkers Trailers

Charles Brady and his mother, Mary, are the last of a dying breed whose needs are not of this world. They are Sleepwalkers - able to stay alive only by feeding on the life-force of the innocent, but destined to roam the earth, avoiding discovery while searching for their next victim. That search takes them to the sleepy little town of Travis, Indiana, where beautiful teenager Tanya Robertson is about to become an unwilling pawn in their nightmarish fight for survival.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
BA_Harrison The first of several Stephen King adaptations to be directed by Mick Garris, Sleepwalkers is dated somewhat by its (then cutting-edge) CG morphing effects of the kind seen in Michael Jackson's music video for Black and White, and later in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series. Creaky CGI trickery aside, the film is actually a whole lot of silly fun, with a daft story about a shapeshifting mother and son, Mary and Charles Brady (Alice Krige and Brian Krause), the sleepwalkers of the title, who must feed on the lifeforce of female virgins to survive.Moving to a new town, Charles quickly sets his sights on schoolgirl Tanya (the gorgeous Mädchen Amick), but his nefarious plans are thwarted by the local cat population, who gather forces, their scratches deadly to the sleepwalkers.Things get off to a wonderfully sordid start with a spot of incest between Charles and his mother, and the bonkers fun continues with hilarious attack by Charles on Tanya at a local graveyard make-out spot, some very silly gore (a pervy teacher loses his hand, a cop is stabbed in the ear with a pencil, Charles has his face seriously messed up, Ron Perlman gets his fingers chewed off, a guy is stabbed in the back with a corn cob, and a sheriff is impaled on a picket fence), several pointless cameos from horror luminaries (Stephen King, Joe Dante, John Landis, Tobe Hooper and Clive Barker), and a completely nutzoid finalé that sees the cats launch an all-out attack on Mary Brady, who has assumed her true reptilian/feline form.To summarise: Sleepwalkers is by no means a classic King adaptation, but it's never a boring one.6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
pearcebelshaw Incest, check! Rape, check! Cats, check! Equals Anime!
donaldricco If you like cats, you may like this movie. If you like movies, you'll hate it.It seems impossible to me that Stephen King wrote this. It seems even more impossible that someone filmed it. This disc should be shred, the pieces burned, the ashes buried at sea, and the sea set on fire.
david-sarkies This is a pretty cool movie about a pair of monsters known as sleepwalkers, who move to a town in Idaho so as to hunt for prey so that they might survive. The prey that is necessary for them to survive are virgin women, which in my opinion is quite a cliché from ancient times. Still, Sleepwakers is a good movie and explores the idea of living on the fringes of society, never being able to mix with real people.The sleepwalkers are not really portrayed as being evil, rather just intelligent predators that need to survive. Unfortunately, this does not come out as much as the sleepwalkers roam around killing everybody they come across. Some of the one liners are reasonable: "Cop Kebab," while others are downright corny "If you don't eat your vegetables you don't get any desert," right after the mother sticks a corn cob into a cops back.What gives this movie flair is its use of cats. The thing about sleepwalkers is that cats hate them and they hate cats. The reason is that cats can see through their disguises and their claws can injure them. What I found really beautiful was how the cat Clovis climbed up onto the body of a dead cop and cried.This movie could have been much better if the nature of the creatures had been explored more. It is about survival, not sadistic murder, and that is what comes out with the sleepwalkers' one liners. A creature that must do this to survive would be much less comical and jovial, and in some ways suffer much more pain, especially how every time he makes an acquaintance with a young woman, he knows that he must kill her or he will die himself.Still, I like this movie and will watch it again, namely for the nature of the creatures and its reasonable story line.