My Name Is Modesty: A Modesty Blaise Adventure
My Name Is Modesty: A Modesty Blaise Adventure
| 28 September 2004 (USA)
My Name Is Modesty: A Modesty Blaise Adventure Trailers

Modesty, raised by a casino owner after being abandoned by her parents, has become skilled in the ways of fighting and now acts as the casino owner's bodyguard. When she's unable to prevent the owner's murder at the hands of an old foe, Modesty is hell-bent on seeking revenge. --- An adaptation of the Modesty Blaise novels and comic strip by Peter O'Donnell.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Alicia I love this movie so much
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Dohmen I did not know the comics whatsoever, I watched this because it was a Quentin Tarentino Presents DVD, knowing that not all the QT presents movies are any good.I watched this film and enjoyed it. The storyline was OK, the conversation between Modesty and Miklos was entertaining. The flashbacks however were a bit messy sometimes and this made them less fun to watch. This is kinda a big deal, because the flashbacks are a big part of the film.In summary this film did not surprise or disappoint me. It could have been better, but certainly could be worse. Actually, it should have been better, I saw a lot of potential in a cool action film, sadly, this just didn't make it.If you have enough time, watch it, if not, watch something better.
jdw50 I'm not a fan of the sub-Bond comic strip or the camp Losey film, but this is very good indeed. Though it's bookended by the violent assault on the casino, it's mostly a variation on Sheherezade in the Arabian Nights, spinning out tales to buy time and cool the tension - most action films would be ratcheting the tension up, but this is about mind-games rather than bullets. Staden looks like a porcelain doll, with white skin, red lipstick and black hair - very feminine and yet very strong (you don't need bulging muscles for these martial arts, you need balance and a brain). Her stories of experiences with her two mentors could have been schmaltzy but aren't, partly because of the constant edge of danger in the exotic settings. Good work from a cast of actors and director I've never heard of, and all coming in under 80 minutes. Remarkable all round.
mark-4145 I was expecting this to be the same kind of schlock as the previous Modesty Blaise movie, which is why I left it unwatched for so long, but I was very pleasantly surprised.Far from being a succession of silly gun battles and car/boat chases, it was an almost thoughtful analysis of how a pretty girl gets to become as hard as nails, with nothing being overstated or over-rationalized.It's likely that the budgetary constraints actually helped with that: less time and effort was spent on finding ever-stupider ways for stunt men to pretend to die, and more was dedicated to making the movie worth watching. Hell, the biggest gun battle takes place off screen -- and the scene where it is heard is all the better for that background noise, that adds to the suspense -- who's winning? Who's dying?Alexandra Staden might not be as drop-dead gorgeous as Monica Vitti, but few are, and she certainly has every ounce of class and fire that's needed to make the character work -- and the shape of her face, her hair, and her tall, slender body could have been lifted straight from the comic-strip graphics.Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau was the perfect choice for a Blaise bad-guy, in that he made the character interesting and enjoyable to watch -- even likable (and I doubt I'd consider taking on many brutal, psychopathic murderers as drinking buddies). I can't think of a single one of Hollywood's "former waiters" who could have pulled the role off that well.Fortunately, Blaise baddies always die, in the end (no spoilers there!) That's a really good thing, because all the girls who would have spent their time swooning over such a disgustingly handsome and interesting hunk can now pragmatically settle for us ordinary Joes.
Torgo_Approves Me neither, but this flick is unfortunately one of those movies that are too bad to be good and too good to be awful, which makes it utterly pointless and a total waste of time. There's nothing more uninteresting than a mediocre movie, and My Name is Modesty: Whatever the subtitle is takes mediocrity to a new level. It's full of B-actors but isn't any fun whatsoever because it takes itself seriously. It sets itself up as a thriller but then turns into some kind of growing-up drama, flashback style. The beautiful Alexandra Staden, smothered beyond recognition under makeup, more resembles a cast member from Top Model than Modesty Blaise. I'm not one of those die-hard comic book freaks who wants every adaptation of his precious "graphic novels" to be pitch-perfect - in fact I've never even read Modesty Blaise - all I wanted was a decent movie to watch. But this wasn't it. The film feels half-finished, with a weak and very unexciting conclusion to a rather weak plot. It also takes its audience for idiots, explaining every tiny detail of the plot to us and showing flashbacks of things that happened three scenes ago (I guess they think we all have Alzheimers).Now I love a good B-movie - what's better than just turning your brain off and swallowing the cinematic equivalent of a Calzone? - and "Modesty" is directed by none other than Scott Spiegel, who brought us the wonderful splatter crap flick From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money! I loved From Dusk Till Dawn 2 because it brought everything a bad B-movie should bring to the table - nudity, gore, guns, you name it. "Modesty" is just dull. The flashback concerning Modesty's life isn't interesting. The acting isn't bad enough to be laughed at. In fact, I kinda liked Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau's (hey buddy, pseudonyms are your friends!) performance as the baddie.So overall it's just lame. Weak. Uninspired. Call it what you will. Don't watch anything because Tarantino presents it, people. This is just a very forgettable, half-hearted thriller, and it never tries to be more than that. Allow me to round off this review with a very lame pun (seriously, even I'm cringing): My Name Is Modesty: A Modesty Waste of Time - 4/10