Dorian Gray
Dorian Gray
R | 09 September 2009 (USA)
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Seduced into the decadent world of Lord Henry Wotton, handsome young aristocrat Dorian Gray becomes obsessed with maintaining his youthful appearance, and commissions a special portrait that will weather the winds of time while he remains forever young. When Gray's obsession spirals out of control, his desperate attempts to safeguard his secret turn his once-privileged life into a living hell.

Wordiezett So much average
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Michael Ledo Dorian Gray arrives in London, young and beautiful, the desire of all the ladies. Young and innocent, he is taken under the wing of atheist Henry Wotton, who spares young Dorian no vice. A portrait becomes the embodiment of his body and soul aging, while he stays forever young.This is about the one zillionth remake of the Oscar Wilde story. I have found this one more enjoyable than most, but not as dark and sinister. I thought Ben Barnes did good in the title role.Guide: sex and nudity.
sandymagics I love The Picture of Dorian Gray, I love Colin Firth, I love Oscar Wilde. But I literally hate this movie. I'm wondering if the producer actually read the book or he just get this idea from somebody else and thought "Changing picture? Cool!". He changed every single details, and those details are so important to build this story. All I got from this movie was a beautiful young man who wanted to be beautiful forever, nothing else. I even didn't see his struggle or regret or worried or any complicated thing at all. His feeling was very deep. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a great book, one of my favourites. And I'm sorry, this movie is like a joke.
Rainey Dawn WOW I cannot believe the rating on this film at IMDb - it's lower than I expected it to be. And several negative comments about it too yet I do find others that enjoyed the movie as much as I did, giving it good reviews.I personally liked this Gothic version of Dorian Gray - well acted out and the scenery and sets are beautiful! As far as the story goes - I very much liked it. I realize there are changes from the book which is nothing unusual. So many films are different from the book and yes sometimes criticized harshly for the changes OR they are praised for it.Ben Barnes is a nice looking man in my opinion. That is just a matter of personal preference as to if you think someone is nice looking or not. Not everyone will agree on who is the perfect man to play Dorian Gray. So those that review this movie and bash Ben Barnes' looks should think twice - and remember that everyone will not agree on who is "good looking" enough for this role! The truth is NO ONE is.... NO ONE is so good looking and charming that they can seduce almost anyone -- that's the fantasy and fiction aspect of this fictional story! The movie is very good and should not be dismiss as bad because some people didn't like the film. Simply watch it an judge for yourselves.10/10
susan-317 This was a luscious version of this story. Written by Wilde for serial publication. I liked the old version, too, with George Sand, and thought both film versions managed to bring in Wilde's biting wit and clever dialogue. The modern CGI and special effects (thank you, George Lucas since I don't know which company worked on the film) bring the painting to life in an imaginative and spectacular way.Colin Firth is excellent as young Dorian's mentor, leading him down the paths of excess in what would seem to many to be just another weekend at the frat house. But Dorian's activities begin to take on a darker tone and you realize that he may be beyond redemption.I loved the scenery, costumes, the entire production was beautifully done and the story clipped along with great pacing, great acting and a touching ending as well. Bravo.