R | 20 January 2017 (USA)
Detour Trailers

A young law student, grieving for his dying mother, struggles to decide whether he should kill his unfaithful step-father.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
jtindahouse I wasn't quite sure what to expect going into 'Detour'. I have enjoyed some of writer/director Christopher Smith's previous work, it always has an edge to it, something that makes it unique and different. Again it would have to be said that 'Detour' is a unique film, just perhaps not as much so as some of his other films. Something else I like about his work is that it pulls no punches and you really have a sense as an audience member that anything could happen. That is certainly apparent in 'Detour'.One thing that let the film down for me was Tye Sheridan in the lead role. He just has zero charisma and is very hard to root for. I understand his role wasn't supposed to be an overly likable or fun guy, but a good actor can still make themself watchable and entertaining while playing a role like that. Other than that though there isn't a whole lot I can fault the film for. The rest of the cast performed adequately and the pacing is very well handled despite a chopping type of story line. It's certainly nothing game-changing or mesmerising, but if you have a couple of hours to kill there are far worse ways you could do it than by watching 'Detour'.
Johnny Soory Aseel I came across this movie by coincidence , and I am so glad I decided to watch it. Why did I? Well, simply: Tye Sheridan. He impressed me so much with his acting in 'Mud', that I knew he is going to turn out to be a good actor. I was also impressed by Emory Cohen in this movie. I like actors who are versatile.I am going to keep an eye on these two.The way the movie is written, shot, and directed is brilliant. I usually do not enjoy movies that go back and forth in time, but this is done well and for a purpose, which is revealing a twist every time, eventually putting together important pieces of the story. Moreover, this is a movie that has wit in all the elements I have mentioned above.Bottom line: it is a good movie that deserves to be seen. People should stop going after movies with "star power", in other words, movies with more famous actors, and should give such movies the appreciation they deserve.
Harrison Tweed (Top Dawg) Much better than expected!I was really not expecting much with no name actors (I didn't recognize any one) and no name director and writer Christopher Smith, but I was very pleasantly surprised!All the actors were spot on, maybe a little overboard in some instances but it played well with the directing which was actually very impressive for a director and writer I never heard of!Yes there were a few plot holes but for a 'B' or less movie, everything else was exceptional! Well done Christopher Smith and to the entire cast for a great thrill ride!
bcheng93 didn't think this movie was going to be any good...boy was i strong. tye sheridan...who by the way looks like a young tom hardy really shows his acting chops in this movie. the other 2 main leads were very very good also...emory cohen and bel powley. gave the movie 7 stars because its much better then a 6 and i strongly believe that the movie eventually will be in the high 6s'. very character driven storyline with a few nice action...all the action is in the acting, thats what makes a good thriller. there was 1 gory part in the movie...close to the end...extremely extremely gory but it lasts only about a big deal...doesn't detract from the movie. do watch the movie if you get a chance..if you like thriller genre movies or just a good movie in general.