The Invisible
The Invisible
PG-13 | 27 April 2007 (USA)
The Invisible Trailers

After an attack leaves him in limbo -- invisible to the living and also near death -- a teenager discovers the only person who might be able help him is his attacker.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Ed-Shullivan Some films are hit and miss. With the film The Invisible there are more misses than there were hits. The acting by the main characters is decent as is the cinematography and musical score. What is grossly lacking though is in the storyline. I found the script to be weak and so the audience has a hard time hanging in waiting for a good ending. Instead the ending (without giving it away) is oh so typical that I ended up saying at the film's end....really? You have got to be kidding.The last 30 minutes concentrated on having the two main actors Justin Chatwin who plays Nick Powell (who is the deceased victim who miraculously comes back to life as a supernatural being whispering in his co-stars ear) and Margarita Levieva who plays the confused and volatile Annie Newton whose goal is to bring Nick Powell back from the dead before time runs out.Unfortunately time does not run out soon enough for this moviegoer who watched the film go downhill to the bitter end. Not the greatest mystery, suspense, dramatic film. I rate the picture a 4 out of 10 for the actors trying to make something out of a story line that was weak. I also suggest you pass on this one.
josh gilligan there are only a few reasons why this movie isn't in the 5 dollar bin or forgotten all together: 1. the acting (while not flawless) keeps the movie from being completely stale. has amassed a reasonable fan following from a previous foreign film and a book. 3. the directors and writers of this movie, i'm sure, were not idiots. they put moments in the movie that at the same time completely cliché and faux dramatic, but are still compelling to the viewer (for example overdosing on drugs or resorting to suicide to escape limbo). just like when your average corrupt politician makes a speech about his recent trip to feed the kids in Africa or just so happens to mention how much he gave to charity. its a shameless con to get you to think there is substance in the movie. when in actuality, the movie is stuck in limbo.
Assambig Watched the trailer for this film and it looked pretty decent but really wasn't. The whole plot is poor and predictable all the way through. None of the scenes fit together and are way to unrealistic...I know the film was meant to be that way but they just took it too far and would not recommend watching!!!They have tried to copy films in this category but I feel as though they have taken a step backwards. Also the trailer that I watched for the film and the actually film its self were completely different, not sure if America got a different version but it certainly looked better than the UK one.
hnt_dnl THE INVISIBLE (2007) is a slightly above-average suspense horror tale about two teenagers, who, on the surface, appear to be polar opposites, but in reality, are two sides of the same coin. One is the gifted and rich teenager Nick (convincingly played by Justin Chatwick), who lost his father at a young age and feels trapped in a go-nowhere relationship with his obviously cold, distant mother (fine performance by veteran Marcia Gay Harden).The other is the tough and troubled delinquent Annie (refreshingly played by Margarite Levieva), who is part of a high school gang of thieves and is in cahoots with a recently-paroled local ex-con Marcus (good performance by Alex O'Loughlin). Annie has a dysfunctional home life as well (father with a dead-end job, terrible stepmother) and is ironically the best influence on her little brother.The movie has an amazing opening dream sequence of Nick's graduation party that foreshadows the main point of the film, that Nick himself feels "invisible" to his mother and to the rest of the world and he desperately wants to connect to SOMETHING! He has only one best friend that betrayed him later on and a girlfriend that we find out later was just using him. Even the connections that Nick THOUGHT he had were a mirage! Conversely, Annie feels alone, too, doomed to a life of poverty and crime. Both characters feel ALONE and so the message of the film, I think, is that sometimes the strongest bonds come from the most unexpected sources. It is the character details to Nick and Annie's personal lives and their connection that make the movie what it is. Also, the music used throughout the film to underscore Nick and Annie's situations is wonderful.Unfortunately, other than the main stars and a couple of other aforementioned characters, the movie as a whole is very flawed. The major flaw is the cops investigating Nick's disappearance and apparent murder, the 2 main of which (Callum Keith Rennie and Michelle Harrison) leave nary of an impression, as they seem strangely distant from the story and take what I think is way too long to figure out Nick's whereabouts and connecting Annie to the disappearance. I mean, it never should have been THIS difficult! I also don't get why Nick's best "friend" Pete (Chris Marquette in a thankless role) didn't come forward sooner as there was really nothing he could do about the beating and I doubt he would have actually gone to jail if he'd spilled the beans on Annie and her cronies. But the "action" scenes in the film's climax are really a head-scratcher as there is no way that Annie should have so easily gotten away from the police. She was literally cornered and should have been caught. The cops were totally and unacceptably inept in this movie.But, I will say that the ending to this film was simply AMAZING! It seems as though the director knew how he wanted to start and finish the film, it was just the middle parts that were a bit too muddled.