Love at First Hiccup
Love at First Hiccup
R | 09 February 2009 (USA)
Love at First Hiccup Trailers

Victor, a bumbling and gullible high school freshman, has caught a serious case of Anya-itis—an acute, incurable crush on hot senior Anya. Too bad she dates the most popular guy in school and doesn't have a clue that Victor exists. After a string of awkward run-ins, his chances of scoring a date with Anya seem to go from hardly any to, well, zero. But his shy and goofy charm—and an elaborate scheme to win the girl of his dreams—just might do the trick.

Alicia I love this movie so much
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Louise Andersen Being Danish and having grown up with the original version, which was very popular at a time, I was kind of looking forward to this American version, as they tend to be a lot better than the movies produced in Denmark. But after seeing it, the only thing a felt was disappointment. The characters seemed to young and it just didn't seem to have the same wow-effect as the one I remembered from the Danish version. Basically everything about this movie seemed wrong, besides the young age of the characters, everything you love about them has been changed. Any a is not the same confident girl that I expected and victors brother, just seem vulgar instead of somewhat charming and so on. Just the Small things that made the original movie great, has been changed in a way that do not work very well. This was a big let down.
rlambert-482-217916 There comes a time when this type of movie needs to stop being made, like ten years ago. How many new ways can you redo high school angst? I was home sick with a sinus infection and this was on Showtime. I actually wanted to get up and go to work this movie was so bad. I watched the whole thing only because I really believed it had to get better, it did not. The parents of both Victor and Anja were so unbelievable that I thought even if parents like that existed, I would run away from home if they were mine. I'm assuming their medicine cabinets must be brimming with xanax, anti-depressants, vicodin, ambien, etc to make them so passive and stupid.
Steve Pulaski Love at First Hiccup a truly a harmless and enjoyable film. The cast is lively, the script hits almost all the right notes, and the plot works for the most part, though sometimes becoming hokey and unbelievable. For a Direct-to-DVD underdog, it isn't half bad. And sometimes, that's all that can be said.Devon Werkheiser is the lead, who is most famous for his role as Ned Bigby in Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. That was a show about guiding someone through middle school. Love at First Hiccup could work as the R rated film as Ned in high school falling in love with a girl who is out of his league. The only thing it is missing is the so-called "tips" from the Television series.The series wasn't bad, but it surely wasn't as good as Drake and Josh or Zoey 101. The big problem being the realism of it. The show's goal was to try and get the viewer through a day of middle school, avoiding as many problems and brick-walls as possible. Most of the time, the characters weren't in class and did things real people couldn't do (IE: Ned had a friend that periodically came up with weird, cockamamie technology creations). Other problems sometimes stemmed from the tip themselves. I'll never forget one episode where Ned continues to get "pants-ed" at school, and at one point tells the viewer "If you don't like getting pants-ed, try wearing a janitor's outfit." This caused me to think "is this show one complete joke?" The word of advice was used as an actual tip, but who in their right mind would come to school wearing a one-piece janitor's outfit? From there on out, I also imagined the characters had a certain smugness when giving out these "helpful" tips.As for Love at First Hiccup, it plays like a raunchy, R rated Nickelodeon film. If you were to modify various four letter words into something of a family nature, took out sex dialog, and made the plot about getting a first date or a first kiss rather than the first time our character and another girl hit the bed than this could've truly been a PG rated film for the kiddies. Even the production qualities are no better than say Fred: The Movie or Gym Teacher: The Movie, other Nickelodeon-produced films.The story concerns an early Freshman named Victor (Werkheiser) who, in his third day of school, immediately eyes and falls in lust with a Senior named Anya (Taylor-Compton) who is vastly out of his league. She, of course, has a boyfriend who drives a nice muscle guy, and persuades her to let him take her virginity before graduation. Victor hates the boyfriend, and wants Anya to be his first so they both can share the same experience.Premise wise, the film is cute and plucky while silently incorporating an unexpected raunch-element. This sort of reminds me of College, which starred Nickelodeon-raised actor Drake Bell. It was strange to see him out of the Nickelodeon setting, and free to say whatever he pleased. Frequently, he dropped the f word, and the same thing goes with Werkheiser in this film. It's not bad, but it takes some definite getting used to. I would've loved it if the character Victor took a minute to break the fourth wall and say something like "If you want to get in a girl's pants, don't forget to wear a condom." The story's subplot is that Anya's younger brother and Victor's younger brother are good friends, and are in cahoots to make a film banking off of Victor's desperate attempts to sleep with Anya. It's cute, but stretched to the furthest length of plausibility. Same goes with Anya and Victor's relationship. It's so odd to see a Senior so inviting to this dorky Freshman. Maybe four years of high school taught patience, but the believability is low when you see her tolerance is high.We also never hear too much from either side's friends. We see Victor's two dweeby pals, and we see one or two of Anya's girlfriends, but none of them ever greatly effect their decision-making. The character development for both leads is nice, but it's strange we don't get friendly advice anywhere in the film.There is very little to complain about with Love at First Hiccup, accept granted it does have some minor realism problems. It's a cute, coming of age comedy-drama, and that's good enough. It's blatant because of its lead character's ambition to have sex at a young age, and on that note, it can be relatable for some people going through that phase. I also think this should get some hefty bonus points for being a watchable and recommendable Direct-to-DVD film. You rarely get too many of those.Starring: Devon Werkheisher and Scout Taylor-Compton. Directed by: Barbara Topsøe-Rothenborg.
Kirinatsu90271 i think to myself that the most important thing is an answer on question 'Will I get sucked in this movie, by this movie?' And the answer is, hell yeah! In my case, time flew by, that's how dynamic this film is, especially in comparison to what we've seen lately. And to depict at least a little bit of context for the readers - I'm 20 y old.Plot isn't that original(I'm referring to genre/theme, not to Denmark version), rather one of many variations, but it's fresh and 'feel good', dialogue could be better but it doesn't seem forced at anytime. Characters are good, some even excellent, like Anya's(Scout Taylor's) dad Roger(Ray Wise)(type of dad we'd all like to have, wouldn't we?), even though he doesn't have big role, and hilarious little Zack(Daniel Polo) too.As for the 'protagonist and his lovely lady', they exceeded expectations. Victor(Devon Werkheiser) did a good job picturing his role, and Anya as the story progresses(even though in the beginning I thought she's not attractive at all) makes you at least a little bit infatuated with her because, even though she's not stereotype beauty that we see in movies like this, she's really charming.I'm glad that now this film has at least 1 review, it deserves it.