Dream a Little Dream
Dream a Little Dream
PG-13 | 03 March 1989 (USA)
Dream a Little Dream Trailers

Bobby Kellar has a crush on Lainie Diamond, girlfriend of school jerk Joel. Coleman is working on an experiment which will help him move into a place where Dreams are reality. When an accident occurs Coleman finds himself in Bobby's body and can only contact Bobby in his dreams.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
lchelle-lm OK, no spoiler. It would be too long too. This movie is now easier to find, in Hulu for July (2017). I loved this movie in the 80s and 90s. The time was perfect. The dream concept odd and music to remember for yrs into the future. Watching in 2017 is fun for holidays. You can work, chill, and watch old memories. I remember i use to love the Coreys too. Good times.
neonmaniacs 80's teenage comedies come a dime a dozen, but while watching 'Dream A Little Dream' you'll realise it really stands out compared to many of the others.Written, directed and produced by Marc Rocco, who also wrote psychological thriller 'The Jacket', Dream A Little Dream takes the teen comedy genre and adds a fantasy body-swapping twist to it. But despite the fantasy theme of the film it still comes across sincere and slightly nostalgic.Once again the two Coreys team up together, this time with Corey Feldman taking the lead role as hopeless in love Bobby, but its Corey Haim who steals the show with a fantastic performance as hapless best friend Dinger.There are great supporting roles from legends Piper Laurie and Jason Robards and once again a tremendous performance from the always wonderful Harry Dean Stanton.One weak point in the cast comes from the lead love interest played by pretty faced Meredith Salanger who doesn't seem to fit the mood of the film.There is a strange atmosphere during the film which is helped along by the soundtrack, Van Morrisons classic "Into The Mystic" seems especially fitting to the movie.So give Dream A Little Dream a watch, and like it or not I'm sure you'll agree that it's got something a little bit different.
Superunknovvn What is "Dream A Little Dream"? No one knows, but somebody in the late 80's seemed to have had the following idea: let's make another movie with the two Coreys about something that kids love to see at the moment. Yeah, let's make a body swapping movie or something. We could put in some rad clothes and hip music. To top it all off we'll have Jason Robards in a side role, how about that?Well, the result is a mess as you can image. The story is practically non-existent. Corey Feldman - whose acting is horrid in this movie, by the way - has to fret for something because of something that we are not exactly sure about. As we're trying to figure out why we're too stupid to figure out what's going on, we are constantly bombarded with a soundtrack of old and then current songs about "Dreams".It's kinda fun and intriguing to watch such a train wreck. The characters are less than believable, the fashion is the worst you've ever seen in a movie. You've never seen a movie like this at all. It's a rare member of the romance/sci-fi/mind swapping/coming of age/drama/comedy-genre. Or something.Lovers of the obscure, this is your movie!
Ric Degre I checked that this may be a spoiler just in case i say something that happens in the movie....It seems that most of the people who have seen this movie just don't get it....there is a magic in the movie that most people seem to overlook, this movie has not as much to do with the Corey's, as it has to do with the story, and if you just watch the story unfold and listen to the strategically placed soundtrack you would see the magic in the movie, it's all about the relationships, c'mon watch the 2 couples having similar conversations and the way Gina asks Coleman why he loves her and he says cause I saw the other half of me. If you just watch the movie and let your mind go and enjoy the story you WILL fall in love with the movie, and the music in the movie. If you're looking for a hot female, you have her in this movie, she is a nice addition to a wonderful story, I just love this movie, and I always will.