The Hot Chick
The Hot Chick
PG-13 | 13 December 2002 (USA)
The Hot Chick Trailers

Not only is Jessica Spencer the most popular girl in school -- she is also the meanest. But things change for the attractive teen when a freak accident involving a cursed pair of earrings and a chance encounter at a gas station causes her to switch bodies with Clive, a sleazy crook. Jessica, in the form of the repulsive Clive, struggles to adjust to this radical alteration and sets out to get her own body back before the upcoming prom.

Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
morphricky I think Rob perfectly portrays the role of of a spoiled teenage girl and the clichés works in his favor. Mocking the stereotypes of how a spoiled girl acts allows him to overreact without it feeling over the top. I found the role of a teenage girl trapped in a mans body believable, unlike a lot of other movies where it's obvious that a person can't adapt to the role they are given. The jokes are plenty and the dorky friends of Jessica makes it easy to accept that they accept Rob as their long time friend. They just aren't very bright to begin with, so the plot seems plausible. I do have some criticism though. You barely see anything of the bad guy that is trapped in the girls body. It's as if they put all their ideas into Rob being a girl that they forgot about the other part. The ending also gets very sentimental and serious towards the end, which is a complete shift from the jokes that makes fun of the clichés. The movie ends in a predictable way. Why not mock that also? You feel nothing for the ending as you're not taking any of the characters serious in the first place. Although what happens to the bad guy is funny.
mccready-906-458193 i hate rob Schneider.i hate rob Schneider's movies.rob Schneider is not funny - not ever - not even one little bit not even by accident.rob Schneider's movies are not funny - not ever - not even one little bit not even funny in a "look how bad this movie is" kinda way.rob Schneider should be banned from making movies. roger ebert knew he was the worst and roger ebert was a smart man and a very good and fair movie reviewer.rob Schneider's movies should all be burned or at least locked up in a vault somewhere like fort Knox so that nobody will ever have to watch any of them again.
Brandon Blackwell An attractive and popular teenager who is mean spirited toward others, finds herself in the body of an older man, and must find a way to get back to her original body.This review is coming from a fan of Rob's "The Animal." Although stupid, the film packs in fun and great humor. So through my liking of THAT, I suspected liking this one. Wrong. The Hot Chick has a great premise, similar to "Freak Friday." I thought it would be great because Rob is surely great for this role. But once things start kicking in, I started to lose my interest. The humor seemed a bit lame at places, but it had it's redeeming places. The whole 'ancient' background wasn't needed and the antics of each we were not all that great. First off, I'm not calling this a bad film. It was funny in places. But sadly, that is ALL it combines. Humor... Nothing more, nothing less. The acting was average at best and everything else was half of what I expected. So, unforgivably, the time lacked what "The Animal" had. It had heart and great humor to add. But this film only gives us some few entertaining scenes and abruptly stops it's course. If that's what you like, dumb films, then this surely would be a great pick. But if you enjoy smart and intellectual films and the occasional punch of goofiness, I wouldn't settle down for this one. That's a cut. 5/10.
Floated2 This film starts out pretty straight forward then turns for the worse. I didn't find the gags and jokes in the film funny just disgusting, crude and somewhat offensive in a way. Most of the "jokes" involve Rob Scheinder (as Rachel McAdams- female) trying to figure out how to get used to being a male. A lot of awkward and unfunny jokes are present, such as her using the bathroom, April (Anna Faris) asking to see her/his private, the stereotypical Asian friend's mother randomly coming in from nowhere, and other gay/lesbian jokes. This movie had a pretty good premise but given its's production and direction with script it wasn't as funny as it could have been. I think had it been rated R (incl. R rated material) this could have been a lot funnier. I understand what the filmmakers want us to laugh at. But the delivery doesn't work. Why do audience members laugh when Rob Schneider takes a header down about 100 steps? Not because there's any real humor in the situation, but because the filmmakers expect viewers to laugh, and we have been programmed to laugh, even if that laughter is more of a knee-jerk reaction than something that bubbles up from deep within.The whole plot who the transformation is ridiculous (even for a fantasy comedy). Jessica (McAdams) steals a pair of ancient earing's (she doesn't know they are ancient) from a shop, which somehow has powers to transform people who wear one piece of earning at the same time simultaneously. Also, the meeting between Clive and Jessica is rather ridiculous and pure coincidence. They meet when Clive is robing a gas station, and Jessica along with her friends are outside in their car waiting for assistance to help put gas in the vehicle. What I don't understand, is why would Clive go and help them. He simply could have said that he isn't the guy who works at the station.Also, they don't show Rachel McAdams (disguised as Clive)much in the film. She's there a few moments after the transformation but its only in little doses. The MPAA rates this PG-13. Yet it is too vulgar for anyone under 13, and too dumb for anyone over 13.