The Waterboy
The Waterboy
PG-13 | 06 November 1998 (USA)
The Waterboy Trailers

Bobby Boucher is a water boy for a struggling college football team. The coach discovers Boucher's hidden rage makes him a tackling machine whose bone-crushing power might vault his team into the playoffs.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Sarah "The Waterboy" is a film starring Adam Sandler. It's part of the string of comedies that Adam Sandler put out in the late 90's, and I enjoyed it a lot. It wasn't very unique from his other films around that time, but it was still worth watching, and I'd recommend it if you're looking for laughs. As far as artistic value goes this movie wasn't anything special. If you've seen "Billy Madison," "Happy Gilmore," or any of his other movies that were released around this time then you should have a pretty good idea of what to expect. The kind of plain filming does give a very distinct feeling of the 90's though, so maybe that was the whole feeling they were shooting for at the time. The popularity of this movie wasn't overwhelming by any means, but it was an improvement from the film "Billy Madison" that Adam Sandler had released only three years earlier. While "Billy Madison" didn't even make $30 Million in box office sales, "The Waterboy" made around $186 Million box office. I think this movie is attractive to anyone who just wants a good laugh. The entertainment doesn't really come from the time, but rather the characters. So it's never really outdated or boring, and it's always a good watch. The moral of this story to me is that you can do anything you set your mind to. Rather than letting people pick on you, and tell you what you can or can't do, if you try hard and commit then you can get it done. This movie approaches that idea a little differently from other films in that it plays Bobby up to be kind of dopey. And he finds what he wants to do by accident just from getting angry and not putting up with the bullying anymore. The conflicts in this movie are kind of just pushed through as the story goes on. He sticks with how he wants things, has a moment of doubt, then comes back around at the end and the resolution is found. The climax and resolution give the big win that you're always hoping Bobby will get, and that's pretty much the end of the film after that. All-in-all it was a good film with not too deep of a plot, but still enjoyable to watch. I'd recommend giving this movie a watch if you're bored one weekend and need a laugh.
Python Hyena The Waterboy (1998): Dir: Frank Coraci / Cast: Adam Sandler, Kathy Bates, Henry Winkler, Fairuza Balk, Jerry Reed: Standard comedy about the little guy who will become a big somebody. Adam Sandler plays the waterboy for a football team. He lives with his overbearing mother who claims that everything is "the Devil." His mother will not allow him to play football but the coach puts him on the team anyway suggesting that he visualize an attack. He visualizes everyone who has insulted him throughout his life. Predictable and ridiculous with characters that seem like distant cousins of Farmer Vincent of Motel Hell. Directed by Frank Coraci who previously directed Sandler in the more appealing The Wedding Singer. Part of the problem is that Sandler is not only unsympathetic but his voice is irritable. Supporting actors suffer from characters who come off as comic types rather than personalities. Kathy Bates as his strict mother is straight forward right up to her mind change regarding the apron strings. Henry Winkler as a struggling coach is pretty much what viewers can expect. Fairuza Balk as his trashy girlfriend is more a thought than an actual person. Jerry Reed is cast as a nasty coach who belittles Sandler. Strong theme of self respect and standing up for oneself with a screenplay that is washed up with little to keep it afloat. Score: 3 / 10
SnoopyStyle Bobby Boucher (Adam Sandler) is the slow lowly 31 year old waterboy for the UL football team. Everybody is picking on him. Coach Red Beaulieu (Jerry Reed) fires him for disrupting practice. He goes home to Jackson's Bayou, Louisiana to his domineering mama (Kathy Bates). He goes to the rundown South Central Lousiana State University. Coach Klein (Henry Winkler) hires the waterboy and then discovers that he's a great tackler. He becomes the new linebacker with the kicker Derek Wallace as his only friend. He goes out with Vicki Vallencourt (Fairuza Balk) who just got out of jail despite his mother's objections.It's not that funny but it's still a passable watch. Sandler is playing another idiot but he's a likable idiot. The mannerisms can be annoying to some but it's inoffensive to me. There are a few too many bullies. I don't think most of the players would still pick on him as he gets all those sacks. There's a missing scene where somebody on the team gets impressed by his tackling, changes his mind and stands up to the quarterback. In the end, it's somewhat watchable but no real laughs with so many shallow unimaginative jokes.
Dom Nickson I give credit for Adam Sandler for being in this film. I also give Rob Schneider credit but this movie is just so unfunny it just disappoints me when I see the box on my shelf and realize I'm not getting my money back. This movie is very poorly written with having the lead girl act trampy. I mean she awkwardly reminds me of my cousin and it just isn't a good thing. I don't really root for her to get the main guy because hey she just isn't all that attractive when she tries acting like it. I'm also turned off by this movie when the only thing I think would of been funnier and more realistic is having Adam Sandler's mother/ Kathy Bates murder everybody on the other team. The ending really is a disappointing climax and it just really is poorly done. You don't get satisfied in the end. It's a 3 out of 10 for Big Show's cameo, Kathy Bates' 2nd psycho performance, and having Rob Schneider play the character that Adam Sandler seemed to play in The Animal.