Happy Gilmore
Happy Gilmore
PG-13 | 16 February 1996 (USA)
Happy Gilmore Trailers

Failed hockey player-turned-golf whiz Happy Gilmore -- whose unconventional approach and antics on the grass courts the ire of rival Shooter McGavin -- is determined to win a PGA tournament so he can save his granny's house with the prize money. Meanwhile, an attractive tour publicist tries to soften Happy's image.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
jordan_smith-51278 Yes you read that right, Adam Sandler's best, well in my opinion, it was extremely funny, unlike other Adam Sandler movies, the story was also really well crafted and paced, and even his grandmother had a rather funny sub-plot in the nursing home. final verdict:amazing if you're in the mood for a great comedy, or just want a really good laugh.
Iollann Mckeon Review: 'Happy Gilmore' 'Happy Gilmore' starring Adam Sandler, Julie Bowen and Christopher McDonald is a film about a rejected hockey player who tries his hand at golf to save his grandmother's house from being repossessed. Directed by Dennis Dugan, released in 1996 this is an Adam Sandler classic and definitely one of his best films but that's not saying much. 'Happy Gilmore' is an aspiring hockey player but he is always been rejected. When he learns that his Granny's house is going to be seized he joins a local golf tournament under the management of 'Chubbs Peterson' played by Carl Weathers. He wins the tournament and earns his place on the pro golf tournament. As I said Adam Sandler puts in his usual crude, juvenile performance but this time it actually works especially in comparison to his other recent films like 'Jack and Jill' and 'Grown Ups'. This film was released when Adam Sandler was putting out his best films like 'The Water boy' and 'Billy Madison'. Adam Sandler has plenty of experience playing characters like 'Happy' because in all of his films that I have seen he plays the same character. Christopher McDonald puts in a fairly decent performance of Happys' rival and reigning champion of the pro golf tournament 'Shooter McGavin' an arrogant and pretentious man. As I said he plays him pretty well. Bill withers puts in quite a funny performance as 'Chubbs' Happys' mentor and eventually friend. In comparison to his performance in 'Rocky' as 'Apollo Creed' he plays a much more comedic role showing his versatility. My favourite scene in 'Happy Gilmore' is when 'Happy' has a fight with Bob Barker from 'The Price is Right' who is playing himself. This is a pretty iconic scene in my opinion as most people I know, even if they haven't seen the film will know of this scene. I think that is what id best about this film, the back and forth between characters, Happy and Bob Barker, Happy and Shooter McGavin and Sometimes even happy and Chubbs. Another great scene that really sticks out to me is Happys' dream sequence. It's really uniquely shot and funny at the same time. All in all I criticize Adam Sandler's performance but this is truly his best film. I first watched this film when I was very young so I am quite nostalgic about it. I would like to see Adam Sandler try his hand at serious acting or going back to his roots to films like 'The Water Boy' or 'Happy Gilmore' because films like 'Jack and Jill' aren't working. Adam Sandler has proved he actually can be quite funny with the right actors around him supporting him. I give it a 6/10 it probably should be a 5/10 but I feel very nostalgic about it.
walion Writers Tim Herlihy and Adam Sandler give us one of the most disappointing comedy movies of 1996. I have no idea how Dennis Dugan has agreed to direct such a story, most of which is just random scenes that are supposed to be funny. Unfortunately most of it is just not in place.Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler) is a rejected hockey player, who tries to become a MVP in golf so that he can save his grandmother's house, which she's going to lose due to not paying back taxes. He then joins the PGA Golf Tour so he can get the money needed to help his grandma. Henceforth, the movie shows its full "potential".Unfortunately, Gilmore has a big rival in the face of the self-assured and envious Shooter McGavin (Christopher McDonald), who will do everything to stop Gilmore from winning the 1st place. Happy's advantage is that he can shoot golf balls for far distances, which ultimately makes him a podium challenger.I don't know whether the things that happened after Happy joined the Tour were written with the intention to be funny or just the writers put some random sounds and stuff not knowing what they were doing. When the golf balls are shot we can hear a sound, as if somebody shoots with a 45mm gun. While the ball is in the air, it seems like it's a Boeing 747 plane with an engine fail.The only moment in the movie that I actually laughed is when Happy, the sociopath playing golf, started hitting the alligator that was not an actual alligator, but a dog, judging on its coherent, typical dog barks. A car (VW Beattle?) runs over Gilmore with about 30-40 km/h and what happens? He's just having pains in the right shoulder, which he moves with not problem at all. After 5-10 shots he again shoots the balls with the same power as he did in the beginning. Adam Sandler is half a Superman in this movie - he even beats a man who can actually be his grandfather by means of age.A very predictable movie. It's only worth watching it just to see the alligator scene. 1/10 for Sandler, 4/10 for the movie.
colevasic We all know what a comedy is and we can all predict the plot of the movie before even finishing it, wouldn't it be nice if we had a comedy where we didn't know what was going to happen? Or if the movie surprised us at the end? Happy Gilmore isn't an exception. Happy Gilmore is about this guy who is kind of struggling with living and his grandma gets kicked out of her house which really upsets him. During the process of moving his grandma out he comes to find that he is really good at golf, but not in the normal way he isn't necessarily, "professional" he just runs and hits the ball and it just soars through the air. This guys name is Happy Gilmore, Happy ends up going to the big tournament where he must face off with the best golfers in the world, here he faces many challenges and has to learn to be a better golfer to win the tournament and use that money to buy back his mothers home. This movie is just like any other cliché movie that the main person overcomes the challenge, or the hero wins the war, etc. The biggest struggle Happy has to overcome in this film is his biggest competition, a guy named Shooter McGavin who is a real professional golfer who has been doing it a whole lot longer than Gilmore. Happy Gilmore isn't completely taken by surprise with golf because he has been playing hockey is whole life which basically involves the same swing technique and everything that golfing does. But Happy realizes that he won't ever have the chance to win the tournament unless he seeks help from someone who knows what exactly they are doing. The person that Gilmore goes to and seeks out is a guy he knows as Chubbs, who has a fake arm because it got bitten off during a golf tournament by an alligator. This movie is definitely one of those, "dirty secret comedies" where the humor is just kind of dumb comedy but that doesn't mean it isn't funny, it definitely is a funny movie! This movie is attracted for its simplistic representation and I would concur, because you already know what basically is going to happen before the movie even ends. The main part of this movie is that Happy has to beat Shooter McGavin in a tournament in order to pay for his Grandmas house so she doesn't have to move out. Whenever there is a plot like this in a movie, you know that the main character or hero is going to come through with the challenge and everyone is going to live happily-ever-after.The tournament starts out fair and they keep playing through it, eventually everyone is eliminated except the two that face off in the end. It comes down to the last hole and Shooter swings an impressive hit that puts him ahead a little bit, as long as Happy doesn't get it in in less amount of hits. Unfortunately, an accident happens with a bystander and a big tower falls down blocking the course, Happy wants people to move it and go again when its clear, but Shooter says the rules say that once you start a hole you have to finish it. Gilmore takes this and has a flashback to when he went mini-golfing with Chubbs and how he had taught him to be the ball and to just relax and take a breath. Gilmore does just that and he ends up using the fallen over tower to his advantage to hit the ball like you would hit it if you were playing mini-golf, the ball bounces all over the place and eventually finds its way into the hole. This scene is very dramatic as you can imagine and when it goes in everyone goes crazy and starts cheering and celebrating. Gilmore gets a prize jacket and a trophy, but more importantly he gets money that he later uses to save his grandmas house.This is why I am not super impressed with this movie; it is funny but very predictable. But to come from the other side, it is just a comedy, "a dumb comedy" more specifically so it doesn't necessarily need to have some super in depth plot or some big surprise that happens. That's the whole point of this movie, it's just like a dumb comedy that makes you laugh even though it might seem un-intelligent or looked down upon. Even thought this movie might have a normal plot and is nothing special, it is still a good movie and it definitely made us laugh. I think the characters were chosen very wisely, the actual actors that played the characters and the actual characters themselves. They really complement each other and they build on each other, the main character wouldn't be the main character without his supporting characters and those characters really did help Adam Sandler in this case. For example, when Gilmore goes to the mini-golf course with Chubbs (Carl Weathers) they really improve Gilmores skills and help him basically win the tournament in the end and this is a key point in the movie. I think the casting director really hit it on the head. In conclusion I would say that to criticize this movie for having a cliché plot would be unfair and if that is the only thing I got out of this movie that would be a lie. Because this movie is a first of its time it is a classic. This movie is a knee slapper and I would say a classic, lots of people know what this movie is and have probably seen it. In the end this is still a very funny movie and I would recommend to anyone.