R | 24 February 2012 (USA)
Goon Trailers

Doug Glatt, a slacker who discovers he has a talent for brawling, is approached by a minor league hockey coach and invited to join the team as the "muscle." Despite the fact that Glatt can't skate, his best friend, Pat, convinces him to give it a shot, and Glatt becomes a hero to the team and their fans, until the league's reigning goon becomes threatened by Glatt's success and decides to even the score.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
garthlotel Can't quite put my finger on why this movie makes me laugh so much - but all I know is the humour is original and it takes you by surprise all the way through the film. I want to watch it again so I can analyse and explain the humour properly. In the meantime, I recommend watching it if you like Sean William Scott and you can handle rough sports, a bit of violence, deep moments of sadness and weird jokes.
gkycarrie This is where I confess to hating sports movies. I ended up watching the movie on the repeat urging of my boyfriend, convinced that I would dislike it.I was wrong. So very, very wrong. I laughed all the way through the movie--loud, surprised guffaws and nerdy snort-laughs.Without spoiling any plot details, the premise of the movie is not terribly exciting, but the combination of hilariously obscene writing, the spot-on delivery and solid acting, and the seeming ability of Sean Michael Scott to embody a truly lovable idiot sells a surprisingly likable and personable movie.The movie also surprised me several times--sports movies have a tendency to focus on the rise of an underdog or fall of a hero. The themes are huge, and the focus of the film is on those themes.This movie, by contrast, never forgets the importance of character and the need for the viewer to fall in love with characters in order to root for them. Thanks to the writing and acting, it is easy to fall in love with the characters, and to care deeply for them.The movie also never forgets the small details of relationships and motivation that make characters believable. Really, it deserves a better rating than it has right now. Even if you can't stand sports movies, this one is worth checking out.
The Couchpotatoes If you have a weak spot for ice hockey and the fights that come usual with that sport then you probably will like this movie. I am one of those people so I did like the movie. It made me think a little bit of the old time ice hockey movie classic Slap Shot. Since Goon is based on a true story it's even better to me. There is not that much to laugh with, and it doesn't matter to me, but there is for sure a lot of fighting. The story itself is very easy and pleasant to follow, even for people that are not really into ice hockey. The actors play their respective characters at their best. There is not really anything bad to say about Goon. Watch it if you liked Slap Shot or if you like an entertaining sports movie.
g-bodyl I'm not a hockey fan by any stretch of the imagination, but Goon is a really funny, heart-warming film despite the film being hockey-based. But then again, this is a Canadian movie so a hockey film from Canada is not surprising at all. But the film goes beyond the sport and into the realm of its characters. The film is mostly based off the characters and their relationships with each other. Making friendships and finding love are some common themes here. However, the entertainment level is on full gear as we get some very brutal fights and lots of blood. The film is extremely violent, which may be a turn-off for some people expecting a film like 2004's Miracle.Michael Dowse's film is about a man named Doug Glatt who heralds from an educated family and works as a bouncer at a bar, even though he seems dim-witted to a degree. But at a hockey game, he protects his best friend from a vicious hockey player by knocking him out cold which opens the eyes of the scouts. Despite disapproval from his parents, Doug gets a chance to shine as a enforcer for a minor league hockey team....and one of his rivals is a washed-up enforcer named Ross Rhea.The acting is actually pretty good. Seann William Scott is known for his role as Stifler in the American Pie series, but he does an excellent job playing the complete opposite as the nice, but really dumb Doug. Jay Baruchel is okay as Doug's friend, but maybe tone down his language a bit. Liev Schreiber does a fine job as Rhea. Eugene Levy makes a cameo as Doug's father.Overall, Goon turned out to be a pleasant surprise. It's much more than a sports film as it centers on a rags-to-rich story, which makes it all the better because of Doug's personality. There is enough blood and brawls to satisfy hockey fans or any sports fan in general. I'm not a hockey guy, but I was able to enjoy the film very much so because I pretty much saw the brawls as boxing on ice. It's a good, entertaining film. I rate this film 9/10.