A League of Their Own
A League of Their Own
PG | 01 July 1992 (USA)
A League of Their Own Trailers

As America's stock of athletic young men is depleted during World War II, a professional all-female baseball league springs up in the Midwest, funded by publicity-hungry candy maker Walter Harvey. Competitive sisters Dottie Hinson and Kit Keller spar with each other, scout Ernie Capadino and grumpy has-been coach Jimmy Dugan on their way to fame.

ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Hitchcoc This is a feel good movie about a period during the war where women's baseball became popular. It served the purpose of giving entertainment during a very hard time in our history. It also showed the wonderful relationships that developed. Tom Hanks plays the enigmatic coach who has always dealt with men. The subplot involves sisters, where the tall pretty one has seemingly always held sway in the family. This is about growing. This is an opportunity for a new start for one of them. Madonna plays a fun character, full of life and sass. Of course, we are in for a lead up to a significant game where things will get sorted out. It's also an education in a particular sports phenomenon that was short lived but quite interesting. The movie sparkles and Hanks does a great job of suffering through something he is totally unequipped for. Quite delightful.
calvinnme I watched this film for the nth time after many times as part of the "Trailblazing Women" series on Turner Classic Movies. After watching the Rosie the Riveter documentary, it really stands out how much women were "used" during World War II. They were told how important they were to the war effort. What wasn't emphasized was the transient nature of the situation, that it was "until the men come back", so they got used to doing something other than housework if they were married or pretty mind numbing low paying jobs if they were not. The women working in the factories during the war had good paying jobs and some independence for the first times in their lives, the same with the girls in this movie. They not only had good pay, but a place in the limelight, doing something they were good at doing - baseball - with crowds rooting for them, but like Dottie and Kit, they had just been playing as amateurs pre-War. Dottie doesn't want to join the league at first. What Kit says is true - Dotty is the prettier sister, the sister with more baseball talent, and she doesn't want to admit her own competitive spirit until she is given a chance to exercise it, and then that competitiveness somewhat scares her. Tom Hanks is brilliant as Jimmy Dugan, a washed up ball player who drank away the five best years of his career and is recruited to coach the Rockford Peaches. At first he doesn't take this job seriously, but time, a few verbal bouts with Dottie, and a growing attachment to the girls change that. Towards the end of the film he delivers one of the best monologues that I have ever heard about talent, opportunities lost, and the fact that certain moments never come again. I know somebody else wrote these lines, but he delivered them with heart. One line should be emblazoned on everybody's mind - "If it wasn't hard everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great." Don't run away from anything because it is hard.Madonna and Rosie O'Donnell provide great comic relief - they actually had a pretty good off-screen friendship - so their back and forth comes across naturally. Even if you don't like these two individually, I think you'll like them here. It's funny how much women playing ball just offends American society's sensibilities about what is proper for a woman so much that a big part of the girls' training is basically a charm school, and that as players the women actually have curfews and places like bars that are off limits to them due to publicity, as though they were minors or gentle flowers that need protection.And now let me talk about Oregonian sisters Dottie and Kit, specifically Kit. Kit has talent. Kit has beauty. She just doesn't have as much as her sister. She definitely shows the audience how to be both a bad winner and a bad loser and just how much jealousy can make anybody ugly inside and out. And now the debate on the ending - that has been rehashed endlessly. I'll just say what I THINK happened makes me furious, because if I'm right then one person let an entire team down just to give another person who was green with envy a false victory in the hope that it would give them a lifetime of confidence. I know this is just a movie, but envy is a condition that is not cured by an external victory, earned or not. It can only be cured by a person changing their viewpoint, that THEY are responsible for their lives and actions. Give a jealous person one victory today and this time next year it will just be something else they feel is unfair and responsible for their misery.I highly recommend this one. It is almost perfect on every level, even the soundtrack!
tns1 I'd like to vote 10, but I feel its doing the film an injustice. I wasn't a great Madonna fan, yet I love the theme song (and have gelled to her in later years) and being a Brit Baseball, I have played. Yet this film bring out an emotion of a time when a generation was hard done in a world war, the ups and downs of this film leave you with a feeling of I would watch it again. It's hard not to quote from the movie, but to think my mother was once living with all the emotions that every generation has to deal with. I love the whole idea of this type of film. We look back at great times and people who still have a passion. I think all too often we overlook things in the present and make films that are there as money cows, with special effects or some boring theme that all the studios copy until its died a death. My only regret is reading that the soundtrack hasn't got the Madonna song on it and that only a limited version was produced in a shorter time. Madonna should release it as a bonus track, even you-tube do not have the song listed now. But back to the film, I miss my parents and as I get older then I think that I should record things for my kids to read, maybe make a film script themselves. For every generation has a story to tell and I think todays generation will have the hardest yet. But if you want to look back on days of simple pleasure then watch this film.
Marc Israel Let me start out by saying that A League Of Their Own is a fun movie. Geena Davis fulfills the role of "baseball dolly" and seems believable while Tom Hanks as washed up coach plays to the crown to everyones delight. Is there anyone out there who doesn't know that there's no crying in baseball? Even the Jon Lovitz scout was peppered with great one-liners and lovable schmaltz. Unfortunately the rest of the movie is unlovable schmaltz. The sports scenes seemed to be created for TV, as if it didn't matter if the positioning of balls, catches and players made no sense. The pushing of Madonna gave us one current pop culture moment from Rosie (I'm supposed to be an athlete, but maybe nobody noticed that I don't belong) O'Donnel stating, Mae, do you think there's any man left in America who hasn't seen your bosoms? Penny Marshall handled some scenes that worked and others that felt like Happy Days. Maybe it was her father on the set, but this plays like a "Laverne and Shirley" extended episode.