Joe Versus the Volcano
Joe Versus the Volcano
PG | 09 March 1990 (USA)
Joe Versus the Volcano Trailers

Hypochondriac Joe Banks finds out he has six months to live, quits his dead end job, musters the courage to ask his co-worker out on a date, and is then hired to jump into a volcano by a mysterious visitor.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
SnoopyStyle Joe Bank (Tom Hanks) has a depressing job in the Advertising Dept of American Panascope in Long Island City, New York. They make rectal probes. He suffers under his supervisor Mr. Waturi (Dan Hedaya). He's diagnosed with terminal brain cloud with six months to live. He quits and asks out his co-worker DeDe (Meg Ryan). Wealthy businessman Samuel Graynamore (Lloyd Bridges) needs to placate locals on an island to mine a rare mineral. He hires Joe to jump into the volcano to appease their god. Joe hires limo driver Marshall (Ossie Davis) to help him spend the money. Samuel's flighty daughter Angelica (Meg Ryan) picks him up at the airport in L.A. Angelica's half-sister Patricia (Meg Ray) captains the yacht that brings him to the island.I like his surrealistic work life. It reminds me of Brazil. The movie does get uneven at times. After getting the credit cards, Joe goes back into the real world. I expected more surrealism. After that, the surrealism returns with Meg Ryan playing another character. It makes shopping in Manhattan out of step.The 3 Meg Ryan performances are a little jarring at first. I enjoy DeDe as a little wacky and a little darker than her usual fare. Angelica is not as enjoyable. She seems to be trying to hard with her voice. She should pull back a little with the crazy voice and she could replace Ossie Davis on his shopping trips. Patricia is classic Meg and shows their easy chemistry once again. Overall, this may be uneven at times but there are plenty of interesting imaginative concepts.
rsj624 --WARNING: There may be some spoilers ahead for those who haven't seen the film, so just a heads up. In order to accurately review this film, it may be necessary to talk about some key moments.--This was an easy movie to want to like. There is plenty unique artistry for it's time to make repeat viewings fresh, and it's a no-brainer to admire it's boldness of design choice and decision to cast Meg Ryan in three separate roles; something few films have successfully done. However, the sad truth is that while Joe Versus the Volcano is not a bad movie, it is far more interesting in it's concept than execution.Joe quits his job after being lead to believe that he has a 'brain cloud' which leaves him with mere months to live. Afterwards he enters into a bizarre business agreement with a wealthy tycoon in which Joe agrees to plummet into a live volcano, which in turns would appease local natives whom inhabit a small island in Hawaii in exchange for a rare material. Joe embarks on a series of short and humorous events leading up to this climactic encounter. Now I found myself finding each event Joe was going through to be so interesting, that each occurrence could've merited a film itself. The limousine driver, his female co- worker, his love interest, her sister the self described 'fliberty jibbet'; all of these characters were too fleeting as no reappearances were to be found after they were conveniently worked off screen thanks to frequent location changes. To the films defense, it was a rare treat to find so many charming and interesting characters in a film of this nature more than the usual annoying and testy ones.This movie is more a part of the less serious and more risk taking Steven Spielberg 'executive producer' era of films along side "The Money Pit" and "Batteries Not Included", which to me are just as defining of their time period as their peers. However, Joe came out in 1990, and apparently still reeling from the last decade since it feels overwhelmingly like an 80s movie, something that saw a quick death at the hands of the 'Reality Bites' time period that was rapidly approaching. So it can be felt in the heart of this film that it wasn't of any benefit that it was released when it was, and even thinking of it as a nostalgic slice of the 80s, seeing as it was most likely filmed during part of 89', helped (at least for me) to enhance the quality of it's wacky and surreal approach during viewing. By the end though, the movie felt like it had just started, and its brief 100 min run time didn't aid it's cause. On the upside, this movie had little to no filler because of it, and it's writing is far better than it is worse even at it's most kooky. The almost a Monty-Python like dry and zanny world being portrayed, but all that aside, it's way too short and feels like it's existence was a forced out as a last entry into a dead decade of film style. Maybe that's just me, but Joe Versus the Volcano feels like a product of bad timing and poor movie practices that saw it's potential left with just enough personality to keep it around today; even if teetering on the brink of being forgotten; rather than a fully realized artistic comedy classic.
motorfocus82 This is the most shocked I have ever been by an IMDb rating. Particularly when I first watched JVTV a decade ago, it struck me as a wonderful, fun film that I was sure people loved; now, having found out differently, I am reminded of just how subjective these things are.I don't really think that the film was difficult to understand or too complex or not capable of striking some chords, but it's an interesting thing here... The story is SO understandable and, at times, clichéd, that it turns itself from an actual story into an allegory of a story. There's some pretentiousness, certainly, but the simple-mindedness of it should be forgiven by just how entertaining it is. The characters are fantastic and well played (my favorite is the luggage guy, and when I tell people "may you live to be a thousand years old, sir" they never get it. their loss) and I thought the pacing and dialog were great. It's funny, light in the best ways with just a few of those moments where Joe takes stock and says what people need to hear a relatable character say.Some of the parody might be too in-your-face, like the office scene. But the thing is, that's a great scene, hilarious and very satisfying. Meg Ryan is good here, and I usually don't think she's a great actress. Tom Hanks is, well, Tom Hanks, the perfectly-manufactured everyman. I'm a cynical bastard today, and this isn't my normal kind of film. I like darker movies, and usually shrug off pap. But I still enjoy JVTV, so I'd recommend that those who haven't seen it give the film a chance. It's not for everyone, but if you are one of the people who enjoys it, then you will REALLY enjoy it.
mike48128 An early Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan pairing. The story is simple: Joe works for a dreadful company. He is depressed with his life, which is going nowhere. The company doctor tells Joe he has a "brain cloud" and will die soon. Joe decides to end it all on a tropical island populated by zany "natives" that drink orange soda pop; to sacrifice himself to their volcanic "god". Sounds like a Hope-Crosby "Road" picture, right? Well it could have been. Strangely written and directed, it should have been funnier. I get it that this is social commentary about big companies and pointless jobs. The movie is somewhat depressing, especially at first. The only thing that saves this film is Meg Ryan's acting (She plays three different characters) and Tom Hanks' likable nature. Cast includes Robert Stack, Lloyd Bridges, with Abe Vigoda and Nathan Lane (as "natives"). More enjoyable the second time through, however. Kind of a "shaggy-dog" unique story. Remember, "luggage is everything".