He Said, She Said
He Said, She Said
PG-13 | 22 February 1991 (USA)
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Womanising, right-wing Dan Hanson and quiet, liberal Lorie Bryer work for the Baltimore Sun. Rivals for the job of new writer of a vacant column, the paper ends up instead printing their very different opinions alongside each other, which leads to a similarly combative local TV show. At the same time their initial indifference to each other looks like it may evolve into something more romantic.

Steineded How sad is this?
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Daniel Bond This movie makes a real effort to expose some core issues of love relationships. The dramatic format juxtaposes two points of view to the same events and draws out some fairly profound, though simple, truths as the characters struggle to make sense out of their experiences. It's as if they try to discover "what does it all mean?" while figuring out "what does he/she mean to me?" The movie lives in the small world of a specific relationship, not grand cosmic threads. I don't want to make more out of the movie than is there, but I can't help thinking about the bigger things as these two people try to reconcile their personal versions of the relationship. This is the second time I've seen this movie over a decade. It still strikes me the same way.
fahimsheikh This is the most realistic romantic comedy, i have seen.The most likeable feature is how casualy the emotional scenes are portrayed. its truly amazing to feel the balance that have been maintained for both of the lead roles.The movie definitely deserves better ratings.
suhaasa I just saw this movie last night & was looking it up, when I found so many negative comments on the film at this website. One user says that he agrees with Maltin that this film is 'piffle': which makes me question Leonard Maltin himself. This movie is far from deserving to be termed 'piffle'. It is a clean, honest movie about typical men & women & the film itself goes into all sorts of very interesting (& light-hearted, thank God) psychological aspects of the two main characters. Another user says it's bad enough to see the story once, but then the torture is doubled when the story starts over from the woman's point of view! I am quite disappointed with this because the obvious point of repeating the whole story from a different point of view are the differences between the two. And these differences are subtle & very significant to the matter of the film. I suspect people do not want to admit that this film touched them -- well, actually, I think people are so conditioned so as to dismiss such a film as 'cheesy' or 'piffle' because of acquired motions of being & seeming brave. In fact, the people who do not respond positively to this film are very much like the male character in this film, who is incapable of allowing himself true feelings, for if he does, he loses his bravery construct. This film is a very compelling, very sweetly made film that will really change you if you allow it to. And that's the point really, we have to ask ourselves how much we do or don't allow ourselves to be changed by the things around us. In my opinion, everyone should watch this film and judge for themselves. Forget Maltin & the other cynics, we're just ordinary people trying to lead better lives, you know. And this film is very much about that, and in my opinion is something like a minor classic, the 'Casablanca' if you may, of modern-day cubicle romance.
mspmurder This movie is one of my top ten favorites in romantic comedy. The chemistry between Elizabeth Perkins and Kevin Bacon is PERFECT. It's very cute, light, and will stay with you years after you've seen it. I definitely recommend it. I give it 9/10 stars. Superb!