Honeymoon in Vegas
Honeymoon in Vegas
PG-13 | 28 August 1992 (USA)
Honeymoon in Vegas Trailers

On her deathbed, a mother makes her son promise never to get married, which scars him with psychological blocks to a commitment with his girlfriend. They finally decide to tie the knot in Vegas, but a wealthy gambler arranges for the man to lose $65K in a poker game and offers to clear the debt for a weekend with his fiancée.

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
edwagreen Hilarious premise with Anne Bancroft making a came deathbed appearance warning Nicolas Cage, her son, not to marry. This sets off in motion a great comedy with Cage perplexed about what to do with the promise he made, when he meets Betsy, Sarah Jessica Parker.When the two decide to wed, they fly to Las Vegas where Cage loses his shirt in a card game with gambler James Caan. Caan is reminded of his late wife when he sees Parker and he tells Cage that he can forget the amount owed if he is allowed to spend the weekend with Parker.It's hilarious when Parker falls for Caan, swept up by his home in Kauai. The dejected Cage flies all over to prevent those two from tying the knot.The picture does lose some luster when Pat Morita enters the fray to get Cage away from the two.Love does conquer all when Cage shows in a very daring way how much he loves Parker. Absolute super fun.
James Hitchcock The romantic comedy genre generally deals with the manner in which a young couple overcome an obstacle to their love, and the obstacle which confronts Jack Singer and his girlfriend, Betsy, in "Honeymoon in Vegas" is an unusual one; Jack has sworn to his mother never to marry while she was on her deathbed. Eventually, however, he gives in to Betsy's entreaties and agrees to go back on his promise. The two arrange to get married in Las Vegas, but on arrival in the city another obstacle presents itself. Betsy catches the eye of a wealthy professional gambler named Tommy Korman because she reminds him of his late wife. After winning $65,000 from Jack in a crooked poker game, Korman agrees to forgive the debt if Jack will allow him to spend the weekend with Betsy.The situation is somewhat reminiscent of that from another film from the early nineties, "Indecent Proposal", in which a wealthy man offers a young married couple $1,000,000 to spend a night with the wife. "Indecent Proposal", however, was intended as a serious drama, whereas "Honeymoon in Vegas" is played for laughs. Moreover, in "Indecent Proposal" the young woman, played by Demi Moore, was expected to sleep with Robert Redford's millionaire; here, Betsy only (reluctantly) agrees to go along with Korman's proposal on a strict "no sex" basis. Nevertheless, during the weekend they spend in Hawaii, Betsy finds herself falling for Korman. Can Jack win her back? With his lanky figure and long, lugubrious-looking face, Nicolas Cage does not really have the looks of a Hollywood leading man, but here he seems admirably suited to the role of Jack, the sort of lovable if eccentric loser who eventually turns out to be a winner, and deservedly so because for all his faults and eccentricities he is basically decent. In the final scene Jack has to make a parachute jump from 3,000 feet with a team of skydiving Elvis impersonators in order to reach Betsy before Korman can marry her. This struck me as a modern, comic take on all those old legends in which a hero or knight-errant has to perform some brave feat in order to win the hand of a fair lady. James Caan's Korman, by contrast, might initially seem affable, but beneath a jovial exterior he has a mean streak a mile wide, a streak which starts to show as soon as anyone crosses him. As they say, lucky at cards, unlucky in love.I was less taken with Sarah Jessica Parker, perhaps because I am so used to her as the hard, brassy Carrie Bradshaw from "Sex and the City" that it was difficult for me to accept her as a softer character like Betsy. One character I could have done with less of was the annoying Pat Morita's Mahi Mahi, Tommy's Hawaiian driver charged with trying to keep Jack away from Tommy and Betsy. Overall, however, "Honeymoon in Vegas" is an agreeable and occasionally amusing, if slight, rom-com. 6/10
Lee Eisenberg Many a movie has been set in Las Vegas, and Andrew Bergman's "Honeymoon in Vegas" is probably the average kind. I didn't consider it anything special, but also nothing bad. Just an innocuously silly comedy about a man (Nicolas Cage) and his lover (Sarah Jessica Parker) who honeymoon in the noted gambling Mecca, only to have a gangster (James Caan) try to ruin their relationship. Without a doubt the highlight was the skydiving scene. The movie is certainly fun to watch, and I figure that in that great concert hall in the sky, Elvis Presley must smile every time that someone watches it.Also starring Pat Morita, Peter Boyle, Anne Bancroft, Seymour Cassel and Tony Shalhoub.
Jackson Booth-Millard The only reason I knew about this film was when bits were shown on The 100 Greatest Movie Stars, as part of the leading actor's good career, and his love of Elvis Presley (he was number 33 by the way), and from director Andrew Bergman (Striptease) this is quite a good film. Basically on her deathbed, mother of Jack Singer (Golden Globe nominated Nicolas Cage) made him promise never to get married, and he still has scars causing problems for his commitment to his girlfriend Betsy Nolan (Sarah Jessica Parker). He finally gives in to his love for her, and they travel to Las Vegas to tie the knot, but wealthy gambler Tommy Korman (James Caan) has plans to stop them, mainly because Donna looks exactly like a past love of his, Donna (yes, she plays her too). Tommy arranges for Jack to lose $65K in a poker game, which was customary by the hotel apparently, and he offers to clear the debt for a weekend with Donna. After a little while, Jack can't stand the idea of Tommy getting his hands on her, Tommy by the way is slowly convincing her to love and marry him over Jack, so Jack decides to go after his fiancée to go with the marriage he originally feared. In the end, Donna sees Tommy is a bad guy, Jack parachutes out of plane filled with Elvis impressionists, and she is so enthralled by his bravery that she agrees to the wedding, a happy ending. Also starring Pat Morita as Mahi Mahi, Johnny Williams as Johnny Sandwich, John Capodice as Sally Molars, Robert Costanzo as Sidney Tomashefsky, Anne Bancroft as Bea Singer, Peter Boyle as Chief Orman, Burton Gilliam as Roy Bacon - Elvis Impersonator, Brent Hinkley as Vern, Dean Hallo as Lyle, Seymour Cassel as Tony Cataracts, Jerry Tarkanian as Sid Feder and Keone Young as Eddie Wong. It was nominated the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Comedy/Musical. Nicolas Cage was number 33 on The 100 Greatest Movie Stars. Very good!