R | 23 August 1996 (USA)
Foxfire Trailers

The story of five teenage girls who form an unlikely bond after beating up a teacher who has sexually harassed them. They build a solid friendship but their wild ways begin to get out of control.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Areng Gabriel Chuwang i am fascinated by the crtitical assessment of others as regards this film. i was able to understand that people do really watch films and pay peculiar or rapt attention to details. the entertainment plus lesson of the film is one part while viewers actually depicting scenes indicates that maximum attention is given when watching films. for jolie's relationship with madie been described by almost all as warmth, i totally concur. tears flowed my ears at the time jolie stopped that big truck and told madie to make up her mind as to where she would want to be. jolie cried for the first considering the fact that she has to leave behind the little family she created. madie's strong words pushed da momentum 'i will never forget u' and jolie replied 'u are always in my heart madie'. i want to draw our attention here.....jolie didn't say u will always be in my heart but she said u are always in my heart - meaning that madie has and will continue to remain in her heart, mind and thought. this film is negative in some aspects. but thats not what i want us to check. the positive side is actually visible and with the family created by jolie, it therefore shows that strangers can be accepted. just check out how madie had to make sure legs didn't leave - there is an abandoned house just across the street should in case... . and for madie's parents, i loved their relationship with their daughter.
janetlee I am totally shocked that so many here have raved about what a wonderful movie this is! It was so choppy and the more the story went on, the less I cared about the characters! The only good thing about the movie was Jolie (considering what she had to work with, but even she can't produce a miracle!) I must admit that I liked the cool house they hung out in. Otherwise, all I can say is run, run as fast as you can away from this junk!! Don't waste your time on this. It's a shame they didn't stay true to the book. It could've worked if there'd been a better script. It would've also been nice if they set it in the 50's or 60's. The characters would've been more believable in a different time.
christie-smythe OK, I get the point. This is supposed to be about girl bonding in a patriarchal society that values stories only about boy bonding. As nice as the idea sounds, I don't think it was executed all that well. The set-up is flimsy. I'm not convinced by the abusive teacher's performance that he's all that scary. The characters are barely sketched out, so it's hard to feel attached to them, or like their bond is terribly genuine. Angelina Jolie's Legs might be interesting, but she hardly gets to talk. The other characters' lines are so simplistic and cookie-cutter,they sound almost like a teenager WROTE them -- rather than a mature writer who understands teenagers. What they say, in fact, sounds almost interchangeable in places, which heightens the sensation that the characters are extremely two-dimensional. There are also distinct lesbian undertones in the film, which is fine, but the movie feels incomplete by not coming out and actually acknowledging the lesbian theme. It's almost like a bad editor hacked out the love scenes. I wish I was able to compare this to the written work by Joyce Carole Oats and know whether the flaws are the fault of the screenwriter or inherent in the source material. I don't know. I haven't read it. But I do think that the reason why this movie didn't get much publicity is not because it was incredibly avant-garde. Critics and the press LOVE avant-garde and risky themes. Hello -- Brokeback Mountain?!! It just wasn't a well-made movie.
BloodTheTelepathicDog The Jolie-Nation will tar and feather me after reading this review.This film redefines aimless. If you're not an angst ridden young woman, than don't bother picking this up.The plot centers around this sexy mysterious drifter who goes by the title of Legs(Jolie), and who changes the lives of four high school girls forever.What begins as a solid message, standing up for your rights and against harassment, quickly dissolves into wayward youth territory.The four girls get expelled from school for beating up a teacher, with the guidance of Legs. The script, if you want to call it such, has the girls address the sexual harassment charge against the teacher they roughed up, with their principal, and he expels them for three weeks!! Like a real principal would discard claims made by a group of girls.Sympathy dissolves when the girls begin to follow the be bad example set by Legs. Hedy Burress finally realizes Legs may not be so swell when she abducts Shimizu's father at gun point.Hedy Burress' sensitive portrayal is what kept me going when all I wanted to do was hit stop, and pop in The Usual Suspects.
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