Serving Sara
Serving Sara
PG-13 | 23 August 2002 (USA)
Serving Sara Trailers

When Sara is served divorce papers while she is in New York, she is stunned. Not about to lose the fortune she amassed with her self-serving Texan husband, she makes an offer to her process server, Joe, that sets them off on a wild trip across the country.

Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
julialuvsmovies Sara and Joe were trying to fly to Durango, TX. While there is a city named Durango in the central area of Texas they were trying to go, they don't have a commercial airport. Durango is in western Colorado! Did it just sound right? They eventually fly to Amarillo, which is a long way from central Texas. This film, though Elizabeth Hurley was terrific, was a product of Hollywood with the typical lack of research whose market apparently did not include residents of Texas or Colorado, or anyone geographically inclined.I understand Matt Perry was abusing drugs and then in rehab during the filming. This really shows in his appearance and his delivery.Overall, however, I enjoyed seeing the film and I will give it 7 out of 10 stars.
studioAT Serving Sara is another of the movies that Matthew Perry made while at the height of his fame in the sitcom Friends and despite some of the reviews you read on this site it is actually a light-hearted and enjoyable movie.Although it is clear that Perry is trying to distance himself from his role on the previously mentioned sitcom there are enough traits of Chandler to keep fans happy while also offering a slightly darker character.Perry has good chemistry with Hurley and the film's pace moves from one elaborate set piece to another with ease while Bruce Campbell and Cedric the entertainer also provide some good laughs.The only downside of this film for me is how Perry's weight changes so often from scene to scene. It is sad to see this talented man at such a low ebb in his personal life. Thankfully the great man is back to his best now in Mr Sunshine.Overall Serving Sara is an enjoyable enough watch that by and large provides strong laughs and a good performance from Perry.
dvgulliver This film is bad because the entire plot revolves around service of process, and it makes no sense. Granted, I went to law school and got A's in my civil procedure courses. But even a layperson can see the flaws in this.In most jurisdictions, you can complete service of process in a number of ways. You can hand the legal documents to the person. You can send them registered mail. You can post an ad in the paper. You can post notice on the courthouse door. You can leave the documents with any adult who resides at the house of the target. You can leave documents in a conspicuous location on the property of the target. You can serve a registered agent, which in many cases is the Secretary of State or similar office holder of your jurisdiction. You can even walk up to the person, say "I have legal documents for you," and drop them at his feet. Even if you don't hand-deliver them, you have served process.There is a reason for this.If, as this film portrays, you can't serve anyone unless they take the papers from you, it would be impossible to ever sue anyone because most people would never take anything from a stranger. That would make it to easy for people to avoid ever suffering any consequences for their actions. Husbands could avoid ever getting divorced, and therefore ever paying alimony.So remember folks: if, in your real life, you are ever a defendant in a lawsuit, you can lose by default if someone leaves papers at your feet and you never show up in court! Knowing all this, the plot of the film is eviscerated. What is left, that is, bad acting, bad sight gags, bad everything, isn't enough to hold the film together in any meaningful way.Avoid this movie.
MovieAddict2016 I remember when "Serving Sara" came out I was in the process of moving to England and there were commercials on TV during my pack-out. Each one showed the scene where Elizabeth Hurley gets her pants torn off by Matthew Perry and says, "I said to help me, not undress me!" Of course it was a clever marketing scheme to get teenaged boys (and indeed any males) into the theaters in the hopes of seeing Liz Hurley in underwear for two hours, but they neglected to let audiences know as soon as she says this, she covers herself up with a suitcase and gets a new pair of pants.The whole movie is like this. It's tricky and devious. The ads presented it as something it wasn't. One critic (was it that awful Earl Dittman of the non-existent Wireless Magazine?) said Liz Hurley was like (and I quote) "...Lucille Ball." Oh, right. Maybe if Lucille Ball had undergone hours of plastic surgery, looked anorexic, had a British accent, long flowing hair, had been unfunny, and single-handedly helped bomb every movie she starred in.Liz Hurley is an awful actress and (I personally think) just so-so in terms of looks. (Any ugly person can look sexy with millions of dollars. Just look at Paris Hilton.) She's not the only fault of "Serving Sara." The script is like a crappy version of "Midnight Run." It's about bounty hunters and women being tracked down and ruthless guys hiring other hit men to take hit men out and... I honestly stopped caring about ten minutes into the film.Matthew Perry (looking bloated, unhealthy and utterly bored) basically just mumbles through the whole film. I like Perry (at least on "Friends") but this is not his Big Breakthrough. (Neither was "The Whole Ten Yards," for that matter.) I don't think this is a totally hideous movie - I mean, it's not unbearable to watch. I managed to sit through it. But I was checking my watch a lot.And then I recalled how, in England, once I arrived overseas, it went straight to video, never given a theatrical release: and I could totally understand why.