The Horses of McBride
The Horses of McBride
| 02 December 2012 (USA)
The Horses of McBride Trailers

When Nicki finds two horses stranded deep in the Rocky Mountain snow, she makes it her mission to find a way to get them to safety. With no other options, she picks up a shovel and starts to dig out the mile-long path, inspiring her father, Matt, and the rest of the community to join together and save the horses in the spirit of Christmas.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
juneebuggy This is a true story about a father and his daughter who mobilize the residents of a small Canadian town near McBride B.C to rescue two starving horses trapped on a snow covered mountainside. First discovered by snowmobilers the story is soon picked up by the media and the entire country watches the community pull together, digging a mile long trench through 10 feet deep snow back onto a logging road to rescue the abandoned horses.This made for TV movie runs every Christmas where I live and I've seen it a couple times now. I think I originally watched it because Aidan Quinn was in it -not sure how or why he made this? but its pretty good all round. I like the fact that it was obviously filmed in real winter, its cold, it does not look fun for the actors with deep blowing snow, very bad, true BC weather not the fake sunshiny stuff filmed in the summer like most Xmas movies seem to be. The family dynamics portrayed here are good- assume also true- family on the verge of moving, no work at the mill, the vet out of his element in the severe cold. The horses have also been made to look rough, patchy hair, bad hooves. A good bit of Canadiana.
Heather If you love Heartland, then you'll love this movie. The family owns some land, which is available for people to rent (for camping, horse riding, etc.) and people can rent horses from the stables. However, they barely make any money and live in a trailer, so they just do it out of love for horses. Whenever they see injured horses, they do whatever they can to help, even if it means canvassing the whole town. Well, what's left of the town, seeing as everyone's been moving away after the mills closed down. It's a great family movie for any time of the year, and encompasses a lot of Canadian culture. The cinematography of the mountainous landscape is beautiful, and gives the movie a peaceful feel.
SnoopyStyle Matt Davidson (Aidan Quinn) and his son are looking for a couple of snowmobilers lost in the woods. On the way, they spot a couple of horses stranded on the snowy mountainside. Money is tight for the family and Matt is looking to sell the place especially for his wife (Kari Matchett). The daughter Nikki (MacKenzie Porter) is concerned about the horses and hates selling. She refuses to give up. Simon is an amateur filmmaker who likes her. He starts doing reports on the horses. The SPCA sends Dr. Kumar to examine the horses but he's more experienced with marine animals. He relents to give them 4 days while they arrange for an airlift. Animal lover Fiona comes to help the horses recover. The group of environmentalists don't really get along with the old style Davidsons after the lost of logging in the area. When the doctor claims that they're too weak to fly out, Nikki starts digging a path out of the mountain by hand.This is a compelling movie about the small guys against great odds. It is inspiration and heart warming. It's kind of like 'Big Miracle' where people got whales out of being iced up. It is based on a real story but like most of these movies, lots of stuff are changed. I don't have any problems with that as long as it's in the service for a better movie. The second half is a bit anti-climatic. The story really peaks when Nikki starts digging. The movie tries to amp up the last half with the wolf attack but it's a bit too fake.
frank-585 A feel good movie about honest, hard working people who's values are a lesson to us all.The story takes place during the Christmas holidays leading up to Christmas eve. it's about a family who's values are simple and honest. I enjoyed watching the decisions being made as they relate to family matters, life and doing the right thing. I don't care that this movie may have swayed from actual events. The cinematography is stunning, really showcasing nature and the ruggedness of the mountains. Spectacular snow sequences with real snow. I don't think entertaining story telling always needs to be a re- enactment. I watch documentaries for that. Life should imitate art. After hearing and watching news of the shootings at the school, this movie is just what the doctor order to remind us that there are still good people in this world.
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