Men at Work
Men at Work
PG-13 | 24 August 1990 (USA)
Men at Work Trailers

Two garbage men find the body of a city councilman in a trash can on their route. With help from a supervisor, the duo must solve the case and find the man's killer while hiding the body from the cops.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Predrag "Men At Work" is to me a timeless classic. I thought the script was hilarious containing many great quotable one-liners and terrific comedic performances. The brothers Estevez/Sheen play off each other well and it just occurred to me that it would probably be interesting if they starred together in a buddy cop movie but I'm getting ahead of myself here. This movie stands the test of time meaning it is still funny to me after all these years unlike some other movies that I thought I would love forever such as "The Breakfast Club" which now is a bit boring when I go back and try to watch it.This movie is terrific until the end where it seems like Emilio ran out of time or money because it just seems to end without resolution to some of the story lines. This movie is admittedly silly but that doesn't matter because it makes me laugh which is about the only requirement I have anymore for movies. The script was funny and the characters were as well. So what if the story line itself was like cardboard. Aside from Charlie and Emilio, I thought the hit men as well as the garbage men nemeses and even the bicycle cops nemeses were all funny. I always enjoy Keith David who is a flawless character actor and John Getz is always amazing whether he is playing a good guy or bad guy. Emilio Estevez does a fine job in his directorial debut and it makes us wish that him and his brother Charlie Sheen would be in more stuff together.Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
videorama-759-859391 Multi talented Estevez, has delivered once more. He has delivered a nice, little and entertainingly funny comedy, where more so it's drama and action. Moving across into comedy, Emilio a dab hand here, has proved he's capable of amusing material, from which, another winner in his box. Him and his bro, Charlie, play friends, not brothers from what I remember, or may'be they were brothers, who are garbage men, with no real respect for their work, which is understanding. They haven't made their selves popular with these two uniformed cops, who have a hard on for making their lives hell. Too, the brothers are clashing with two other, rival work colleagues. Now more misfortune has come their way when a dead body shows up in their dumpster, a former wife beater, who Charlie hit with his pellet gun, the night before. Are they being framed or what? They decide to find the perpetrator. Bad timing too, as a work adviser and fries eater (Keith David) has just come on board, riding with the two, as reports have come back about their tardy work ethics. First clashing, cause of Emilio's backtalk, he teams up with his colleagues to try and clear them. Oh yes, a much deserving and naked revenge awaits those cops, you must see. There's a little romance too. With this comedy, Emilio in the writing department, has brought a rewarding and entertaining pic to the viewer, especially for fans of talented two.
Aaron1375 I found this movie to be very funny and very entertaining, then again if we are talking comedies I usually like stuff that is off the beaten track rather than the more popular mainstream fare. This movie follows the mundane lives of two trash pick up men trying to make their jobs a bit more interesting by doing stuff to get them selves in trouble and having to be placed under the watchful eye of a Vietnam vet. Well their lives are about to get more interesting as our two heroes as it were witness a man being a tad abusive to an attractive girl, well the two guys armed with a pellet gun take aim and fire, they later discover his dead body and must now try to figure out the mystery. Well it will not be a mystery to you or me as it is shown who is responsible. During their adventure they must infiltrate the beautiful girls place, deal with the crazy vet, kidnap a pizza guy and finally have a showdown at the dump. Great movie, very funny for me anyway. I like Charlie Sheen in comedies and he is very good and funny here as is Estevez though I will say Charlie had me laughing more. Though the Vietnam vet got the most laughs out of me when he started having flashbacks.
pmdawn When Charlie was on SNL he 'apologized' for Men at Work. That and some reviews led me to think this was a disaster of a bad movie.For me, it was a very fun way to pass the time. This is not laugh-out-loud funny, but the (few, subtle, stupid, recycled) jokes in this movie do work. Some smart movie references here, too.If you like Charlie Sheen and/or Emilio Estevez (the movie's writer and director), check this one out.BTW, the actor brothers are clearly having fun, and one performance in particular, by the main 'villain', John Getz, manages to be somber, and yet hilariously campy. Some of the actors can't hide their laughter very well, and it shows. Well, at least we know that production was harmonious.Forget plot. Forget logic. Accept it as it is.And as it is, I think it is a fun, harmless, refreshing comedy.6/10