Angel of Christmas
Angel of Christmas
| 29 November 2015 (USA)
Angel of Christmas Trailers

Susan is a newspaper staffer who decides to generate some Christmas spirit by writing an article about her family’s storied 100-year-old, hand-carved, heirloom Christmas angel. This leads her to accidentally meet Brady, a cute, upbeat artist who insists that he and Susan become fast friends (at least). It turns out that this angel also has the spiritual power to bring people together – as it seems to be doing with Susan and Brady. What’s behind this enchanted ornament? As time moves on, more about this captivating artifact is revealed.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
kz917-1 A woman is gifted a wooden Christmas Angel that has been passed from generations and sets to write a newspaper article about the history of it. The angel was originally made by her Great Grandfather for an actress that he loved, but their love never worked out.The angel has had a hand in her grandparents meeting and also in her parents meeting. So her mother is hoping the same ending for her.The potential love interests include an artist with a love of Christmas and a coworker who eschews Christmas and all it entails.Cute concept and movie.
Christmas-Reviewer I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 400 (C H R I S T M A S ) MOVIES AND SPECIALS.BEWARE OF SOME REVIEWERS THAT ONLY HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW. WHEN ITS A POSITIVE THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE PRODUCTION. NOW I HAVE NO AGENDA! I AM HONEST! I REVIEW MOVIES & SPECIALS AS A WAY TO KEEP TRACK OF WHAT I HAVE SEEN! I HAVE DISCOVERED MANY GEMS IN MY QUEST TO SEE AS MANY Christmas MOVIES AS I CAN. In this movie a woman's life changes in unexpected ways when, in the process of writing a newspaper article about her family's heirloom Christmas ornament, she meets an enthusiastic artist. The heirloom seems to bring people together. Our protagonist is someone who isn't looking for love but is not against it either. The film is one of those you should watch on a cold December Night. It is a very romantic but predictable. This film however is better than the average Hallmark movie. It has some very pretty settings and a story that will spark something even in the most cynical viewer.
tampasaint While this wasn't the worst of Hallmark's Christmas movies in 2015, it was still below average and disappointing. It's not a spoiler, but lets just say the "twist" of the ending was no surprise.While I give props to making the main character a newspaper copy editor -- a different occupation than usual -- these unbelievable newspaper details were just silly:* She's never actually seen editing, only writing. * She's given about a month to write one story. * This is technical, but newspapers have been shrinking in physical size for several years. The paper she is holding at the newsstand looked almost twice as wide as today's newspapers. * Trust me, no newspaper report types "The End" * The editor assessing her first story is holding a printout of the story. It's 2015. At a major metro newspaper, it would all be done on computer.
boblipton Hallmark ends its first batch of Christmas romantic comedies for 2015 with this highly watchable effort. Jennifer Finnigan writes a story about her family's heirloom wooden angel. In talking to her relatives about legends that have accumulated around it, she comes to understand and accept the nature of faith and, this being a Hallmark TV movie, falls in love with laid-back artist Jonathan Scarfe.Although the story is nicely handled with a pleasant bit of whimsy -- is the angel actually doing something or is it all coincidence? -- there are a couple of technical aspects that might have been better handled. Conversations between Ms. Finnigan and Mr. Scarfe are shot in a lot of short clips, when a slower cutting speed might have helped; and there is a lot of obvious and poorly executed dialogue looping during the tree-buying scene.However, the loveliness of the story and the fine performances by the leads render those two complaints minor. This is the best of the batch of Hallmark Christmas romcoms and worth seeing on its own account.