Deck the Halls
Deck the Halls
PG | 22 November 2006 (USA)
Deck the Halls Trailers

Determined to unseat Steve Finch's reign as the town's holiday season king, Buddy Hall plasters his house with so many decorative lights that it'll be visible from space! When their wives bond, and their kids follow suit, the two men only escalate their rivalry - and their decorating.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Python Hyena Deck the Halls (2006): Dir: John Whitesell / Cast: Matthew Broderick, Danny De Vito, Kristen Davis, Kristen Chenoweth, Jackie Burroughs: Crappy Christmas spectacle about overdoing things such as making this film. It regards two neighbors who compete with regards to who will be noted as the Christmas guy. Matthew Broderick plays an optometrist while new neighbor Danny De Vito sells cars. De Vito wishes to get enough lights on his house that it will be seen from space. All I can say is that as long as this film isn't seen from space then we are better off. Director John Whitesell improves over his previous junk Big Momma's House 2 with perhaps the best element being De Vito's house. With that said, this is not much of an improvement. Both belong in a trash bag and lit on fire. Broderick and De Vito deliver among their worst performances while Kristen Davis and Kristen Chenoweth are given the unholy task of portraying their wives. The behavior displayed here is on par with the hideous Christmas With the Kranks where a couple is harassed by their neighbors when they decide not to put up Christmas decorations. This is not normal behavior and it certainly isn't funny to see two grown men compete in an event that is as mindless as what's presented here. The antics are so over the top that this film should be decked with five dozen good size rocks. Score: 3 / 10
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Deck the Halls" is actually a fun and enjoyable Christmas comedy. Of course it doesn't match the 1989 "Christmas Vacation". However, I will say that "Deck the Halls" is noteworthy and does compliment the genre well enough.It is much in the same League as "Christmas Vacation", as it is the Holiday feud of two neighbors competing to have the role of the local Christmas guy - the guy who is the heart of the Christmas season. And things quickly escalates out of control in no time.Danny DeVito and Matthew Broderick actually were great in their roles in this 2006 movie. But especially Broderick surprised with his performance in "Deck the Halls".The movie is fun and entertaining for the whole family, and there are some good laughs throughout the movie. It was just a shame that there weren't more funny scenes though, because it would have lifted the movie further up.If you want a fun movie for the Christmas holidays and want an alternative to "Christmas Vacation" then give "Deck the Halls" a chance. I have seen it for the past two Christmas holidays now, and believe that it will become a holiday tradition for me, just as "Christmas Vacation" is.
FilmBuff1994 Deck the Halls is a below average film with a storyline that dosen't really go anywhere and while it myth interest children under the age of seven,everyone else would be smart enough to understand this movie is terribly written and just not funny.While there is good chemistry between Mathew Broderick and Danny DeVito,two comedy actors I really enjoy, it dosen't make up for the poor dialogue and the complete lack of Christmas magic.I would not recommend Deck the Halls to anyone,certainly not as a movie to watch with the family at Christmas time,avoid this movie.A family man's peaceful Christmas plans with his family are ruined when their new neighbours intend on their Christmas lights to be literally visible from space.
Joxerlives A very, very weird film which can't decide whether it's one thing or the other, raunchy comedy or wholesome family film. Either we should have the competition between the 2 fathers ramped up to an absurd degree in order to produce some hysterical comedy or they should tone down the adult humour a little and make it a family film.De Vito and Broderick are always watchable but they do very little in these roles. The conclusion of the film lacks credibility, we care little for these men and they're not really very likable. Their wives by contrast are a lot more appealing but just left as wooden stereotypes who really don't develop all that much. It's the sexual comedy that is really puzzling, who thought to bring that in? We have Broderick's son lusting after De Vito's (admittedly sexy as hell) twin blonde daughters but we're told they're only 15 and he himself seems far too young to be so enamoured of them upon their first meeting and playing peeping tom into their bedroom with his binoculars. We also have the part where the 2 men's three daughters put on a sexy Santa's helpers dance routine in high heels, fishnets and Xmas mini-dresses so revealing they blatantly expose their underwear. As I thought with the similar scene in Mean Girls would any Christmas fair really allow that? (and how come Broderick's Avril Lavigne style teen goth rebel daughter is taking part? It's like the twins have seduced her into bimbodom?) Even if it wasn't their daughters they were leering over the sight of Broderick and De Vito screaming 'Who's your daddy?' at them is just creepy as can be. Although admittedly the next scene where they dad's wash their eyes out with Holy Water was quite funny.So, a very curious mixture that doesn't really work too well, I'm amazed it did so well at the box office.