Ordinary World
Ordinary World
NR | 14 October 2016 (USA)
Ordinary World Trailers

Perry is a happily married father of two living a comfortable but sedate life in the suburbs. On the occasion of his 40th birthday, he seeks to revisit his former life as the lead singer in a popular punk band though his middle-aged reality quickly (and hilariously) clashes with the indulgences of his youth.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
jkcarlo Once in a punk, rock band - all of a sudden married, with house and kids. What the hell happened?This is exactly the theme of this easy going movie about a man hitting a midlife crisis as he is about to turn 40. The fine thing about this movie is that it unfolds in its own pace which in fact makes it very realistic and believeable.In the lead roles you find Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day who makes a fine performance as a mittle age father facing the cruel realities of living in a "ordinary world". Joe Armstrong clearly reveales his talent as an actor. Also Selma Blair playing his wife Karen and Madisyn Shipman who plays their oldest daugther does really fine performances.A fine movie about growing older, how to be parrents and last but not least finding out about the things that truely matters to us all.
brendanleesprague One of the best of the year.Watch any YouTube videos of Billie Joe Armstrong, and you'll witness a modern day punk rock star making out with fans, jumping into the audience, drinking onstage, and expressing wild antics in front of his audience. I think he was built for the screen.His personality shows through, with the high-pitched voice you rarely hear him speak with, but are so used hearing in song, and expresses a character on screen that both "depresses and enlightens."Seeing him on screen, at first, witnessing his tattoos on his arms, and realizing, "this is really a movie starring Billie Joe Armstrong" you realize, "how am I watching this..?" -- a stunning movie for fellow musicians, or anyone who grew up with Dookie, or the songs he got famous for, like "Brain Stew" and "When I Come Around."The individual has literally been in the music industry for pretty much the majority of his life, and he is by far one of the most talented performers for his audiences anywhere, who always seems to appear paradoxically "young" -- youthful -- witty -- amusing -- and never seeming to age beyond his original nineties persona, which gained him so much fortune today.He deserves better reviews for this work, and I take great pride in adding this as a "DVD" to my movie collection, within all truth and honesty, more than just a little Redbox viewing, or Google Play showing, because I feel this one ought to be added to any and all film-makers -- especially indie, or musicians, DVD collections.As far as the plot, I don't wish to reveal anything, because I feel this is the kind of movie that speaks for itself. it is highly enjoyable, and charming, to say the least. Watch it knowing as little about it as possible, in this reviewers opinion, and you will enjoy it even more.Enjoy.:)-Brendan
adonis98-743-186503 The mid-life crisis of a husband and father who, on his 40th birthday, decides to revisit his punk-rock past by throwing an extravagant party in the presidential suite of the Drake Hotel - where he encounters his beautiful ex-girlfriend and former bandmates who have since moved on to bigger and better things. My problem with Ordinary World is basically the story, the script and my god the dialogue who wrote this? a 5 year- old? Also Billie Joe Armstrong wasn't that bad but he wasn't great either it's just that the film is very weird and mediocre and doesn't know what it wants to be honestly and i'm going to give it an 4.0 out of 10.
omnipitous The title says it all. I thought the movie looked interesting which is why I watched it. After all, I know a lot of people in his situation (not that far off myself) so I was at least hoping for some familiarity feels especially since Billy Joe's in the movie so he'd bring the role some realism.Most of the movie, although there are things I would have done differently, I was enjoying myself and it seemed like it was heading a good direction. Then it just stopped. Done... roll credits. There were all sorts of possibilities and various situations that were prepped for exploration all left unsatisfied.If I want to watch someone be cranky about their 40th birthday while bemoaning the rock star life they could have had, I have plenty of real life friends to watch do that. A movie I expect to at least shove me through the Premise > Conflict > Resolution cycle... you know 3 acts.. blah blah blah. This one left me with 2/3 and I truly felt empty at the end denied the 1/3 of the movie they were too lazy to shoot. Of course given the apathetic, slacker demeanor they overplayed in Billy Joe's character, maybe that was the intention? "Just like the main character we're too apathetic to finish anything we start."Anyway... boo. Directors Cut? You can shoot it and polish it now and we can all come back and watch the extended edition a year from now! ;-)
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