Christmas with the Kranks
Christmas with the Kranks
PG | 24 November 2004 (USA)
Christmas with the Kranks Trailers

When their only daughter Blair leaves the family nest, Luther and Nora Krank decide to book an island cruise to beat the yuletide blues and just skip the holidays. But their decision to boycott tradition has the whole neighborhood in an uproar, and when Blair calls on Christmas Eve to announce a surprise visit with her new fiancée, the Kranks have just twelve hours to perform a miracle and pull themselves and their neighbors together to throw the best celebration ever!

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Matt Greene Tim Allen stars in three movies in which he must learn to be Santa Claus, and yet this John Grisham adaptation is the most ridiculous Christmas movie he's ever been in. The only thing that could've made this oppressively cynical outing work is some authenticity, of which it has exactly zero. Incompetently made, shockingly laughless, and devoid of self-awareness, it's completely lacking the goodwill, joy and peace of the season.
digitalbeachbum I've seen a lot of stinker movies but this takes the cake. There is no chemistry between any of the characters and the movie never made me laugh. Usually I'm willing to give some leeway to holiday movies, but not this one. I thought it would never end.I blame the poorly written script. There is nothing a director or actors could do to improve it. The movie in contrived and rushed. Every scene seems plastic and one dimensional. I prefer Jingle All The Way more than this movie; and that movie was terrible.
Nadine Salakov Christmas With The Kranks is about a married couple "Luther Krank" (Tim Allen) and "Nora Krank" (Jamie Lee Curtis) who decide to skip Christmas and go on a Caribbean Cruise instead, their grown daughter "Blair Krank" (Julie Gonzalo) is going away for the holidays, so they decide to do something different, their neighbours find out and make their lives miserable.The message of this movie is unclear, the neighbours clearly don't like change and always want everything to stay the same, the Kranks usually throw a Christmas party every year and that must be the main reason why the neighbours are so offended by them skipping Christmas. Bottom line these are two grown adults, it is no one else's business if they choose not to be there for Christmas, but what do you do when the neighbours relentlessly make it their business and cause them constant grief? the answer is NOT to give in! But the Kranks do eventually give in although the neighbours are not the reason for that, we find out that "Blair" is on her way home with her new boyfriend who they've never met and "Nora" decides that they are not going on the cruise and that they are going to put the regular Christmas party together in a few short hours, the neighbours decide to help them, it may seem nice, but don't be fooled, they're only helping them because they're getting their own way, they bullied and harassed the poor couple constantly because they wanted the Christmas party.What this motion picture is saying is to conform, and that is a bad message.The comedy factor is a 1 out of 10, it isn't actually funny, the only funny scene is when "Luther" gets Botox and his face looks dreadful. Another scene that is supposed to be funny, but is just plain awkward is when "Nora" is in her bikini at the mall and the local priest sees her and stops to talk to her, at one point his eyes look her up and down, what the director's motives were for that particular part i don't know, but it is inappropriate and they should not have depicted a priest (of all people) looking at her like that.The Kranks cancelling the cruise because the daughter is returning home is fine, but the plot would have been better if they still didn't do the Christmas party and forget the neighbours and simply explain to "Blair" what has been going on, they could simply just spend Christmas quietly with "Blair" and the boyfriend. If your neighbours were making your life miserable over something that is none of their business, would you want them in your house?The ending is a cop out, it is nice that "Luther" gave the cruise tickets to the old couple across the street, but having all the neighbours in their house and singing cheesy Christmas songs like nothing ever happened is just off. It's true that you're supposed to love your neighbours, but you have to have boundaries.The performances are 80% okay, there's a couple of slapstick scenes that are just awful, one in particular is when the neighbourhood leader or whatever the hell he is "Vic Frohmeyer" (Dan Aykroyd) gets his fingers stuck in the window of "Nora"'s car, both their reactions are cringe- worthy.Overall not a pleasant Christmas flick.
Mitch Connors This is not a good movie. While the premise is an interesting one, the move is a failure on almost every level. To start, the acting is dreadful. Being a Tim Allen fan (The Santa Clause is one of my favorite Christmas movies), his acting in this movie is wooden and listless. In most scenes, it appears as though he is struggling to remember his lines. As bad as he is, Jamie Lee Curtis is somehow even worse. The entire move she appears frumpy and disinterested, until her daughter calls and suddenly it's as though she just found out she won the lottery. Three or four times she shrieks, "BLAIR!" when her daughter's name is even casually mentioned. Just awful. The supporting characters don't offer much either, even with some decent comedic names (Dan Aykroyd, Cheech Marin, among others). Next, the script is bad. As stated earlier, the premise of a family choosing not to celebrate Christmas amongst a community that holds the season in the highest regard could be funny if done correctly. Unfortunately, the reason behind it is murky. Luther (Tim Allen) and Nora (Jamie Lee Curtis) are spending the first Christmas without their (now) grown daughter. Luther, who is portrayed as a real tightwad, suggests that the two of them sail on a luxury cruise instead of spending the holiday at home, thus saving money and escaping the depression of having an empty nest. Fine. How that leads to a full boycott of every aspect of Christmas is not really explained. However, Nora buys in hook, line, and sinker. Then, the daughter surprises mom and dad by flying in from Peru with new fiancée. Suddenly, Luther is chastised by Nora for having planned this in the first place. Why, you ask? It's not really clear. Yet, for some reason the mere suggestion of planning a vacation over Christmas is so awful, they go to great lengths to hide it from their daughter. "She must never find out about your idiotic plan," says Nora. Huh? Finally, the movie is disjointed. It's almost as though the Director finished filming and noticed he only had a 70 minute movie. How do you fill the extra time? Add a strange Santa Claus character, and a robber that serves no purpose to the story. Also, add plenty of physical comedy gags that are overly done and fail to hit their mark. In fact there are two funny parts in the entire movie: Tim Allen eating/drinking after getting BOTOX injections, and an inadvertent scene of a fireman getting hit in the face with a ladder - which the director (thankfully) left in, increasing the comedic value by 100%. Avoid this movie.