Blast from the Past
Blast from the Past
PG-13 | 12 February 1999 (USA)
Blast from the Past Trailers

Following a bomb scare in the 1960s that locked the Webers into their bomb shelter for 35 years, Adam now ventures forth into Los Angeles to obtain food and supplies for his family, and a non-mutant wife for himself.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Console best movie i've ever seen.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Eryximachus No matter how unhappy people are in modern times, no matter how twisted and perverted our culture becomes, we are constantly reminded that no matter how bad things are - the past was worse. This is an extremely subversive movie, and why few will directly state why they dislike this film - it is the visceral reaction that they get from an inability to wholly defend the present and its many dysfunctions. One could right a radical treatise on the decadence and corruption of modernity based on this film alone. It touches on nearly every aspect of life, all carefully and neatly presented as harmless comedy. A truly brilliant film, and one that likely could never be produced today, in this era of hyper political persecution.
tles7-676-109633 An example of bad writing is when you want to get to an idea: Guy appears 35 years in the future and is a fish out of water - a single joke movie. So, how do you get to this idea?--by bad writing: having a family live in a bomb shelter for 35 years. The movie doesn't deal with the psychological depression, rotting food, removal of waste, things aging, breaking down...etc. The 35 years pass as though this was a shelter funded by NASA. In short, suspend your disbelief so we can get to the funny situation of a guy showing up in a future far from the supposedly 1950s bland homogeneous lifestyle that appeared on some TV shows at the time. This has been done in other movies and done much better. So, their house is not just turned into a mall...but the lily white middle class neighborhood becomes a porn infested ghetto in 35's OK...suspending your disbelief is what you are supposed to do for the entire film. It just can't get any dumber.
statuskuo This movie is fun. Fun in the late 90s sense where you can have a ridiculous concept and go with it. It's the same type of humor as "The Wedding Singer" and the same buoyant energy. Thanks to a really committed Christopher Walken and Sissy Spacek as doting parents of a different era.I love this movie for its non-cynical approach to making a movie. Hugh Wilson relies heavily on the two leads chemistry AND good-nature to carry us through. And I enjoyed the cultural evolution, or in this case de-evolution of humanity. A kind way to say we've lost our manners and civility.What would you take from this movie? Absolutely nothing. Maybe that you should be kinder to people. And that manners count. And that, when put into a vacuum and later exhumed from a different generation, we'd see how much we'd degenerated in our treatment of each other.To me, it's just fun. I think it defines the late 1990 era romantic comedy movies.
callanvass An eccentric couple named the Weber's hide in a shelter due to a huge bomb scare. The shelter is full off supplies that will last them for years. Adam Weber grows up in this sequestered environment for 35 years, unable to see the light of day because his dad is scared of the radiation effects. Adam finally gets to venture out into Los Angeles, clueless as can be to try to find a wife, and not only that, but supplies and food for his family. He runs into a conceited woman named Eve (Alicia Silverstone) who helps him out. Things get complicated when they start falling each other. I'm a total sap and I'm not afraid to admit that. I'm a guy and I don't see the problem with guys being romantics. Even though they can be very predictable and routine, I enjoy chick flicks. I've always been into watching the guy get the girl. I do love it when they put a new spin on the romance genre. This one was made in 1999, but I haven't seen many as original and authentic as this one. I smiled like an idiot and laughed my ass off. I actually saw this in a theater back in 99 with my sister. I remember enjoying it then, but I didn't have the mental capacity to really appreciate it as much as I do now. It actually is somewhat thought-provoking as well. Adam's predicament forces him to enjoy the simple things about life, such as the sky, the ocean, people. Those are things we often take for granted in life and I am one of those people at times. I really enjoyed the sly nods at famous era's, such as the 60's, 70's and the 90's. The 60's was especially well done, with great costumes and sets. Christopher Walken & Sissy Spacek are absolutely wonderful as the parents, especially Walken. His character makes "Hot" Dr. Pepper, which I thought was hilarious. Brendan Fraser has his patented quirky charm that always works. I thought he was perfect for the part of Adam, likable and amiably odd. Alicia Silverstone is terrific as the snooty chick Fraser falls for. She's a bit whiny at times, but her charisma is undeniable. Her chemistry with Fraser is endearing, aside from an awkward kissing scene that they have. I suppose this is a needless carp, but she's a gorgeous woman and I felt they had way too much makeup on her. Okay. This movie ends like many romantic comedies. The guy gets the girl in the end, but it is very ambitious and creative. I loved this movie and I think any fellow romantics should as well. If you're tired of the same old formula, give this one a whirl. You won't regret it. 8.7/10