Beauty & the Briefcase
Beauty & the Briefcase
| 20 July 2010 (USA)

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A freelance writer looking for romance sells a story to Cosmopolitan magazine about finding love in the workplace and goes undercover at a Finance Company.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
liviu clc I don't know why the missing of Disney and Hilary Duff from my childhood hit me so badly and I've done some research and found this movie, from the trailer looked like a Cinderella story and the child in me was really screaming and forced me to start watch it. At the beginning was really weird (because I'm straight then the world it self and it was a pain in the as* to start seeing a cosmo movie)but the child was still screaming and I'd hope for a Cinderella story. The movie goes on and in typically Hilary fashion Cinderella has taken another story in a funny way. Funny and I enjoyed.Definitely still a Hilary fan.
Nick Damian Wow...bad as bad can get on a ROMCOM.I don't know how to write this without actually using a grand host of swear words to try to conjure up images of how stupid and retarded and insane this entire premise and development and production actually was.Not a fan of many romantic comedies, this certainly has to be at the bottom of the pile.Even for MADE FOR TELEVISION, this was on a low scale presence of pure absurdity and stupidity combined.Oh...what some people will sit through on a rainy day, so as not to get wet leaving the house. That was me...too lazy to step outside my door and have rain fall on my head...Well I had to suffer somehow...and to watch this only made me want to get soaked instead.This was stupid from 2 minutes in, till the end...and hopefully I will be a touch smarter the next time something like this comes my way.
mark-818-758555 It was so bad that I got up half way through...went and had lunch...came back and caught the last ten minutes and hadn't missed anything at all.IMHO...The acting seems rather false; the humour is childish; and the script was put together in around ten minutes. I can't imagine that any girl/woman would watch this and think that it is anything other than a nonsense. Men should definitely stay away from this film completely - I wish that someone had warned me to do so!The premise that this woman would get to write an article for Cosmo in the way that she does is stupid and to follow that...the silly and implausible way that she lands a job in a company is also completely ridiculous. Her boss points out that he knows that she lied on her CV, but doesn't fire all real companies...her feet wouldn't have touched the floor on her way out!I hate predictable movies that show no creativity.
danny mania This was a nice little romantic comedy without much fuzz.Saw the comments on this movie and one of them said something like "you've got to be kidding" etc etc..I kept that in mind while watching the movie and i have to say that the person writing that comment doesn't know what he/she is talking about.You have got to at least watch a movie before you go and comment on the movie and make the audiences believe that its a bad movie..Now,the movie was nice,sweet,nothing extravagant just a little romantic comedy..Plot was good,the acting was fair enough,There were good looking people(Which you always want in a romantic comedy),and most important of all it had a good ending.Definitely way better than what i thought from the comments.I absolutely have no idea why people write all these bad things if it is a good enough movie.Why be so critic and not enjoy the movie!Just sit back,enjoy the movie and stop being such a harsh critic that it doesn't let you enjoy movies..cheers