The Accidental Husband
The Accidental Husband
PG-13 | 25 August 2009 (USA)
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Emma, a radio host, is about to be married to Richard, her perfect match. But right before her wedding, she learns she's already married to Patrick, a charming but irresponsible fireman. Furthermore, Patrick has a secret: he has arranged this little trick because Emma advised Patrick's ex-fiancée to end their relationship. However, Patrick may find that the trick is on him, for he soon begins to fall in love with his uptight adversary.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Dyonne _ (dyonne_dewit) Who cares if this movie is good or bad? Jeffrey Dean Morgan looks like a damn angel in this movie. But since not everyone picks out a movie based on the presence of handsome actors, this is what I think of the rest of the movie. I think the plot of 'The accidental husband' is actually quite original and funny. The whole first hate, then love idea of course may be a bit cliché, but still, it is not a bad plot. The thing that bothered me most in this movie is that everything seemed a bit rushed. 'Dr love' finds out about a 'glitch', looks for Sulllivan, tries to explain the glitch to him and fails miserably. After getting wasted and waking up in his bed, she just continues her busy life. When she sees him again, he suddenly completely understands the problem/situation and they become friends like nothing's wrong. In my opinion, they should have gotten to know each other way better before they could 'grow on each other'. In the bar, Sullivan says: 'My girlfriend loves your show'. Then, they never speak of his 'girlfriend' again, even when the whole romantic situation is going on, until they get into a fight. During the movie, Emma is with Richard, then runs away from him, goes back, runs away, goes back, etc. There is just to much, to fast... Plus, Patrick's bald friend was beyond annoying and the female singer at the party gave me permanent ear damage. Now, when I'm reading all the reviews out here (uncluding my own) I would conclude: This movie is not worth watching. But that's not true! It might not be an excellent movie, but is still very lovely. It is romantic, easy, a little silly and a perfect movie to watch on a lazy Sunday evening. The casting is good, the storyline is simple and sweet and I would watch it again.
finkenberg61 I watched this film because of the cast and director. How bad could it be. Colin Firth, Sam Shepard, Isabella Rossellini, Uma Thurman and Kier Dullea. It was so bad that I was going to turn it off. Everything is bad about this film. The acting of Dean Morgan Jeffrey (whatever his name it or who he is), Uma Thurman, Colin Firth. The direction of Griffin Dunne - horrible. The music - bad, Colin Firth suits - looks like they come from KMart (sorry for the insult KMart). Just skip this. An atrocity. Finally, who would chose the creepy fireman over Colin Firth? I was embarrassed for the actors and myself to watch them say the lines they were given to read. I hope the actors got their payday and that I didn't pay to watch this in a theater. I would have demanded a refund. That bad and not exaggeration.
JaynaB Uma Thurman is sweet and funny, vulnerable and lovably flustered at times as a radio relationship advice host. She thinks she has relationships all figured out, not only those of the folks who call in to her show, but her own relationships as well. But oh, how wrong she is, not just about her upcoming marriage but about other people in her life as well.Colin Firth as Richard is not putting his all into the performance, but then his character is supposed to be rather bland.The chemistry between Uma's character and the fireman was sweet, and believable. He was a bit clumsy but well able to laugh at himself. His good heart and attachment to his friends came through in many small ways, and you knew he was basically a good man.The modern woman with the ideal man and the sensible wedding all lined up (until someone else enters the picture) is a well-used plot but that doesn't stop this movie from having unexpected twists and charms along the way. I found it well worth the evening of relaxing in front of the TV.
mrocco-1 I almost deleted the recording of this movie after reading some reviews here, but of course I didn't and just finished watching it. Maybe because I went in with such low expectations, but I really enjoyed this movie for what it is - slightly screwball romantic comedy. I do consider myself somewhat of a romantic comedy aficionado as its my favorite genre of movies (I know, embarrassing). Here is my answer to some of the criticism that I read.THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS:How could Patrick just walk away from the woman he was supposed to marry (Sofia) and never look back? By the end of the movie we find out that Patrick met Sofia during a fire rescue which after carrying her 15 flights to safety he then sat by her bedside for 15 hours until she woke up. So let me get this straight, Sofia breaks off her wedding with Patrick why? Because he was a hero who rescued her? A decent guy who isn't a philanderer, an alcoholic, drug user,gambler but simply a guy who failed in a stupid compatibility test that she took in some book? She deserved to be walked away from without another look back. She was not worth the paper the wedding invitations were printed on.How could Dr. Emma jilt her wonderful perfect boyfriend Richard? It appeared to me that Richard was much more concerned with Emma's impact on his career. There was NO sexual chemistry there at all. In the early scene where he wakes her up TO READ THE BOOK REVIEW you can tell she doesn't want him to want to try and have sex with her. When she tells him she isn't sure about marrying him he tells her he isn't going to talk her into it. A man who loves you passionately would fight passionately.When Emma goes back to Richard to tell him she will marry him they hug. No lips, just a hug. Spending the rest of your life with someone without physical attraction is a battle waiting to be lost. When he tells her to find happiness at the end you can tell these are 2 people who really care about each other without that sexual pull that keeps many couples together. Emma and Richard's relationship felt like brother and sister. Marrying someone that you don't have passion for is not doing anyone any favors. Everyone deserves to be married to someone who is physically attracted to them and to show it. I LOVE LOVE Colin Firth, but as far as animal sex appeal the actor who played Patrick was all god a firefighter to boot! Dr. Emma And Patrick had a lot of chemistry and he helped her find her way back to the fun loving happy woman she obviously has been trying to bury for many years. She was rejecting the kind of passion she has seen from her playboy father and his many relationships alluded to in the movie.When it comes to romantic comedies I don't care about the small details being believable - how would I know a fire unit can't go to a fire in another area? I really don't care. It works for the movie. Most romantic comedies require the viewer to let go of reality a bit. So from an romantic comedy fan, it's a fine movie. Not a great movie like 'You've Got Mail', more of a made for TV type movie, but a decent movie nonetheless. I'm glad I watched it.