Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie
Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie
G | 04 October 2002 (USA)
Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie Trailers

Get ready as Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber and the rest of the Veggies set sail on a whale of an adventure in Big Idea's first full-length, 3-D animated feature film. This is the story of Jonah and the Whale as you've never seen it before - a story where we learn that one of the best gifts you can give - or get - is a second chance.

Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Brightlyme i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
MovieAddict2016 Call me anything you want, but the old "VeggieTales" shorts are very fun to watch. They appeal to both adults and children; their humor is juvenile on one level and very adult on another, similar to "The Simpsons." "VeggieTales" actually became so famous for a while in the regular mainstream market that Big Idea (the creators of the shorts) began to extend the new movies, and then created their own full-length theatrical feature film, "Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie." Unfortunately, the full-length film proves that thirty-minute shorts are far better. The movie's Christian preaching is clearer than in the shorts, and the story itself runs out of steam rather fast.The Veggies are traveling and their car breaks down, and while they're stranded in a seafood restaurant of some sort, the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything begin to tell them of a tale involving Jonah, who was told by God to deliver a message to the people of Ninheva. He instead boarded a pirate ship in an attempt to fool God, but soon a maelstrom had him thrown off board by the pirates and swallowed by an enormous whale.I ultimately couldn't really get into this film - it's not anywhere near as funny as the classic Veggie shorts or successful in its fusion of preaching Biblical values and slapstick humor.Overall, something of a "mixed vegetables" bag. (Pun intended.)
schmimic I bought this movie before I ever even bothered watching it because I figured, hey, it's Veggie Tales. How can you go wrong, right? Well, I don't regret buying it, but it's not quite as good as most of the regular Veggie stuff.Most of us have a pretty good grasp on the Jonah story right? Well, just as always with Veggie Tales, the heart of the story is there with the most important details, and then everything else gets mixed up and screwed around with. It starts off with Dad Asparagus and Bob the Tomato driving a bunch of the little veggies to a Twippo concert. Then they encounter some difficulties on the road and find themselves with two flat tires and crashed into a tree stump.They get out and head for the nearest building, a seafood restaurant. When Junior Asparagus sits down at the table, he hears some people talking on the other side of the glass. It's the pirates who don't do anything! I don't remember what they ask Junior, but they eventually strike up a conversation, and the pirates tell Junior the story of that one time when they met Jonah and had a little adventure… Jonah was a prophet who traveled across Israel delivering God's messages to His people. Then Jonah gets a call from God to deliver a "turn and repent" message to Ninevah. But why Ninevah? The Israelites and the Ninevites don't get along, and Jonah would rather die than go there. So he decides to go against God's orders and sail as far as possible in the opposite direction, to Tarshish. He hires the pirates who don't do anything to take him out there, and so the four of them set sail for Tarshish.Just like in the Bible story, there's a big storm because of Jonah, and after they cast lots to determine who is responsible (done quite ingeniously in the movie I think), they throw Jonah into the ocean. The storm goes away when they throw him in, and a whale (not a big fish like the story) comes along and swallows Jonah up. There Jonah has a little encounter with a choir of asparagus angels, and then the whale barfs him up on the shore, and he heads out for Ninevah.I think the hilarious thing is how the pirates end the story. Just like in the Bible story, at the end, Jonah is wailing and mourning and whining and crying and there's no real conclusion, and that's how it ends in the movie. The pirates just say "the end" and that's pretty much it. Of course, there's still some other stuff that happens outside of the story segment of the movie.Overall it's done pretty cleverly, but it doesn't quite have the same Veggie Tales zip that it should. The special features on the DVD and certainly worth the cost though.Bottom Line: 3 out of 4 (worth watching)
silly1952 Big Idea Studios has always had a mission to provide quality family media with a positive Biblical worldview. Every project they have undertaken has done this while entertaining teens and adults as well as children. This is quite an accomplishment considering the company has only been in existence for 10 years, and started with one man and one computer. This perspective should be kept in mind when comparing the animation to Shrek or Monsters, Inc. Try comparing Jonah instead to the early Veggietales videos and you will see where they are headed. Heart and soul is poured into every minute of this film, and why not?--many of the artists and production team are Disney or Dreamworks vets. The DVD package of Jonah puts these other studios to shame. There are three separate commentaries on the film itself, including one by Larry the Cucumber and Mr. Lunt! That is just the beginning! There is a studio tour, out-takes and digital dailies commented on by the characters, concept art, music development, music videos, games, and even a copy of the entire script if you use your DVD-ROM. The website has sample clips of all of these features. Don't kid yourself, Big Idea and Veggietales are a force to be reckoned with, and Hollywood has now taken notice that Biblical is not boring!
theratbastard I personally was not interested in seeing this film. My fiancee was, so we rented it. I would not say it was total crap... since it had some minor humor. But in general, this is a film for parents to watch with their kids. Parents who are into the whole Sunday school, and Bible study routine.This is not a good movie. The animation is cheese at best, the humor is weak at best, and the story is a 10 to 15 minute clip from the Bible turned into a 90 minute movie.My head hurt after watching 10 minutes of this film. I would rather choke on vegetables than watch them become animated and sing about God.If you're a Christian, and active with the church... this is right up your alley. If you're one of the normal viewing public looking for a laugh and NOT a sermon... well then this is not the video for you. This is not Ice Age, Bug's Life, or anything close. Do not let the commercials fool you into thinking that this is a Pixar type film, cause it is not.
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