PG | 02 September 2002 (USA)
Naqoyqatsi Trailers

A visual montage portrait of our contemporary world dominated by globalized technology and violence.

Alicia I love this movie so much
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
igm The peace and beauty of Koyaanisqatsi was a powerful affirmation of the natural world. In Naqoyqatsi, we are assaulted by images of the synthetic, the competitive, the violent, and the digital -- the destructive constructs of our culture.Some liberties are taken with the images, with posterization, distressing, and much slow motion. The connections between the sequences are inscrutable, if there are any. Naqoyqatsi is defined at the film's end, a missed opportunity to place the images in context.The film is difficult to watch, the quality of the archival footage uneven, and it's most redeeming qualities are its theme and the hypnotic score of Philip Glass.
Richard Wheeler After watching Koyaanisqatsi, I found another movie which related to it. It was called "Naqoyqatsi" which meant "Life At War".This movie/documentary, shows 89 minutes of how we pick up violence , self-destruction, clonage and how modern technology has changed us , as humans over the years of the 20th century. Each and every pro and con is displayed! this movie will show you spectacular cinematography, magnificent sound effects and a brilliant theme for the movie which bell-like voices singing Naqoyqatsi.Once you have watched Koyaanisqatsi, get out the NAQOYQATSI!! It's as brilliant as the first!!
maxwell-turnbull-1 After the visually beguiling beauty that is to be found in the first two parts of this trilogy Naqoyqatsi presents the viewer with a conundrum. There is little about the subject matter of this film that might be regarded as causing pleasure to be felt at the viewer. It is an unsettling film. This is a good thing. Why is it a good thing? It is good because it causes the viewer to react, even if only to make them leave the theatre or switch the video player off. If, however, the viewer persists with it, a whole new vista opens up before them that invites and initiates a meditation of a far more profound nature than perhaps has been experienced.What I've just written sounds, or rather reads like a load of complete tosh ( as in rubbish ) doesn't it? Perhaps it is, it is not for me to decide or decree what other people think, I can only hope to possibly influence people to view something differently- to look again at something familiar from a different angle.If you think of the trilogy as a triptych you begin to see that the whole thing makes sense and that the differences ( failings to some ) between the three parts are what gives it its unusual power.In the last part what you see is not the world as seen through the eyes but rather the world as felt. It is the world beyond words it, has no meaning other than the emotion that is evoked whilst viewing each is beyond the confining sensibilities that words force upon something.It is a profound meditation upon the human spirit. What did you want...another bloody National Geographic Documentary?!
cehan_nadina Dear reader, Watch out! This movie is not really a movie, though its creators have the impertinence to call it so. If you have not been warned about its content, here it goes: the film is simply a sequence of imagines which flow continually and are trying to transmit a certain feeling, concept. They could be called, therefore, symbols. The images are accompanied by a soundtrack, it's purpose being to create atmosphere as well. However, the images the director has chosen can only transmit feelings to an American audience, because they are, in an overwhelming number, American icons. Though the film is intended to express the idea of "civilized warfare", it fails to do so not only because of the general chaos, but also because it is far too long and tiresome, and I strongly felt that a lot of the scenes have not to do with "war", in whichever conception. To conclude, I was greatly disappointed by a documentary which is not a documentary, a movie which is not a movie, a "something" whose only strong point is the extraordinary use of technology in image processing.