The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie
G | 11 January 2008 (USA)
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie Trailers

A boatload of beloved VeggieTales pals embark on a fun and fresh pirate adventure with their trademark humor and silly songs in The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything - A VeggieTales Movie! Larry the Cucumber, Mr. Lunt and Pa Grape find themselves on the ride of their lives when they are mysteriously whisked back to the time when pirates ruled the high seas.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
djansen24 This is a fun movie. Big Idea Productions improved their movie making skills from their last feature "Jonah". The movie is longer and yet feels shorter and more free flowing than Jonah. Yes, the Biblical message is quite buried, but definitely there. The animation has majorly improved (again, still not up to Pixar levels), the songs are still good (with the exception of "Yo Ho Heroes"), and the pacing of the movie is very good. The side jokes are very funny and are thrown in all over the place without interrupting the story flow. This makes for a very streamlined production that keeps its focus and yet feels free flowing and not forced at all. And the scriptwriting for the the 3 main characters makes them feel like real pals who know each other well. This movie nowhere achieves the greatness of Pixar films, but taken on its own terms, it is very solid.And the best thing about the movie is that since it markets itself to kids, it is at its heart a children's movie. It keeps a sense of wonder and innocence about itself and doesn't try to win an adult audience deliberately. Recent animated features frequently market themselves to children, but then have such adult humor or violence in them that it makes the whole movie inappropriate for kids. "Pirates" is a bona-fide kids film that is fun, action packed, and entertaining. And it is refreshing in its kid-like nature that it will be a delight to parents to.
fisherbee1-1 I took the kids to see this one, and they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves (even the teenager!). Personally, I got a kick out of the story; with all the twists and turns, you never know what is coming next, or where it will all lead. There are realistic personal situations for our favorite veggies to deal with, plenty of action to keep things moving along, and all the laughs and silliness that we have come to expect from Veggie Tales. The moral was there, of course, presented so wonderfully and cleverly that even the secular audience grasp and appreciate the lesson. Once again, Big Idea has served us up a delightful tale for the entire family, that children of all ages can see with no worries by their parents.
eaeandaje I just got back from seeing this movie, which I went to see without my children because I wasn't sure how they would handle it. We are die-hard VT fans, but I was worried that the movie might be too intense for my three-year-old. The level of "scariness" is higher than in any other VT, and although it is a great, fun movie, (with an awesome if not hit-you-over-the-head obvious message), if your children are easily frightened I might wait until this one comes out on DVD. Put it this way: if you're such die-hard VT fan that pretty much the only TV your children watch is VeggieTales? This movie might scare them. If your children cried about the furnace in The Asparagus of La Mancha, this movie could be way too much for them to handle.Waiting for the DVD!!
Naimi12 I absolutely loved this movie! I liked the animation, some of the music, and the plot, and it had some funny content, which was mostly found in the dialogue. Although this movie had few songs compared to the Jonah Veggietales movie, Bob the Tomato and Jr. Asparagus were barely used at all, the music video at the end was weird, the credits didn't have any funny songs like Jonah did, and the "pirates who don't do anything" in this movie aren't pirates at all, I personally found this one of the most entertaining Veggietales productions. What's more, this movie has a moral lesson that I think applies to all Christians and not just those in a specific situation, unlike some of the other Veggietales movies and videos. It teaches about the importance of fulfilling the call that God has on our lives. So I highly recommend seeing this movie because it's very entertaining and useful.