All for Love
All for Love
G | 27 May 2017 (USA)
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When a romance novelist is teamed with a Navy SEAL as research for her book, by a mandate from her publisher, she is less than thrilled and he is more than honest. However, as she works with the SEAL, she has a change of heart and learns to look at her life and writing with a different point of view.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
kz917-1 A romance novelist needs help getting the "seal" aspects of her next book just right. Well, well her editor just happens to have a hunk of a brother that is a former NAVY Seal! Surprise, surprise they love/hate each other. Soon sparks are flying though neither will admit it. Will they be bone headed and let each other slip away or admit their feelings to themselves and each other?
johnmcng I liked the idea of the movie but I think the character of Colin being a "technical adviser" for a romantic novel on a Navy SEAL needed a "technical adviser." I think Steve Bacic would be a little too young to be a retired Navy Captain. That rank is one step below Admiral and he looks just too young for that rank. Lieutenant Commander or even Commander would have been more believable. In the scene where Colin has to save the day by being the photographers model irked me. I didn't pause the movie to check the correct order of all the ribbons although at a quick glance, they looked correct. However, the Presidential Unit Citation ribbon that he is wearing is on upside down. It's horizontally striped ribbon, Navy blue, gold and red top to bottom. His is red stripe up. It is something that would be a glaring mistake to a high ranking naval officer. Bottom line, though I enjoyed the movie.
lizajayne_org I thoroughly enjoyed this movie tonight. Yes there might have been a question at the end about a passport. but this did not interfere with the building of this story and development of each character. I liked the restraint of affection as most love stories today end up with a date or two then become very intimate. If you are looking for a nice movie to curl up and watch and enjoy love stories I am sure this would be a pleasure for many.The light touch of comedy was also good and very tasteful. Most movies I fall asleep after I have figured out the ending but this kept me watching and hoping the end would be what I hoped it would be.This was a very good movie and kept you guessing to the very last moment.
Freddie Ruiz I saw the commercial for this movie last week and it looked like a movie to watch on a lazy Saturday night, well, to my surprise, the movie ended up being one of the coolest romantic comedies I've seen in a while. Yes, it's no Hollywood movie, but I've cone to learn that not because something is done by a Hollywood production it means it's good. I've come to appreciate most of these Hallmark channel movies and this one is proof that Hallmark can make amazingly cool movies, simple, but cool nonetheless. The story is great and it's a movie I can see more than once. Has it's funny moments and the cinematography is amazing. Awesome settings. So, if you're up for a good and entertaining hour and a half you have to watch All For Love.