The Brady Bunch Movie
The Brady Bunch Movie
PG-13 | 17 February 1995 (USA)
The Brady Bunch Movie Trailers

The original '70s TV family is now placed in the 1990s, where they're even more square and out of place than ever.

NipPierce Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
ScoobyMint Disappointment for a huge fan!
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
drewstewartcolumbia ... you're familiar with the early 1990's and the non-Vietnam pre-Watergate 1970's and especially the Brady Bunch , you'll think it's a great parody of that era. Otherwise it's hard to really get much from the movie especially the original cast cameos. I give it 8 stars based on what the movie does in making a parody of its source material.
Matt Greene If you take a corny 3-camera sitcom, remove the canned laughs, leave the dumb jokes & applause breaks, & drop it completely untainted & unexplained into the "real" world, what do you get? One of the strangest, funniest, most well-casted, conceptually brilliant, daring, & uniquely anarchic Hollywood comedies of the 90s. And who would've thought a pre-2000s Brady Bunch Movie would be so progressive to have a gay character in it & their sexuality NOT be the butt of a joke?
Ersbel Oraph Dull, slow comedy about gender roles, but not in the sense of making fun of the roles, only in reinforcing them. Realism in not the strong point, more like the romantic nonsense of mass produced comics. The end result is quite simple: if you have grown up with this and want some more from the same old, than you're the only audience the production team planned for.Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @
Python Hyena The Brady Bunch Movie (1995): Dir: Betty Thomas / Cast: Shelley Long, Gary Cole, Christopher Daniel Barnes, Christine Taylor, Michael McKean: "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" whines Jan in the film version of America's most happy household. It looks like the 1970's sitcom yet it plunders in despair of various episodes forming to create a lame story. The Brady family try to save their house from being auctioned off by a greedy neighbour. Director Betty Thomas succeeds in placing the sitcom setting within the reality of change that the family fails to adapt to. The performances would be great if the actors were given anything to do. Gary Cole and Shelley Long play Mike and Carol Brady who couldn't find their way out of a closet with the door open. Among the many children are Christopher Daniel Barnes who dreams of becoming a rock star so that he can wow the girls who think he has no talent. Christine Taylor plays Marcia who combs her hair 500 strokes. That sounds like someone who has too much time on her hands. Michael McKean is featured as the villain out to get their home as well as others in the neighbourhood. Its purpose is to celebrate a successful sitcom, which they shamelessly tarnish with elements of current lifestyles. The clean humour of the original sitcom is replaced with corny sexual references and bathroom humour that have no place within a family like this. Score: 3 / 10