The Brady Bunch in the White House
The Brady Bunch in the White House
| 29 November 2002 (USA)
The Brady Bunch in the White House Trailers

Mike Brady becomes the President of the United States and names Carol as his V.P.!

Bereamic Awesome Movie
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jpgarbiso If you feel nostalgic when you remember The Brady Bunch, this tender fraternal comedy is your best choice to see them again, and this time, at the top of it all. You will love to see Mike and Carol Brady as President and V.P. giving the White House a warm comfortable atmosphere it could have!Here in this movie we can see Jan in trouble with her internal voice once again, just like Marcia and her perfect life (there's even a parallel story about Marcia's trouble with her main enemy, a girl named Kim, and Marcia is always thinking about a possible revenge), and obviously, Gregory and his groove style, always looking for girls, but in an innocent manner (I think that's cute, but unfortunately he falls in love with the Brady's worst betrayer's assistant, Veronica, and he even writes a song for her)... As you could expect, in the end he's interested in Marcia again, but nothing happens, of course. It's really nice to see Carol and Alice turning the White House into a real family house, and it is really cute to see Carol presiding the Senate as if she was a kind of mother.If you love the Bradys, you will love this film for sure!
fantasmic1971 Mike Brady makes it into the office of Presidency because the President elect (just seconds before accepting office) runs out. Literally. There's a little laugh as we're treated to a super-imposed Bush & Clinton in the background, but that's about the best this solid gold pooper has to offer.It really is sad to see a good film series come to this. I know it happens, just look at what became of the Police Academy series. It's just too bad good money has to be wasted like this. (I mean my 20 dollars buying the thing, because I was thrilled to see another Brady Bunch movie after all this time. What a let down!)They couldn't even get kids who looked as much like their alter egos as the first two films did. I mean, come on... these new kids were probably related to someone who financed the thing. That's how bad they were.At least Shelley Long & Gary Cole stayed on board. They're always great. But the rest? Good grief!!There was also way too much music in this film. It got uncomfortable to watch after a while. A short song is okay, but three?? Come on. We know the Brady's sang... we don't need to be reminded every film!If the producers have run the well dry... if this is the best they can come up with... cheaply-filmed (it looked like videotape), amateur hour film school garbage, than just hang it up!
cellomaster Whoever came up with the idea for this TV movie should be slapped a few times.Gary Cole and Shelley Long reprise their roles as Carol and Mike Brady in the "third" installment to the Brady Bunch spoof series.The first two films, which were theatrically released in the 90s, were pathetic, stupid, seriously overacted, but hilarious. This time around, though, all roles accept for Mike and Carol were recast, and the child actors have little talent.In this installment, Bobby finds a 67 million dollar winning lottery ticket. The Bradys try to find the owner of this ticket (they apparently don't live by the "finders, keepers" creed), and somehow Mike gets elected as President of the United States. Meanwhile, Greg Brady has fallen for a Whitehouse employee who is working to bring the Brady family down, and Carol becomes vice-president to the horror of Congress.A downright horrible TV movie that shouldn't have been made.
Barry Moore The entire premise behind the "New" Brady movies has pretty much been run into the ground. Yes, they are clueless. Yes, they are from an age that never actually existed. Yes, we can all see the references to old Brady episodes sprinkled throughout the movie. (Mikes plans in the tube, the broken vase from playing ball in the house, Jan jealous of Marcia, etc., etc.) but it is just not funny the third time around. Mike becomes president because of his insistence of finding out who owns a lottery ticket Bobby found. Hilarity is supposed to ensue when the evil of Washington takes on the blissful naive goodness of the Brady's. It's just one joke though. It is funny a couple of times, but mostly it is the theatrical movies scripts put into a cheap White House set. Nothing new here, except the kids that play the Brady children.