A Very Brady Christmas
A Very Brady Christmas
| 18 December 1988 (USA)
A Very Brady Christmas Trailers

Almost 20 years after the start of the original "Brady Bunch" the kids are grown up and have kids of their own. Everyone is having a wonderful time back at the family house for Christmas, until Mike learns of a structural problem in one of the buildings he designed. As he is inspecting the problem, the building collapses, trapping him inside. As the whole family waits by the pile of rubble, they fear the worst. Will Dad be all right?

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
John Baliggafantt This movie was mega crap. The writers should be fired, flogged, and thrown into a lake ... and the actors should be tossed in after them. This movie seriously lacked in the intelligence category, but sure made up for it in the suckiness category. The way the (vey elderly) parents acted toward each other from the beginning of the movie, scared the heck out of me! they were gross, awkward, and flat out cheesy, not to mention disgusting. The way they were oblivious to the problems of their children, that seem to slap them in the face was incredibly unrealistic. There was a lot of singing in this movie too ... a heck of a lot. It was awkward as crap, and made you want to either throw all the actors off of a cliff, or toss yourself off of one. Peter wore the scariest onesy ever, to bed one night ... it was like watching your mother get her face ripped off by a zombie. Then, what's with Peter not having the guts to ask his hot girlfriend to marry him?? They end up asking each other on the count of 3 ... cut my neck off. And Cindy's problem was that she is the youngest......... like really??? She's supposed to be graduating college and she still hasn't gotten over that fact that she is the youngest? Geez grow the crap up! And Greg's stupid self looked like Mario with a lab coat. The way he made out with his wife in his office made me seriously consider rinsing with Listerine for the next hour and a half. And don't even get me started on Marcia's husband........ what a turd muncher!! He talked in this whiny voice and was always crying like a little girl about some stupid toy factory that was barely explained by these sorry excuse for screenplay writers! Every one of these pathetic "adults'" problems were summed up in a matter of seconds..... no really they were summed up in SECONDS........ which makes us all wonder....... why the freak did it take the whole movie to actually fix them? FINALLY, the movie ends with Mr. Brady having to go save 2 people from a crashing building. Why on earth an ancient architect would be more valuable than a seasoned firefighter squad will never be known, in this world or the next. He runs in to save them, only to get trapped himself like the douche bag he is. So instead of calling another architect, OR THE FREAKING POLICE FORCE! Everyone basically sits around for about 8 hours outside the building, hoping that SuperMike will pull himself out of the hole he's gotten in. After about 7 hours and 55 minutes, they all decide to sing a Christmas carol in celebration of his demise. Unfortunately, out comes Mr. Brady without a single scratch to spoil their high hopes of his death. Then, the movies ends with Sam the Butcher coming back to Alice after cheating on her. He makes an 8 second apology, and all is well that ends well. This movie is just the worst. on a scale of 1 to 10 this is a -18738479324794! If this movie doesn't send you to the Happy Farm, it'll leave you cutting your wrists or sending a bullet through your face. Thank the Good Lord that this sorry "film" (and I use that word loosely) didn't drag on longer than an hour and a half.
Michael_Elliott A Very Brady Christmas (1988) ** (out of 4) Instead of going on a vacation to Greece, Carol and Mike Brady (Florence Henderson, Robert Reed) decide to instead invite the six kids and their families to a Christmas dinner. What the parents don't fully know is that all six are facing certain issues that will come out over the holiday. A VERY BRADY Christmas is a pretty silly and pretty stupid little picture but fans of the original TV show should still find it entertaining. I remember watching the show as a kid and enjoying it even though it certainly didn't represent any sort of real life that I knew. This film once again offers up the basic idea of the series, which is that everyone faces a problem but at the end the father will give a speech that makes everyone see things the correct way. I think the biggest thing working against the movie is that they just have so much to do in such little time and this makes for some pacing issues. We basically see Mike and Carol. We then are introduced to the six kids and their problems. Everyone comes together and one by one the problems are solved. There's certainly nothing ground-breaking here but it was still a fun way to get the original cast members to return (with the exception of Cindy) and fans should enjoy seeing them together. Both Henderson and Reed haven't missed a beat in their parts and the kids all do fine as well. Ann B. Davis, on the other hand, is pretty annoying here but this is certainly the fault of the screenplay more than anything else. A VERY BRADY Christmas isn't good enough to watch on a regular basis but it's still got enough bad charm that makes it worth watching just to see the cast members back in action.
itsmrbigtoyou Just saw this for the first time tonight and I really enjoyed it! The flashback of Susan Olsen by Jennifer Runyon was sure strange though! Now, let's see for the cast:*Florence Henderson was great as Mrs. Brady as before. *Robert Reed is still the same as before too. *Ann B. Davis as the wisecracking Alice returns, but this time, she is suffering from an unhappy Marriage. *Maureen McCormick still impresses me as the beautiful Marcia. *Eve Plumb is wonderfully geeky-ish as Jan. *Jennifer Runyon does quite a decent job at taking over the role of Cindy from Susan Olsen, who was unavailable for filming. *Barry Williams is in top-notch form as Greg, the movie's 'hero'-type character. *Chris Knight as Peter is now a young heart-throb and doing the hippidy-dippidy with his hot boss. *Michael Lookinland brings a new version of Bobby to the screen as Bobby is now racing cars against his parents will!Oh, also, cast members from "THE BRADY BRIDES": Jerry Houser and Ron Kuhlman are added to the regular cast and both Wally (Houser) and Philip (Kuhlman) are facing problems of their own. The story lines presented here are slightly more serious than those we were shown before in "THE BRADY BUNCH" and "THE BRADY BRIDES", but there is one hilarious moment where Philip messes up one of Jan's rug's by jumping up and down and stomping on the ground like a child, now that was funny stuff indeed!All the great ingredients for a brilliant bunch of fun! I highly recommend this movie to all viewers as it is pure and natural comic gold.
fivefids I was a big fan of the Brady Bunch show when it was on and I was young and naive. I, just as most who watched it, knew it wasn't realistic. We knew it wasn't how most families interact etc. but we liked it just the same. When I watched this in 1988, I was disappointed. It was very well done but I guess the Brady Bunch, as many shows, was good only in its time so when reunions/updates are done, it does not have much impact - at least that's how I felt about this one. The best part was seeing (hearing) a Brady use the the word "hell!" Christopher Knight, as Peter, tells one of his siblings (I don't recall which) "That's a hell of a way to greet your brother" or something to that effect. Way to go Peter! That added some much needed realism to a show that even the most ardent fans will concede lacked realism. If I see it in my listings during the holiday season, I may check it out again but I did not care for it the first time so I doubt that will change.