Santa Buddies
Santa Buddies
G | 24 November 2009 (USA)
Santa Buddies Trailers

When Puppy Paws, the fun-loving son of Santa Paws, gets bored, he finds Budderball on Santa's naughty list and figures he's just the dog to show him how to be an ordinary pup. When the magical Christmas Icicle starts to melt however, and the world begins to forget the true meaning of the season, it's up to Puppy Paws and his newfound Buddies to journey back to the North Pole and save Christmas.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Matt Wall Watched due to a policy we have of monitoring our kids' "free" viewing choice, a policy we are now reconsidering after sitting through this pile of dog snow. Basically there is no Christmas movie cliché that is not recycled, nor is there a script problem that can't be addressed with "magic blah blah blah".My wife and I did have a running discussion during the film, though, as to whether George Wendt was (a) drunk (b) deliberately trying to camp it up, or (c) channeling his worst high school play as the inspiration for his performance.There is some nostalgia value, though: Christopher Lloyd revives his "Jim" character from Taxi, at least we think that's what he's doing. The computer-animated reindeer reminded me of the talking Camels from the pre-1972 Camel cigarette ads.So, cynical adults, did the kids enjoy it? The six-year old got bored, at the end the nine-year old, whose choice it was, said, "my Christmas wish is that I had chosen another movie for my video time."
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain I've never seen an Air Bud movie. I know right? Insanity. But it's Christmas and so I just have to watch a ridiculous amount of Christmas movies, no matter how bad they are. This film just lays it out straight away. Santa and his dog (???) are walking (probably on the spot) in a painfully obvious CGI North Pole. Suddenly the dog talks, with a CGI mouth but a face as blank as a plank of wood. It turns out this is Santa Paws, the dog that delivers presents to all the good puppies in the world. Anyway, the Christmas spirit is dying, and this causes the North Pole to lose power. Puppy Paws, a little ragamuffin that just wants to be a normal puppy, sets off to learn from the Air Buddies. This film will be painful to anybody over the age of 6. Sometimes the animals, such as the reindeer, are completely CGI, but don't fit their surroundings at all. Christopher Lloyd plays a dog catcher named Crooge (I can't believe I'm typing this either). He stalks around like some kind of serial killer, but goes completely slapstick when he needs to catch a dog. The movie also contains a sick and possibly dying little boy, a vomit inducing song, and characters such as B-Dawg. He's a puppy. He break dances. Once again, something that seems to be a staple of kids movies, we have a protagonist that ruins everything. He breaks stuff, gets puppies in trouble, and so on. Why do kids films always have the message that it's OK to be an idiot? How about a character that uses common sense and has some social skills. He doesn't even learn a valuable lesson, those around him just have to accept him for who he is. The less said about the annoying voices the better, but one performance that simply can't be ignored is that of Santa. A supercut needs to be made of his reactions to terrible news. He's a lifeless soul in a film that aims for cute, but smashes through annoying.
homecoming8 "Santa Buddies" is an entertaining family flick, that really hits the mark when it comes to the Christmas spirit. The dogs are fun to watch and very adorable and the cast is OK, with known names as Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future) and George Wendt (House, Cheers TV-series). Not just for the kids among us, it is enjoyable for anyone. Talking dogs is nothing new, but it is nicely done with lots of funny moments. But what kind of dog is that white puppy and the great white one ? Well the answer is: Pyrenean Mountain Dogs, also known as the Great Pyrenees. We happen to own one ourselves and they are kind of rare. It is nice to finally see them on the big screen.
STEVE24BUS Trying to write a review as a six year old is not easy,because any body much over this age will almost despise this film.If you have seen the buddy films you will know what i mean but this takes sickly sweet to a new level,don't get me wrong ,im not a killjoy and its a wonderful life is one of my favourite films of all time but as an adult this really did make me cringe.Yes i know its a kids film but most kids today a a little more critical of what they see than we probably were as kids.Would rate this 5 for young children and 3 for everybody else,Watch out for the pup singing a Christmas song,the most cringe-worthy moment of all the Christmas films i have ever seen,I hope that is not considered a spoiler as it doesn't give anything away.